英语人>词典>汉英 : 干眼病 的英文翻译,例句
干眼病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
xeroma  ·  sclerophthalmia  ·  scheroma

更多网络例句与干眼病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The morbidity of oculopathy in different arm of the service all stepped up, the main diseases included the sight feel unqualified, conjunctivitis,retinal optimum denaturation, lattice degeneration of peripheral retina, dried slit pores of retina,traumatic oculopathy, et al. But the morbidity of xerophthalmia, oculi hypertonia or glaucoma decreased; the morbidity of traumatic oculopathy in infantry, strain arm and ground artilleryman was higher than other arms, the morbidity of xerophthalmia and occaecatio was higher, the morbidity of sight feel unqualified, conjunctivitis, xerophthalmia and occaecatio was higher too.

结果 所有兵种在视力不合格、结膜炎、沙眼、视网膜良性变性、周边视网膜格子样变性、视网膜干性裂孔以及外伤性眼病等方面均有不同程度的升高,而在干眼症、高眼压或青光眼方面均有不同程度的降低;步兵、特种兵以及地炮兵中外伤性眼病的发病率较高,装甲兵、坦克兵中干眼症以及眩光的患病率较高,驾驶兵中视力不合格、结膜炎、干眼症以及眩光等疾病患病率较高。

Green tea is rich in vitamin A, can also make the eyes in the dark light, see things more clearly, can prevent night blindness and dry eye.

绿茶 茶叶中含有丰富的维生素A,还能使眼睛在暗光下看东西更清楚,可预防夜盲症与干眼病

In addition, the tea leaves are rich in vitamin A, can make eyes in the dark under the light to see things more clearly, can do to prevent night blindness and eye disease.


Too few proteins lead to night blindness and xerophthalmia.


Malfunction will result in cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis, male sterility, habitual constipation, keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS, also called dry eye syndrome). Over activation of CFTR is related to diarrhea, polycystic kidney disease.


In the early stage, the patient's conjunctiva is dry without any gloss, hence it is called xerophthalmia.


Effects of Ocular surface area and blink rate on teer dynamics.


The team worked with four patients who had a painful condition that causes cloudy corneas and dry eyes.


6Experiment with rose Bengal staining: glass rod was used to get 10 g/L rose Bengal and drop in conjunctival sac. After eyes blinking for several minutes, the observation was performed with green light filter under slit lamp (evaluation criteria: corneal conjunctiva of palpebral fissure stained+, stained to the inferior bulbar conjunctiva++,stained to the superior bulbar conjunctiva). Dry eye disease was diagnosed indirectly with red-stained epithelial cells and mucin.

6孟加拉玫瑰红染色试验:用玻璃棒沾取10 g/L孟加拉玫瑰红染料滴入结膜囊瞬目数分钟之后,在裂隙灯下用无赤光观察(评分标准为以睑裂部角结膜染色为+,染色累及下方球结膜为++,累及上方球结膜为+++),以其染红上皮细胞和黏蛋白间接诊断干眼病

更多网络解释与干眼病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antixerophthalmic factor:抗干奶因子,维生素

antixerophthalimic vitamin抗干眼病维生素,维生素A | antixerophthalmic factor抗干奶因子,维生素A | balanced mix等量混合

dry haze:干霾,飞尘

dry hardness 干态硬度 | dry haze 干霾,飞尘 | dry heart rot 甜菜蛇眼病


xerography 静电复印术 | xeroma 干眼病 | xeromorphy 旱性形态植物


xeroderma 干皮病 | xeroma 干燥 | xerophthalmia 干眼病


异种移植物 xenograft | 干食;干食法 xerophagia;xerophagy | 干眼病 xerophthalmia


维生素a的缺乏症能使抵抗疾病和传染的能力降低,骨骼及牙齿发育不良夜盲(nightblindness)上皮细胞(黏膜及皮肤)角质化,皮肤会变的乾燥,粗糙,鳞屑化,干眼病(xerophthalmia) 毫无疑问,众多能提高免疫力的营养物质中我们应当首推维生素c.

xerophthalmia:干眼病 眼干燥 眼球干燥

xerophobous 嫌旱的 | xerophthalmia 干眼病 眼干燥 眼球干燥 | xerophthalmus 眼干燥 干眼病


scleronychia 指甲硬化 | sclerophthalmia 干眼病 | scleroplasty 巩膜成形术


xeroma 干眼病 | xerophagia 干食;干食法 | xerophagy 干食(法)

dry heart rot:甜菜蛇眼病

dry haze ==> 干霾,飞尘 | dry heart rot ==> 甜菜蛇眼病 | dry heat ==> 干热