英语人>词典>汉英 : 广告业务的 的英文翻译,例句
广告业务的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与广告业务的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is also addressing the deficiencies of AOL's advertising business.


Shine the aureola in the Olympic Games falls, of network ad business grow strong continuously aid pushed sina 2 quarters outstanding achievement especially the violent wind of net profit rises.


Additional, royal network patriarch holds chairman Chen Tianqiao concurrently to also be held the position of in the independent blame that inspects Jin Qiao carries out trustee, chen Xin thinks this will conduce to future driving business of digital medium ad extend.


Put in from advertisement of Beijing Olympic Games on look, media of visible also network is being increased further to the billabong of advertising Wu.


Since 2006, the development of business of Internet bar ad is compared all the time slow, arrive from Internet bar metope, desktop IE browser, the Internet bar develops the advertisement carrier with a various pattern gradually.


It was free and based on advertising but there was no advertising, so it was just free, Mr Milner recalls.


Is a Hong Kong Phaedra media group set up branch offices in Shanghai, the company mainly engaged in the scope of the design, production, publishing, agents at home and abroad all kinds of advertising, the exchange of arts and cultural activities planning advice, display exhibition services, exhibition services.


As Mr Ballmer puts it:"While online advertising growth continues, there are significant benefits of scale in advertising platform economics, in capital costs for search index build-out, and in research and development, making this a time of industry consolidation and convergence."


Current,"Feline travel notes " had been a large webpage game that collected 1 million people, had begun " embedded advertisement " the appreciation business of the respect -- the appreciation business of style of this kind of embedded ad, it is a kind of way that buys sheet to offer stage property for game player through the manufacturer, let a player experience more game fun not only, what the product that also lets a firm gets public praise travels is double be filled with mode.


For units and product advertisements, or for new products, new business promotional purposes, we call - free delivery in self-advertising or cash register paper color ads.


更多网络解释与广告业务的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


GOOGLE的主要收入来自于面向广告客户(Advertiser)和出版人(Publisher)的广告产品的销售,销售模式主要有两种:一方面是针对大型企业客户的直接销售和服务,类似于一些广告公司的业务模式,有Direct Sales and Operation 部门完成.


GOOGLE的主要收入来自于面向广告客户(Advertiser)和出版人(Publisher)的广告产品的销售,销售模式主要有两种:一方面是针对大型企业客户的直接销售和服务,类似于一些广告公司的业务模式,有Direct Sales and Operation 部门完成.

Advertising Agency:广告代理商

广告公司是指专门经营广告业务活动的企业 是"广告代理商"(Advertising Agency)的俗称. 行政创作总监之下 会视乎人手而分为若干组 每组由一位或两位创作总监(Creative Director CD)或副创作总监(Associate Creative Director ACD)负责带领 其中一位是文案出身的 另一位则是美术出身的.



display advertising:展示性广告

上周发布的IE 8测试版包括一项功能,它可能会阻碍谷歌建立展示性广告(Display Advertising)业务的努力--尽管这也可能伤害到别人,包括微软自己. "这对谷歌来说始终是个威胁,"Collins Stewart的分析师桑迪普.阿加华尔(Sandeep Aggarwal)表示.


如果此时,网站无法发现可聚合的(collective)智能(intelligence)加以控制和利用(harness),而且又不打算卖掉公司,那么只有一条财路可供选择:网络广告. 但是对于UGC网站而言,传统的网站广告业务是一种风险大且收益不稳定的盈利模式.


"广告宣传代理商"(advertising agency) 指─(b)对经营广告宣传代理业务的人行使控制的人;"影响"、"影响力"(influence) 就任何法团而言,指一名表决控权人─(b)凭借规管该法团或任何其他法团的组织章程大纲或章程细则所赋予的任何权力,

Michael Kelly:迈克尔.凯利

在网络泡沫经济的兴盛时期,AOL因常常摆架子而得罪了许多网络广告客户,如何重新赢得这些曾经被冷落的广告客户也成为了AOL今年必须面对的问题. 为此AOL于今年1月14日宣布,来自时代公司的老将迈克尔-凯利(Michael Kelly)将出任AOL的广告业务主管.

sandwich man:[三明治人

三明治人(Sandwich Man)是早期广告的宣传手法,雇员胸前背后各有一篇广告看板. 和一位以前在报社当业务的朋友走在街上,一位身背广告看板的三明治人(SandwichMan)经过,这使他想起一段往事. 在早些年的时候,一天晚上,

tie-up advertising:联合广告. 几家在业务上有联系的广告主联合起来刊登广告

television advertising 电视广告 | tie-up advertising 联合广告. 几家在业务上有联系的广告主联合起来刊登广告 | Ultra-large scale integration 超大规模集成电路