英语人>词典>汉英 : 常设的 的英文翻译,例句
常设的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Playing in front of a standing room only crowd at the Araneta Coliseum, the game was something of an anti-climax as Bustamante mastered the easy breaking table as he ran rack after rack, leaving Pagulayan in his chair.


When such delegation takes place through a permanent law, it is known as delegation by right of law.


Maryland 马里兰 An admiral is standing by a candy machine at the Naval Academy in Annapolis wh en he stops a plebe walking by.


Last week I roasted a four pound cross rib roast instead of a standing rib … splatter guard is smaller than the traditional pan that I use for cooking fish.


As an interesting sidelight to the "production" Lee engines - Clarence had a standing offer that if anyone who owned one of his engines was unhappy with it, he would buy it back for its original price.


Next, you should be sure you don't have standing water accessible when your bird is out.


These were won by Dahir Riyale Kahine, an ally of Egal, standing for the main political party known as UDUB (Unity, Democracy and Independence).

这些赢得了达希尔里亚勒Kahine ,一个盟友的埃加勒常设的主要政党称为UDUB 。

And over the table of the bread of the Presence they shall spread a cloth of blue and put on it the plates, the dishes for incense, the bowls, and the flagons for the drink offering; the regular showbread also shall be on it.


Later, in 1910, the first permanent crossing of the Bonneville Salt Flats was completed when the Southern Pacific Railroad was built linking Salt Lake City and San Francisco.


Advanced standing of up to two PG level units may be granted on the basis of successful completion of comparable Masters level units at a recognised Australian or foreign university.


更多网络解释与常设的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the board of directors:董事会

2.董事会(the board of directors). 它是公司常设的最高机关和执行机关,负责执行公司章程和股东大会决议,为此,它制定公司各方面的管理制度,决定公司高级管理人员的任免,制定并组织实施公司的经营决策和计划. 董事会成员即董事(director)共同讨论公司各重要事项,

Standing Committee:常设委员会

"5l 立法机构的工作是复杂繁重的,所以其主要工作都是由各常设委员会(standing committee)完成的;而一般社团的工作就是由社团的全体会议完成的,只有在必要的时候才会派设专门委员会(special committee)如前所述,罗伯特议事规则以美国众议院的规则为基础,

Insider trading:内部交易

为什么长虹只跟APEX一家合作?就连中国驻洛杉矶领事馆的一名官员都问,长虹这么大的交易量,他们怎么在美国连个常设的办事机构都没有?另外,在中国就没有禁止上市公司内部交易(insider trading)的法律吗?基金这样操作没有刑事责任吗?


美国联邦安全委员会认为危机管理包括四方面内容:缓和(Mitigation)、预防(Preparation)、反应(Response)和恢复(Recovery)[4]. 相比之下,目前中国尚没有建立一个独立和常设的危机管理协调机制,也未曾建立一个常设的、强有力的危机管理的中枢指挥系统.

roll-out countries:展开计划(的)国家

ad valorem tariff;从价税;; | roll-out countries;展开计划(的)国家;; | Standing Committee on Mine Clearance, Mine Awareness and Mine Action Technologies;清雷、防雷宣传和排雷行动技术常设委员会;;

major subject:主科

因为国际上高校均是按学科(subject)分的,通常设主科(major subject)和副科(minor subject),划分较宽. 这是因为国际上是市场经济社会,人才的高度流动性促使社会和学生均要求宽厚的基础、良好的素质和较强的能力而不过分的系统专门的专业训练.


"法院"(court)一词较"法庭"(tribunal)而言,更能体现机构的常设性和独立性. 这些变化反映了各国在建立常设审判机构的性质方面所持有的争论. 对整个>而言,该条具有开宗明意的作用,明确>意在设立一个常设国际刑事审判机构一国际刑事法院,





court of record:记录法院(由大法官庭签发的起始令状启动诉讼程序并将令状

Lord High Admirals 商船总队长 | court of record 记录法院(由大法官庭签发的起始令状启动诉讼程序并将令状 | County Clerk 常设郡书记官