英语人>词典>汉英 : 常委 的英文翻译,例句
常委 的英文翻译、例句


member of the standing committee
更多网络例句与常委相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Municipal Standing Committee, Vice-Mayor Chen Ying-chun, the city government Secretary-General Li Ping, the Vietnamese Consul General in Guangzhou, I am afraid黎玉, Hai Phong City People's Assembly was attended by Vice-President Nguyen Thi justice activities.


Recently, the planning and construction of the Tianjin Municipal Committee held an enlarged meeting of the whole committee, committee member of the Standing Committee conscientiously implement the fourth plenary meeting and municipal spirit, unifying thinking, and inspire spirit to make arrangements for the second half.


Is also the dean of art institute, the pluralism member of philosophy subject assessment group of degree committee in the state department, the director committeeman of philosophy subject teaching guide committee of altitude schools of the education department, the vice president of Chinese Esthetics


Jack Dalrymple, Honorary President of the Association and Lieutenant Governor of North Dakota, U.S.A.


"Rising star has come from behind, potentially very strong," this is how Chen Shineng, doyenne of light industry, a former standing committee member of National People's Congress, Honorary President of China Light Industry Federation, summed up the leather industry in Shiling in a vivid way.


Municipal Standing Committee, Executive Vice Mayor Su Zequn said,"Guangzhou City housing safety regulations"(referred to as "the Regulations") have been rectified and reported to the municipal government is about to executive session.


Office of hall of Fu Wenjuan of undersecretary of ministry of Wang Xiufang of chairman of members of standing committee of Anhui provincial Party committee, province federation of trade unions, construction, construction grows Ni Hong, deputy hall to grow Wu Xiaoqin, deputy floorwalker Chen Aimin and construction ministry and province are straight unit.


The Orante indicates the postures favoured by the early Christians, standing with hands extended, as Christ on the Cross, according to Tertullian; or with hands raised towards heaven, with bowed heads, or, for the faithful, with eyes raised toward heaven, and, for the catechumens, with eyes bent on the earth; prostration, kneeling, genuflection, and such gestures as striking the breast are all outward signs of the reverence proper for prayer, whether in public or private.

该orante表明姿态,赞成由早期的基督徒,常委,双手延长,正如基督在十字架上,根据良;或与举手向天,与鞠躬元首,或者是为忠诚,与对眼睛所提出的天堂,为慕道者,与眼睛一意孤行,对地球;虚脱,跪在地上, genuflection ,这种姿态令人惊奇的乳房都是向外的迹象,该崇敬适当的祈祷,无论是在公共或私人。

Cited in a work area Jingyuan Tao works as deputy secretary of the group, the captain.


New China net Beijing, June 24 - recently, Central Committee of the CCP general secretary, state president, Central Military Committee President Hu Jintao, Politbureau member, State Council Premier Wen Jiabao, Politbureau member, central politics and law committee Secretary Zhou Yongkang made the important indicator to the suppressing drug work, requests to take the suppressing drug work a long-range mission, grasps relentlessly; Wants the earnest lessons learned, in view of the new situation, the new question, the new characteristic, continues to do well the comprehensive program of public order, continues to launch the suppressing drug people's war thoroughly; Under wants the big physical strength, in the public education, strikes hard, aspects and so on science rehabilitation, strengthened management, international cooperation to make the tangible progress legally; Must take implement "the suppressing drug law" as the turning point, strengthens the suppressing drug law enforcement, founds suppressing drug to work diligently the new ball game.


更多网络解释与常委相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Standing Committee:常委委员会

主席团 Presidium | 常委委员会 Standing Committee | 办公厅 General Office

member of state administration:国家行政管理工作人员

member of standing committee常委 | member of state administration国家行政管理工作人员 | member of the household家庭成员

Politburo Standing Committee:政治局常委

decision-making body of the Communist Party,决策机构的共产党, | Politburo Standing Committee. 政治局常委. | Inspur and Hedy浪潮和七喜

the Politburo Standing Committee:政治局常委

制订政策的过程 the policy-making process | 政治局常委 the Politburo Standing Committee | 政治气候转趋缓和 the political atmosphere has relaxed

politburo's standing committee:政治局常委

rubber stamp 不经审查就批准 | politburo's standing committee 政治局常委 | autocracy n.独裁政治;独裁政府

Standing Committee member:常委

办事员:Clerk | 常委:Standing Committee Member | 名誉主席:Honorary Chairman

Member, Political Bure:政治局委员

中共中央总书记 General Secretary, the CPC Central Committee | 政治局常委 Member, Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee | 政治局委员 Member, Political Bure

Nominations Committee:提名委员会

2007年新春伊始,社省委常委、中大南校区支社主委周永章教授收到国际数学地质协会(IAMG)主席Agterberg教授的来函,祝贺周永章教授当选为该协会2008-2012年换届提名委员会(Nominations Committee)委员.

Khanh Hoa:庆和

而据越南共产党中央机关报<<人民报>>4月18日报道,由越共河内市委常委副书记Bui Duy Nham带领的代表团来到越南所谓的"庆和(Khanh Hoa)省南沙群岛区",向当地21户人家每家送上一本内有500万越南盾(约1920元人民币)的存折,

political persecution; witch hunt:政治迫害

? 政治局常委 politburo's standing committee | ? 政治迫害 political persecution; witch hunt | ? 政治素质 political caliber