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底拱 的英文翻译、例句


floor arch
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In order to disclose destroy mechanism of the slab, and apply plunge pool widely, it is necessary to research vibration characteristics of slab set in the inverted plunge pool in detail.


The forming mechanism of pressure arch is studied theoretically. The shape of the arch and the pressure distribution acting on the bottom of block caving are given, and the various mechanical respondence related to the arch can be explained in quantity in this paper.


It is embodied concretely:(1) With the adoption of grouting bolts, the cranny in wall rocks can be blocked up, the air can be isolated, the wall rocks can be prevented to be weatherized and make water, the strength of wall rocks can also be avoided to be lowered;(2) The lax broken wall rocks are commentated to a whole by liquid after they were grouted and the rock"s strength is increased, so the wall rocks become a part of the support structure by using itself and become a whole with the original rock, and the roadway is made to keep stable but not easy to be broken;(3) The spray layer wall are filled with liquid after grouting, the stress is avoided to be concentrated because the load could be evenly acted on the spray layer and the support;(4) The pressure acted on the plank can be delivered to the two sidepieces and then to the bottom by reinforcing the sidepiece; At the same time, the concentration degree of loads acted on the motherboard can be weaken because of the enlargement of the combination arch"s thickness, as result, the rock"s stress is lowered and the heaving is alleviated;(5) The common bolt is made to be fixed the whole length after grouting, the layers are connected to a integral whole and bear the weight of loads, so the support structure"s unity is increased.


A few paces off is an enormous pillar, and another—seven in all down the length of the hall, supporing in the centre line the springing arches of the double groining.


To execute a lateral pass.A few paces off is an enormous pillar, and another—seven in all down the length of the hall, supporing in the centre line the springing arches of the double groining.


By making theoretical analysis on vibration characteristics of a single slab and multi ones set in the inverted arch ring, four processes about stability failure, that is free vibration, locking, sleeking and distortion are proposed on the condition that water sealing was damaged and anchor-hold was out of action, a formula of the slab's maximum free displacement and dynamic equations in each process are obtained.


The error of ultimate load prediction after retrofitting:the error of structure program and preliminary estimation are between respectively 35~80% and 25~40%, the reason of error results from the slight deformation between the fixed beam relation with brick arch and reaction force base.


Experimental research on the vibration of single slab and multi ones set in the arch ring is carried out in the first time. Slab vibration divisions along the water flow are proposed and their lists are determined. Laws of vibration distribution along water flow, across the arch ring, in time zone and frequency one are established. The most dangerous condition to slab's stability is obtained by comparing slab vibration in the different downstream depth.


Considering the theory of roadway support in soft rock, we proposed an active support mode based on study of rheology of weak adjacent rock, complex stress environment, and destabilization of original supports. Fully grouted bolt, extension grouted cable that can strengthen self-bearing capacity and entirety are used. Original support scheme and reinforcement scheme are simulated by means of FLAC(superscript 3D).


The arch bending on the top of the original main arch ring corresponds to every arch rib and the bottom beam on its landscape orientation. As a result it becomes a down arc frame similar to slab-and-beam floor system. On the arch bending and bottom beam just established, standing pillar, main beam, horizontal rib beam and bridge front-panel would be built subsequently. Both ends of the main beam would then be put off the new hat beam made of reinforced concrete. Now, it becomes an upper slab-and-beam floor system. Two decks will be joined together on the middle of the bridge, which forms the ability of spanning and loading.


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soffit formwork:拱腹模板

soffit finish 底面裂抹灰 | soffit formwork 拱腹模板 | soffit level 拱腹标高

hogging moment:中拱力矩

hogging line 过底绳 | hogging moment 中拱力矩 | hogging stress 中拱应力

hogging correction:拱校正

hogging condition 中拱状态 | hogging correction 拱校正 | hogging line 过底绳

intrados radius:拱内弧半径

intrados 拱底面,拱腹线,拱内侧面 | intrados radius 拱内弧半径 | intrados springing line 拱腹起拱线,拱内弧起拱线

arch intrados:拱腹

arch impost 拱座 | arch intrados 拱腹 | arch invert 倒拱;仰拱;倒拱形的沟底


socketed pipe 套接管 | soffit 天花底;拱腹 | soffit formwork 底模板


socketed pipe 套接管 | soffit 下表面;底面;拱腹 | soffit formwork 底模板

soffit lining:拱底衬砌,底衬

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end doming:(罐头)底盖的拱凸

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bottom arch bar:(拱板转向架)下拱板

bottom anvil || 底砧 | bottom arch bar || (拱板转向架)下拱板 | bottom balance endpiece screw || 摆下托钻螺钉