英语人>词典>汉英 : 应计费用 的英文翻译,例句
应计费用 的英文翻译、例句


accrued expenses
更多网络例句与应计费用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, accrued liabilities also are called accrued expenses.


COMPOSITE CORPORATION Balance Sheet 20X1- 20X2 (in $ millions) Assets Current assets: Cash and equivalents Accounts receivable Inventories Other Total current assets 20X2 $140 294 269 58 $761 20X1 $107 270 280 50 $707 Liabilities and Stockholder's Equity Current Liabilities: Accounts payable Notes payable Accrued expenses Total current liabilities 20X2 20X1 Fixed assets: Property, plant, and equipment $1,423 $1,274 -550 -460 Less accumulated depreciation Net property, plant, and equipment 873 814 Intangible assets and other 245 221 Total fixed assets $1,118 $1,035 $213 $197 The assets are listed in order 50 53 by the length of time it223 205 normally would take a$486 $455 firm Long-term liabilities: with ongoing operations to $104 Deferred taxes $117 Long-term debt 458 convert them into cash.471 $562 Total long-term liabilities $588 Stockholder's equity: Preferred stock $39 $39 Common stock ($1 per value) 55 32 Capital surplus 347 327 Accumulated retained earnings 390 347 Less treasury stock -26 -20 Total equity $805 $725 Total liabilities and stockholder's equity $1,879 $1,742 Clearly, cash is much more liquid than property, plant and equipment.

Total assets $1,879 $1,742 美国联合公司的资产负债表美国联合公司资产负债表 20X2 和20X1 (单位:百万单位:单位百万)资产流动资产:现金及现金等价物应收帐款存货其它流动资产合计固定资产:财产,厂房和设备减:累计折旧财产,厂房及设备净值无形资产及其它资产固定资产合计 20X2 $140 294 269 58 $761 20X1 $107 270 280 50 $707 债务负债债务和股东权益债务流动负债: 20X2 20X1 资产排列的顺序是根据在通$213 $197 应付帐款 50 53 应付票据常情况下企业持续经营将资205 223 应计费用$486 $455 流动负债合计产转化为现金所需要的时间长期负债:长度。长度。显然,现金比财产,厂房,显然,现金比财产,厂房,设备等的流动性要强得多。设备等的流动性要强得多。

Examples of accrued liabilities include interest payable, income taxes payable, and amounts related to payroll s.


The total price of a bond less accrued interest.


To record semiannual interest payment to bondholders, and to recognize two months' interest expense accrued since year-end.


Now, what's interesting is that they will call and write you stating that you now owe $14000.00 or so stating that it has accrued interest and various questionable fees.


While integral view regards every interim as part of annual accounting period, an integral part of the entire accounting year, but not as discrete accounting period; accounting estimate, cost distribution and treatments of various deferrals and accrued items applied in interim financial report shall take into account cost and expenses to be incurred in the whole year, which shall be distributed to various interims based on annual estimated activity level.


Dollars equivalent to RMB, plus the accrued interest, penality interest and any other fees, espenses which are or may become payable to you by the (hereunder refered to as the borrower) under the loan agreement no. Between you and the borrower.


The income statement discloses revenues, expenses and net income on the accrual basis.


While integral view regards every interim as part of annual accounting period, an integral part of the entire accounting year, but not as discrete accounting period; accounting estimate, cost distribution and treatments of various deferrals and accrued items applied in interim financial report shall take into account cost and expenses to be incurred in the whole year, which shall be distributed to various interims based on annual estimated activity level.


更多网络解释与应计费用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accrual concept:应计概念

(20)accounting reference period 会计参照期间 | (21)accrual concept 应计概念 | (22)accrual expenses 应计费用

accrued dividend:应计红利,应计股利

accrued benefits 应计津贴;应计利益 | accrued dividend 应计红利,应计股利 | accrued expense 应计费用,从发生时起到被付清为止,这些费用作为流动负债反映在公司的资产平衡表上.

accrued dividend:应计股息 应计股利 应累算股息 应计股息;应计

cumulative 股息 股利 股股息 股利 | accrued dividend 应计股息 应计股利 应累算股息 应计股息;应计 | accrued expenses 应计费用 应付费用 应累算费用 应计费用

accrued expenses:应计费用

流动负债指企业在一个营业周期内需要偿还的债务的总和,其中包括应付帐款(Accounts Payable,最长期限一般为三个月)、应计费用(Accrued Expenses)、短期负债等等;长期负债是指期限超过1年的债务,包括长期债项、资本租赁、递延所得税(Deferred Income)等等.

accrued expense:应计 费用

总资产:822.9亿美元 债务:1764亿美元 ,而其中对员工的债务为800-900亿美元,其中应付养老金和其他退休员工福利(Pensions &Postretirement benefits other than pensions)约占六成,应付工资和应计费用(Accrued expense)约占四成.

accrued item:应计 项目

accrued expense 应计 费用 | accrued item 应计 项目 | accumulation of capital 资本 积累

accrued item:应计 工程

accrued expense 应计 费用 | accrued item 应计 工程 | accumulation of capital 资本 积累

rued expenses:应计费用

rued dividends应计股利 | rued expenses应计费用 | rued ie应计收益

rued dividends:应计股利

rued depreciation应摊未摊折旧 | rued dividends应计股利 | rued expenses应计费用

accrued liability:应计负债

应计费用(accrued expense) 应计费用的概述 又称应计负债(accrued liability). 是已经发生但尚未支付的费用. 应计费用的科目应用 权责发生制原则的基本目的 在于使收入与费用相互配比 以正确计算各项损益.