英语人>词典>汉英 : 幼虫 的英文翻译,例句
幼虫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
grub  ·  larva  ·  larvae  ·  nit  ·  nympha  ·  grubbed  ·  grubs  ·  cysticerci  ·  nepit  ·  nymphs

更多网络例句与幼虫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The activities of carboxylesterase、glutathion-S-transferase and acetylcholinesterase per insect increase greatly and the properities of esterase and acetylcholinesterase change also throughout larval development from 1-day-old to 4th instar. The affinity for Asch and the sensitivity to insecticide of acetylcholinesterase in 3rd instar larvae are significantly lower than that in 4-day-old larvae.


The snail was found to have an indirect developmental type in the early development. The fertilized eggs were oval-shaped and discoidal cleavage. Embryonic development stages were divided into cleavage, blastula, gastrulae, trochophore, and intra-membrane veliger. Larval development stages included veliger, late veliger and crawling larvae metamorphosed to juvenile.

结果表明:黄口荔枝螺卵囊高度平均为7.33 mm,卵粒数量平均为165粒;黄口荔枝螺的早期发育属间接发生型,受精卵呈椭圆形,卵裂为盘状卵裂;在卵囊内,胚胎发育包括卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚、膜内担轮幼虫、膜内面盘幼虫幼虫发育包括面盘幼虫、后期面盘幼虫和匍匐幼虫

The ecdysis index of controlled larvae was 3.323 by 30d, while 2.933-3.038 for the treated. The transgenic Betula platyphylla could reduce the feeding of larvae. With the increase of the time of feeding, the difference of food taken between the controlled and treated became larger. The food of controlled larvae taken was 0.105293-0.13750 grams than that of the treated by 3 d. and 0.529094-0.64103 grams by 21d.


Itimes of that of controlled larvae. The mortal peaks of larvae wasl-7d and 29-35 d, in which most of treated larvae was killed. The transgenic Betula platyphylla could reduce the ecdysis index of larvae.


Plutella xylostella larvae of a strain highly resistant to spinosad were used as hosts to rear the parasitoid Cotesia plutellae. When the parasitoids had developed to the stage of early instar larva, the host larvae were treated with 50 mg/L spinosad on the terga by topical application and then fed with cabbage leaves treated with 50 mg/L spinosad to allow the host larvae and the parasitoid larvae to develop. Three days after treatment, the parasitoid larvae inside the host were collected by dissecting the host larvae. The body fluid of P. xylostella and the bodies of parasitoid larvae were then analyzed with HPLC. Both of the active components, spinosyn A and spinosyn D, of spinosad were detected in the body fluid of host larvae and in the bodies of parasitoid larvae, and the residue concentrations were 2.79 mg/L and 0.94 mg/L in the host and the parasitoid respectively.

以对多杀菌素高抗的小菜蛾Plutella xylostella幼虫作为菜蛾绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae的寄主,待绒茧蜂发育到1龄幼虫时,将浓度为50 mg/L的多杀菌素点滴到寄主幼虫背板上,随后让寄主幼虫取食经50 mg/L多杀菌素处理过的甘蓝叶片,寄主幼虫和其体内的蜂幼虫再发育3天后,将寄主幼虫解剖取出蜂幼虫,用高效液相色谱法对经多杀菌素处理的小菜蛾幼虫体液以及绒茧蜂幼虫匀浆液进行检测,结果多杀菌素的2个活性成分spinosyn A和spinosyn D均被检测到,两者的多杀菌素残留浓度分别是2.79 mg/L和0.94 mg/L。

In this paper, we studied M. meretrix ferritin, cathepsin B and caspase genes, which are involved in clam larval shell formation, nutrition, metabolism and apoptosis, respectively. We have cloned the three genes, investigated the temporal and spatial expression profile both at gene and protein level in trochophore (L1), D-veliger (L2), pediveliger (L3) and postlarvae (L4). The potential roles of these proteins were analyzed with specific inhibitors during larval development. Firstly, embryos were found developed into trochophore-like larvae with no shell if cultured at gastrula stage in artificial seawater without iron. Shell-like structures were formed only in the presence of iron. The larvae which had been transferred at L1 stage into ASW developed normal shell. This indicated that iron and iron associated protein are important for larval shell formation. The EST sequence which is homologous with ferritin, which is a principal iron metabolic protein, was selected from the M. meretrix cDNA library. The full-length of ferritin subunit cDNA was cloned by RACE. The results of real-time PCR revealed that the MmeFer mRNA expression changed before and after the larval shell formation.


The limbless没有肢体的 aquatic 在水中生活的larva 幼虫of a frog or toad, having gills and a long flat tail.


