英语人>词典>汉英 : 广告员 的英文翻译,例句
广告员 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pitchman  ·  publicist  ·  pitchmen

common crier · The Hucksters
更多网络例句与广告员相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She's got a life story that publicists dream about, and she's got the silliest name since the pop music singer Engelbert Humperdinck (who named himself after the 19th-century German composer of that name).


Florida police say TV pitchman Billy Mays has died in his Tampa home.

佛罗里达警方称电视广告员Billy Mays 死在他坦帕的家里。

Once while performing at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, he was presenting a "pitchman act," playing the role of a "snake oil" salesman from the wild west.


Cool prudence and sensitive selfishness along with quick perception of what is possible--these distinguish an adroit politician; came up with a clever story; an ingenious press agent; an ingenious scheme.


I'm a journalist. I'm not a publicist.


She was 27 years old at that time and aspired to be a publicist.


If you want to hire a publicist, this would be the time to do it.


B: There was a struggle of the material with the little tin sandwich man.


The admen are using balloon as promotional materials.


The admen is using balloon as promotional material .


更多网络解释与广告员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

n. huckster:零售商;小贩;商业广告员

n. house 所,商行 | n. huckster 零售商;小贩;商业广告员 | vi. huckster 销售;零卖

pitchman:摊贩; 广告员; 商品宣传员 (名)

pitching 铺地石; 俯仰 (名) | pitchman 摊贩; 广告员; 商品宣传员 (名) | pitchy 粘的, 漆黑的, 涂沥青的 (形)

press agent:新闻广告员

fatigue property 疲劳特性 | press agent 新闻广告员 | meeting-point 会合点

press agent:广告员,宣传员

7. power of attorney 委托书,代理权[亦作 P/A] | 8. press agent 广告员,宣传员 | 9. Press Association (英国)报纸联合社


看飞机时刻表,查找特定的航班时间;查字典时,查阅所需要的词汇;看文章时,查找特定的信息;看报纸广告时,查找所需要的广告信息等等. 下面是一组找工作的英文广告,使用掠读的办法快速找出有几个广告是关於电脑程序员(Programmer)工作.


校对 Proofreader | 广告员 Publicist | 记者 Reporter

广播节目总监 Publicist 广告员:Radio Program Director

Radio Announcer 电台播音员 Proofreader 校对 | Radio Program Director 广播节目总监 Publicist 广告员 | Symposium Coordinator 研讨会协调员 Reporter 记者

a publicity agent:宣传员; 广告员

advance agent (剧团等的)先遣人员 | a publicity agent 宣传员; 广告员 | consular agent 代理领事

B:There was a struggle of the material with the little tin sandwich man:我和一个小气蹩脚的广告员抢这块布料来着

S:Ha! 哈! | B:There was a struggle of the material with the little tin sandwich man.我和一个小气蹩脚的广告员抢这块布料来着 | He got his hands on them first. But...I won!! 他先把手放在上面的. 不过.....

Computer Visualizer:计算机绘图员

主要负责跟进平面广告的印制工作.画房设有绘图员(Visualizer),计算机绘图员(Computer Visualizer),正稿员(Artist)等职位.平面制作统筹(Traffic Coordinator)则负责统筹平面制作事宜.媒介部主要为客户建议合适的广告媒体(如电视,