英语人>词典>汉英 : 常套 的英文翻译,例句
常套 的英文翻译、例句


conventional pattern
更多网络例句与常套相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, based on the Bessel function, an Ordinary Differential Equation was derived for time-domain Green function and its gradients in this paper. A new efficient calculation method based on solving ODE is proposed.

在探索求解精度和计算效率的矛盾中,提出了结合求解常微分方程的节点制表、节点间插值的快速计算Gre en函数的方法并据此开发了一套三维深水时域Green函数的数值计算程序。

The scholars started from a point of view that theyself were the male and realizeded that the female's beauty is a latent harm to the society of males.Because of it,the scholars gave the female some effective criterion of ethics and behavior. So the female could walk on this road voluntarily and became a controlled and enslaved role.Besides it, the scholars bounded and fixed the female's station in accordance with the given distinction of production, labor, politics and education between the male and felmale.It became a theory starting point of ethics that males and husbands the honour, females and wives the humble in the aftertime of bimillennium.


I remember he used to dress in a blue suit.


And she was my horse and I would harness her and hitch her up.


In order for the Iroquois to succeed without an individual incentive, they had to develop a communal work ethic.


Moreover, the conveyed information is linked in a coherent manner by using various presentational and linking expressions.


Our factory is located in beautiful Baiyangdian: from Beijing and Tianjin, 120 kilometers of the traffic is very convenient, I have a 3000 square meters factory area of more than 200 employees, from production to processing is entirely one-stop production lines, our factory main production vehicle used by many of four sets of wash leather, may be the normal use of 8 years of good quality products, if found in the normal use of surface and opened off-line, I can always be replaced free of new products, I plant the production of five sets of non-woven fabric: and four sets of one-time, are sold all over the country, praised by customers long production lines


There is a set of 300000 T/Y normal decompressing line of advanced level and a set of 100000 T/Y catalyze and cracking equipment.


Based on an analytical solution of 1-D unsteady flow, a set of analytical solutions of 2-D and 3-D unsteady perfect isentropic gas flow is developed.


The thesis introduces development of control system of distillation and vacuum unit of TPCC Refinery.


更多网络解释与常套相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

extension spring:拉伸弹簧

拉伸弹簧(Extension Spring)为压缩弹簧之反向运用,运用范围大致较无具体产品类别,但操作控制较压缩弹簧高一级. 扭转弹簧:扭转弹簧分为单扭弹簧和双扭弹簧,弹簧常套入销或轴中,当受外力后,即依弹簧轴心为轴而产生一扭转力,使得弹簧捲紧或旋鬆.

nonstationary iterative method:非定常迭代法

增量迭代法:incremental iterative method | 非定常迭代法:nonstationary iterative method | 嵌套迭代法:Nested iterative method

a conventional melodrama:老套的通俗剧

adj. 缺乏独创性(个性)的;陈腐的 | a conventional melodrama 老套的通俗剧 | conventional phrases 常套

nested structure:嵌套结构

HLM常用于社会科学和行为科学,因为它常有嵌套结构(Nested Structure)的数据,因此需用次模型(Sub-Model)或分层线性模型(Hierarchical Model),HLM就是设计来专门解决此类问题的,

nested structure:套结构

HLM常用于社会科学和行为科学,因为它常有嵌套结构(Nested Structure)的数据,因此需用次模型(Sub-Model)或分层线性模型(Hierarchical Model),HLM就是设计来专门解决此类问题的,

pursuit n.1:追求,寻求 2.追赶,追逐 3.[常pl.](花时间和精力的)事,嗜好,消遣

pursue vt.1.继续,从事 2.追赶,追踪 3.追求 | pursuit n.1.追求,寻求 2.追赶,追逐 3.[常pl.](花时间和精力的)事,嗜好,消遣 | suite n.1.(旅馆的)套间 2.一套加剧 3.(同类物的)套,组,系列

stationary stochastic process:平稳随机过程=>定常確率過程

stationary steel bushing 固定钢套 | stationary stochastic process 平稳随机过程=>定常確率過程 | stationary stop 固定挡板


并不需要喷嘴流道尺寸变化之详细资料. 所造成之总质量流率的误差,例如:滑动(slip)及气泡体积因流场压力改变混合室之出口压力亦即喷嘴(Nozzle)的入口压力. 般而言,喷嘴的入口效模拟与对应. 因此,开发一套二维甚至是三维的,非定常( unsteady)的,

well-trodden:(人迹) 常到的;引申含义:常被研究的; 常被讨论的; 老套的

well-trodden (人迹) 常到的;引申含义:常被研究的; 常被讨论的; 老套的 | city slicker 大城市人 | laid-back 休闲的,放松的


.保险套(Condoms)虽然保险套可能被用来预防性病的感染,但在合宜使用时是一种避孕方法. 其缺点是会破坏快感或因破裂而失效,所以此法常与女性阴道塞杀精剂的方法并用. .子宫帽(Diaphragm)子宫帽能提供更好的受孕预防,