英语人>词典>汉英 : 干燥盐 的英文翻译,例句
干燥盐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与干燥盐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The preparation process includes the following steps: dissolving activator and RE oxide in the molar ratio of 0.01-0.02 in concentrated nitric acid and heating to dry, dissolving the obtain RE nitrate in deionized water to obtain solution of RE nitrate; dissolving soluble tungstate and surfactant in deionized water to obtain tungstate solution; mixing the RE nitrate solution and the tungstate solution through stirring to reaction for 25-60 min to obtain white precipitate; hydrothermal reaction of the precipitate in a reaction kettle at 100-260 deg.c for 24-72 hr; centrifugally separating, washing and drying to obtain the product.


National free service hotline:400 880 2959 Salt Spray test chamber\ sulfur dioxide test chamber\ High temperature test chamber\ Low temperature test chamber\High and low temperature test chamber\ High and low temperature-humidity test chamber\ High and low temperature alternating temperature humidity test chamber\ Desktop constant temperature and humidity test chamber\ Constant temperature and humidity test chamber\ Precise drying test chamber\ Vacuum drying chamber\ High and low temperature shock test chamber\ Ultraviolet accelerated weatherometer\ Xeon lamp weather resistance test chamber\ Air ventilation climatic chamber\0zone climatic chamber\ Rustproof grease humidity test chamber\ Sand and dust test chamber\ Box rain test chamber\ Pipe rain test device\ Drip box\ Alternating mould test chamber\ Salt-mist corrosion laboratory\ Salt-mist corrosion laboratory\ Large high and low temperature stepping into laboratory\ Temperature aging room\ Vacuum UV aging test chamber\ Mechanical drop test bed\ Computer control vibrating table\ Temperature and humidity and vibrating combined testing machine\ Instantaneous temperature test chamber

全国免费服务热线:400 880 2959主营产品:盐雾腐蚀试验箱/二氧化硫试验箱/高温试验箱/低温试验箱/高低温试验箱/高低温湿热试验箱。/高低温交变湿热试验箱/台式恒温恒湿试验箱/恒温恒湿试验箱/精密干燥试验箱/真空干燥箱/高低温冲击试验箱/紫外光加速老化试验机/氙灯耐气候试验箱/换气式老化试验箱/臭氧老化试验箱/防锈油脂湿热试验箱/砂尘试验箱/箱式淋雨试验箱/摆管淋雨试验装置/滴水试验装置/霉菌交变试验箱/盐雾腐蚀试验室/大型高低温步入试验室/恒温恒湿试验室/盐雾恒温恒湿高温复合试验箱/温度老化室/真空紫外老化试验箱/机械式跌落试验台/电脑控制振动台/温湿度振动三综合试验机/温度快速变化试验箱

Single factor test was employed to investigate some factors effecting the compressive strength of hydratedα-plaster of Paris which was made by Aqueous Salt Solution Method in atmospheric pressure such as crystal modifiers,aqueous salt solution,emperature of water to washα-hemihydrate gypsum powder,product drying temperature,product grain size.

采用单因素实验考察了媒晶剂、盐介质、洗涤水温度、产品干燥温度、产品粒度等因素对常压盐溶液法制备α-半水石膏的抗压强度的影响,实验结果表明:当媒晶剂为柠檬酸钠与Al3 +等的复合物(占盐溶液的质量百分比为1.0 %)、盐介质为15 %的KCl水溶液、洗涤水温度在98℃以上、产品干燥温度为110 - 130℃、产品粒度控制在7- 4 μm时,产品抗压强度可达4 4MPa

The partial substitution of α-olefine sulfonate instead of alkylbenzene sulfonate and the production technology of α-olefine sulfonate were also described.


The anode catalyst for direct methanol fuel cell is Pt-W-Sn/C, and it is prepared through dispersing carbon black in distilled water, adding H2PtCl6, tungstate and stannate, stirring to make the metal salt and H2PtCl6 adsorbed fully; dropping reductant to reduce and deposite until complete reaction; washing with distilled water, filtering and drying to obtain black C carried sanitary Pt-W-Sn catalyst. The catalyst has excellent methanol catalyzing activity and low cost, and its use can lower the cost of direct methanol fuel cell greatly and raise the performance/cost ratio of the cell.