A cDNA segment was isolated from M. meretrix larvae. The results of caspase in situ detection in larval developmental stages revealed that there were activated caspase from L1 to L3, indicating caspase is involved in the whole developmental process. The main apoptosis area was found in velum at L3 before metamorphosis, indicating the degradation of velum might be the process of apoptosis. The larvae before metamorphosis were treated by caspase specific inhibitor to analyze the role of caspase in this process. The results indicated that caspase have function metamorphosis.


More simply, that is, Vespertilionidae bat moths for many types of other offspring, spawning in the soil, after the eggs into larvae, previously, the Cordyceps fungus penetrated larvae absorb the material as the survival of larvae of the nutritional conditions, and the larvae continue to breeding, resulting in larvae filled with mycelium, in the coming year 5-7 when the weather gets warmer months, since the larvae grow yellow or light brown head and seat of the bacteria, the growth was out of the ground after the grass stalk-like, the result we usually see caterpillar fungus.


The results showed that the antlions fed on M. domestica larvae obtained significantly higher body weight, pupal weight, relative growth rate and pupation percentage, and significantly shortened larval duration when compared with the antlions fed on S. litura and S. exigu larvae. When feeding on C. cephalonica larvae, antlions had similar body weight, pupal weight and pupation percentage, but significantly decreased relative growth rate and prolonged larval duration, than those fed on M. domestica larvae.


更多网络解释与幼虫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


此后继续发育,椭圆形的幼体产生腕,体表纤毛退化,只在腕周围形成纤毛带,此为羽腕幼虫(Bipinnaria). 后在背面基部产生二突起,进入短碗幼虫(Branchialaria)期,体两侧对称,前端具有 3个小腕及一个吸盘. 短腕幼虫在海水中游泳一时期后,

larva migrans:幼虫移行症

幼虫移行症(larva migrans)的术语首先在1952年由Beaver等提出,当时主要指弓首线虫病(toxocariasis),随着时间的推移,发现其他一些蠕虫如颚口线虫,四川并殖吸虫等也以幼虫为主要形式寄生于人体,并引起疾病幼虫移行症可分为皮肤幼虫移行症和内脏幼虫移行症两种,

larval stage:幼虫期

昆虫幼虫或若虫从卵内孵化、发育到蛹(全变态昆虫)或成虫(不全变态昆虫)之前的整个发育阶段,称为幼虫期(larval stage)或若虫期(nymph stage). 从卵内孵化出的幼虫称为第1龄幼虫,以后每脱1次皮增加1龄,即虫龄(instar). 相邻两龄之间的历期,

larvicide:杀幼虫剂 (名)

larval 幼虫的; 幼虫状态的 (形) | larvicide 杀幼虫剂 (名) | larviparous 产幼虫的 (形)




受精后的卵以卵囊膜(egg-sac membrane)包住,卵囊(egg-sac)分挂在雌性的生殖节外,雌性带著卵囊活动直到无节幼虫(nauplius)出生. 受精卵孵化,经无节幼虫期后,再经桡脚幼虫(Copepodid或Copepodite)达到成体时期,幼虫期每期要蜕皮一次,


囊尾幼虫的一种,如阔节裂头绦虫有两个中间寄主,其存在于第二中间寄主的幼虫,称为全尾幼虫. 即阔节裂头绦虫其生存于第一中间寄主中的原尾幼虫(procercoid)被第二中间寄主的鲑、鳟等鱼类所食,便在鱼体肌肉中形成此新尾幼虫.


某些海生贝类的幼虫,由担轮幼虫(trochophore)发育而成. 担轮幼虫的环状的口前纤毛轮此时变为游泳盘(面盘),有游泳和取食的功能,到成体时一般消失. 此期开始形成足和壳. 面盘幼虫是软体动物(头足类除外)继担轮幼虫后的幼虫,


在人工培养下,女王恐龙虾之无节幼虫(nauplius)於浸水24小时后出现, 无节幼虫孵化后 24~48 小时内会发育为后无节幼虫(metanauplius),后无节幼虫后期在形态及为上最显著的变化为复眼及游泳肢的形成,此时游泳方式则由无节幼虫时期之弹跃转变为成虫的仰泳方式.


芫箐的幼虫取食蝗虫卵,第 1 龄幼虫有发达的胸足,行动活泼,以搜寻蝗卵,称"三爪幼虫"(triungulin).当它进入蝗虫卵囊内取食后,脱皮变为体壁柔软,胸足不很发达,行动迟缓的蛴螬型幼虫.经过若干龄后深入土中,脱皮 变成胸足更退化,