英语人>词典>汉英 : 应试 的英文翻译,例句
应试 的英文翻译、例句


sit for an examination
更多网络例句与应试相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But in realistic reason, the absurdity of the personnel system becomes the parent and teachers toward what student bring pressure emollient to borrow;, The family becomes the student to increase the negative important place, it is student the lessons burden aggravate of motive source and direct source, and became student's mental state to increase negative important source;High test conductor's baton BE also result in this phenomenon of important reason, an acceptance score line stopped the teacher's throat, also taking out to beat the student;The slippery 坡 of the occupation morals of teacher make it the mental acceptance ability of the regardless of student and the healthy body of the student, pass to increase student's lessons to make up the shortage on oneself's teaching, this makes some teachers unilateral to emphasize the result but threw to lose the teacher's original intention then;Lack the emollient direct mechanism, foster the teacher and don't go to the character of raise the oneself, don't go to the science skill of raise the teaching, but measures this to breach the method of science in brief to raise the deceitful examination score of student with the enlargement homework, is not science ground passes to raise student's character, raise the teaching result, but use and should try the educational way leading the student copes with the examination with the speculation prosperity method.


The certificate is a test for the abilities of computer usage of the students. English majors are required to addend this test.


Our children should not be bound by examination-oriented education system.


There are some problems about our educational ideas, for example, in the modern school education especially basic education, benthamism exists in a strong wind, and our education is based on many kinds of examinations.


In CET, the exam-taking ability is the most important.


Menglong in Beijing cited in the test, and the Cholla Yushi, Chanan of the original dark.


So the examination-oriented education would be the dominant strategy; any other strategy might cause losses.


The Chinese tradition English teaching is one kind "takes anexam the nature" a teaching, caused the student to fall into the pureknowledge memory and inundates a Yuan boundary the excessiveassignments, raised the student often High score, low ability ", under thestudent the bitter time study only was energy "takes an exam" butcannot the application "English.


According to the degrees of PSC they have,Shanghai-accented Mandarin interlanguage are classified into four stages as elementary ,intermediate ,intermediate-advanced and advanced.Then the phonologies of Standard Mandarin and Shanghai-accented Mandarin interlanguage are compared in order to find out the phonological differences between these two dialects. Based on the statistical results, the writer chooses ten typical kinds of pronunciation errors of finals according to the rates of pronunciation errors of finals on stages.Then, the phonetic level analysis is made on them for the four stages respectively. Furthermore, acoustic features of vowels, diphthongs, triphthongs and vowels with nasal endings are analysized and compared by plotting vowel charts and formant patterns for them. Finally, the writer gets some preliminary results of the typical pronunciation errors of finals during the whole process of Shanghai-accented Mandarin interlanguage and on the stages of it respectively.


When walking on a high wire, you should concentrate on the way your body moves in the air.


更多网络解释与应试相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adverbial Clauses:状语从句

状语从句(Adverbial Clauses)在四、六级、研究生入学考试以及各类应试中是一项比较重要的测试内容. 引导状语从句的是一些连词,它们的位置比较灵活,可以置于句首,也可以置于句末.


例如:早两年广州有个学市场营销专业的本科男性毕业生,满怀信心去应试美国在广州投资兴办的"雅 芳"(Avon)公司的销售人员,他原以为"雅芳"仅仅是这家公司美丽的名称而已,根本不知道"雅芳"是女性化妆品的注册商标.

clear up:放晴

女士把伞落在了办公室,所以想回 去取,男士说不必麻烦了(bother),因为天气预报 (weather report)说到中午(by noon)天 气就会放晴(clear up). 应试陷阱A)是针对clear up设 置的干扰项,这里的clear up用作不及物动词,意 为放晴,


A GUIDE TO TEM-8 英语专业八级考试题型分析与应试技巧 听力理解(Listening Comprehension) 题型分析与应试技巧 英语专业八级考试的听力理解部分包括四个项

cramming school:为应试而开设的补习学校/班

cram v. 填塞,压碎,死记硬背,临时抱佛脚 | cramming school 为应试而开设的补习学校/班 | One out of four 四分之一

sit for an examination:应试, 参加考试

fail in an examination 通过[没通过]考试 | sit for an examination 应试, 参加考试 | take an examination 应试, 参加考试

take an examination:应试, 参加考试

sit for an examination 应试, 参加考试 | take an examination 应试, 参加考试 | take the examination of sb. [律]讯问某人并录其口供

test-taking skills:应试技巧

testify v.作证;证明 | test-taking skills 应试技巧 | count on 指望;依靠

emphasis on test-taking:强调应试教育

emphasis on the basics 强调基础教育 | emphasis on test-taking 强调应试教育 | emphasis on moral education 强调道德教育

You should try to be thriftier:你应试着再节约些

1588. 你应该再努力一点儿 You should try a little harder. | 1589. 你应试着再节约些 You should try to be thriftier | 1590. 你就是在图省事 You're taking the easy way out.