As the winter weather , dry skin side of people are prone to dry skin desquamation; some people bath too frequently, use the bath salts,and bath too much in the winter, or the water temperature is too high, they all can lead to dry skin scaling and itching; containing high chemical skin care products will also stimulate the skin and cause desquamation.


Preparation of the cathode includes:shaping under the press of 40Mpa, sintering at 550℃for 1 hour and at 900℃for 8 hours and threading with molybdenum bar; Considering the literatures we choose CaCl2 as salt for preparation titanium. Pretreatment of salt is for 1 hour at 100℃and for 2 hours at 300℃. Partial pressure of oxygen which need lower than 5.11×10-7Pa to reduct titanium oxides and hygroscopic property of salt need a sealed equipment to electrolyse. And finally successfully designed a satisfied one and the results show that the equipment can be satisfied the requirment of the experiment. Flow of the inert gas is 1.5L/min, the voltage is 2.8 V, temperature is 850℃and time is 2 hours during pre-electrolysis. Flow of the inert gas is 0.2L/min, the voltage is 3.1 V, temperature is 900℃and time changes with the mass of TiO2 during electrolysis, namely the greater need the longer time; To eliminate influence of salt and other impurities, the products need to wash with distilled water and dilute chlorhydric acid , then wash with dilute hydrochloric acid under supersonic wave assistant. Finally, electrometical properties of the electrolysis of TiO2 is researched by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry, and results show that there are two main reodox steps, namely from TiO2 to TiO and from TiO to Ti.

阴极制备主要包括40MPa压力下模压成型、两段式烧结(1小时内升至550℃保温1小时,再1小时升温至900℃保温8小时)及烧结后TiO2块打孔用钼棒串接三个主要环节;实验中选用CaCl2作为电解熔盐,并对其进行预处理(100℃,保温1小时; 300℃,保温2小时);经热力学计算,还原钛氧化物的氧分压至少要低于5.11×10-7Pa,结合电解过程中所用熔盐CaCl2有极强的吸水性的特点,电解装置应有较高的密封性,自行设计了一套密封性可靠的电解装置,便于实验过程中熔盐预处理和氧分压的控制;通过干燥处理预电解过程中Ar流量大约为1.5L/min、电压为2.8 V、温度为850℃、时间为2小时,电解过程中Ar流量大约为0.2L/min、电压为3.1V、温度为900℃,实验结果表明电解时间与TiO2质量密切相关,质量越大需要电解的时间越长;通过自来水冲洗—稀盐酸浸泡、洗涤—在超声波辅助作用下稀盐酸洗涤,可减少熔盐及其它杂质对电解产物检测结果的影响;最后,通过循环伏安法、计时电流法对电解机理的研究,确定电解还原TiO2制备金属钛主要经历了TiO2-TiO-Ti的过程。

A chromium free conversion coating at least equivalent in corrosion protective quality to conventional chromate conversion coatings can be formed on metals, particularly cold rolled steel, by a dry-in-place aqueous acidic liquid comprising: a component of anions, each of said anions consisting of at least four fluorine atoms and at least one atom of an element selected from the group consisting of titanium, zirconium, hafnium, silicon, and boron, and, optionally, ionizable hydrogen atoms, and optionally, one or more oxygen atoms; a component of cations of elements selected from the group consisting of cobalt, magnesium, manganese, zinc, nickel, tin, zirconium, iron, and copper; the ratio of the total number of cations of this component to the total number of anions of component being at least 1:5; sufficient free acid to give the composition a pH in the range from 0.5 to 5.0; a component selected from the group consisting of phosphorus-containing inorganic oxyanions and phosphonate anions; and a component selected from the group consisting of water-soluble and water-dispersible organic polymers and polymer-forming resins and, preferably, also including a component selected from the group consisting of tungstate, molybdate, silicotungstate, and silicomolybdate anions.


Polyaluminum chloride is a new and efficient inorganic polymer coagulants. The products use aluminum hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, calcium aluminates made with advanced technology, have a good flocculation effect. its effect is better than the traditional aluminum sulfate and water purification molysite ordinary inorganic coagulants and general polyaluminum chloride. Solid products using spray drying technology for liquids and dry products for 10 days.


