英语人>词典>汉英 : 并重 的英文翻译,例句
并重 的英文翻译、例句


lay equal stress on · regard both as equally important · attach equal importance to · pay equal attention to
更多网络例句与并重相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to meet social and economic development, we should innovate the contents of experimental teaching, attach much importance to theoretical teaching at the same time, and construct a new experimental teaching system.


Since the latter is more common and more abominable, the paper puts stress on it.


Tobacco alimentation and fertilizing research are developed very fast during those 10 years in china.


Michael Bushnell, the main developer of the kernel, preferred the name HURD, and redefined Alix to refer to a certain part of the kernel--the part that would trap system calls and handle them by sending messages to HURD servers.

Michael Bushnell,核心的主要开发者,首选名字HURD,并重定义Alix来指核心中的某些部分--捕获系统调用并以发送消息给HURD处理器来处理它们的部分。

This school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects.


Asquith Boys High School offers a comprehensive curriculum with equal emphasis on academic subjects, the arts and sports.


As part of the autorotation behavior, the view controller slides any tab bars or navigation bars out of view, reorients the underlying views, and slides the bars back into position.


Based on basic concept and model,this paper points out that equal attention should be paid to"circle expanding model"and"exclave expanding model".


Manager share option has positive functions in the modern enterprise system.


The relationship between asthenia syndrome and cholesterol triglyceride in MsPGN: As far as cholesterol is concerned, asthenia-sthenia syndrome is higher than pure asthenia syndrome and asthenia syndrome with sthenia.


更多网络解释与并重相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

balance due from:人欠

balance due 结欠余额 指到期尚须还清的金额.例如,人欠 (balance due from),欠人(balance due to). balance fund 平衡基金 指一种类型的互助基金(mutual fund), 其投资目标是强调资本增值和本期收益 并重. 在其证券投资组合(portfolio)中,

be excited:感到剌激

117 五育并重 lay equal emphasis on the Five Disciplines | 119 感到剌激 be excited | 120 感到满意 be pleased, satisfied

to be excited:感到剌激

五育并重 to lay equal emphasis on the Five Disciplines | 感到剌激 to be excited | 感到满意 to be pleased, satisfied





Foreign language:外语

中国不象新加坡、加拿大、印度是一个双语国家,语言环境并不是中外并重,所以中国的双语教学应该属于"外语"(foreign language)教学范畴,而不是"第二语言"(second language)的教学范畴.

gun down:[口]枪杀(手无寸铁者)

guns and butter 既要大炮又要牛油的政策, 军事与经济发展并重的政策 | gun down [口]枪杀(手无寸铁者) | gun for 持枪搜索(捕杀)


Sniper cannon 威力与命中率并重的阻击用大炮. | Rocket 能够对广范围进行炮击的扩散型火箭发射器. | Howitzer 可进行广范围破坏的远距离爆机用曲射式流弹炮.


在埃里克.克莱普顿写的>(Discovering Robert Johnson)一文中,他再度提到:1989年,克莱普顿推出了艺术和商业并重的专辑>(Journeyman),歌曲风格从布鲁斯到爵士,流行乐.

and have readjusted the flight path|of the spacecraft:并重调了飞船的返回路径

Houston, we've made our|mid-course corrections|休斯... | and have readjusted the flight path|of the spacecraft.|并重调了飞船的返回路径 | Roger that. We'll switch over|to computer coordinates for re-entr...