I''d like to take the opportunity to thank you allI hope that we can cooperate sincerely, complement each other, realize double winscreate bright future together. Salt Spray test chamber\ sulfur dioxide hydrogen sulfide test chamber\ High temperature test chamber\ Low temperature test chamber\Highlow temperature test chamber\ Highlow temperature-humidity test chamber\ Highlow temperature alternating temperature humidity test chamber\ Desktop constant temperaturehumidity test chamber\ Constant temperaturehumidity test chamber\ Precise drying test chamber\ Vacuum drying chamber\ Highlow temperature shock test chamber\ Ultraviolet accelerated weatherometer\ Xeon lamp weather resistance test chamber\ Air ventilation climatic chamber\0zone climatic chamber\ Rustproof grease humidity test chamber\ Sanddust test chamber\ Box rain test chamber\ Pipe rain test device\ Drip box\ Alternating mould test chamber\ Salt-mist corrosion laboratory\ Salt-mist corrosion laboratory\ Large highlow temperature stepping into laboratory\ Temperature aging room\ Vacuum UV aging test chamber\ Mechanical test bed\ Computer control vibrating table\ Temperaturehumidityvibrating combined testing machine\ Instantaneous temperature test chamber


更多网络解释与干燥盐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


最后的(Utimate) 粘化层和低的盐基饱和度图单元氧化土Oxisols (法)Fr.Oxide 氧化物(Oxide) 氧化层, 无粘化层, 高度风化变性土Vertisols (拉)L.verto 转化(Invert) 高膨胀型粘粒, 干燥后裂缝深干旱土Aridisols (拉)L.aridus 干旱的(Arid)干旱土壤, 色淡表层,

1 tbsp celery salt:1 汤匙芹菜味的盐,是这么翻译吗,这到底是什么啊

1 tbsp celery salt, 1 汤匙芹菜味的盐,是这么翻译吗,这到底是什么啊 | 1 tbsp black pepper, 1 汤匙黑胡椒 | 1 tbsp dry mustard, 1 汤匙干燥的芥末或者芥菜,芥末太辣了吧


最后的(Utimate) 粘化层和低的盐基饱和度图单元氧化土Oxisols (法)Fr.Oxide 氧化物(Oxide) 氧化层, 无粘化层, 高度风化变性土Vertisols (拉)L.verto 转化(Invert) 高膨胀型粘粒, 干燥后裂缝深干旱土Aridisols (拉)L.aridus 干旱的(Arid)干旱土壤,

dried-salted saury:咸针鱼干,盐干针鱼

咸沙丁鱼干,盐干沙丁鱼 dried-salted sardine | 咸针鱼干,盐干针鱼 dried-salted saury | 干燥机,干燥器,干燥剂,干燥工 drier, dryer


用丝兰属(YUCCA)植物叶片作原料,将叶表栅状组织直接干燥成粗酶制剂;亦可用硫酸铵分级盐析成精酶制剂. 丝兰蛋白酶适应pH范围在7~12.5、pH12时活性最高. 该酶可用于洗涤剂、果汁澄清等方面.




由于血栓内的水分被吸收而变得干燥、无弹性、质脆易碎,可脱落形成栓塞. 若血栓未能软化又未完全机化,可发生钙盐沉着,称为钙化. 血栓钙化后成为静脉石(phlebolith)或动脉石(arteriolith). 机化的血栓,在纤维组织玻璃样变的基础上也可发生钙化. .


然后将滤液用硫酸胺或芒硝饱和,将盐析物用水透析、所得透析滤液通过低温干燥. 便可得到自然状态的(植物性)清蛋白. 代表性的植物清蛋白有:麦清蛋白(leucosin)、豆清蛋白(legumelin)、蓖麻蛋白(recin)和从菜豆种子中获得的菜豆清蛋白(phaseline).

Electronic Drying cabinet:电子干燥柜

冷热冲击箱 Cold & hot shock test cabinet | 电子干燥柜 Electronic Drying cabinet | 盐雾试验机 Salt mist cabinet

Use baking soda or salt instead:用食用苏打或盐

26 Keep the floor dry.保持地面干燥 | 27 Use baking soda or salt instead.用食用苏打或盐 | 28 Be careful with knives.小心用刀