英语人>词典>汉英 : 带来厄运的 的英文翻译,例句
带来厄运的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
unsonsy  ·  jinxed

更多网络例句与带来厄运的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her mother died two weeks after her birth and Adeline was considered to be a source of bad luck by her family.


There are many theories about the origin of the word "bogeyman."


Geographically Illyria is located between the the Kingdom of Macedon, Epirus, Cisalpine Gaul and Rome - opening up a world of conflict and potential defeat if you don't play your cards right.


When a Planet who is a Fortune is in Conjunction with an Infortune, he allays his malice, so that the Infortune shall do no hurt.


One is in Istanbul and that's one jinx Milan will want to lay to rest.


Just be sure to bring an odd number of buds, as an even number is said to bring bad luck.


He is not quite the disaster you portend.


Prosperity is the blessing of the Old Testa- ment; adversity is the blessing of the New; which carrieth the greater benediction, and the clearer revelation of God's favor.


As for them who been given with help and produced sorry to us, although happily found some "gain",will be contemned abhorrently.


I think that negates the bad luck.


更多网络解释与带来厄运的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

with us mired in this unnatural fog:唱着海盗的歌会给我们带来厄运的

It's bad luck to be singing about pirates|在这不寻常的浓雾里 | with us mired in this unnatural fog.|唱着海盗的歌会给我们带来厄运的 | Mark my words.|记住我的话吧

queen mother:太后

还有一顶王冠,已故王太后(Queen Mother)戴过,上面镶嵌的一颗科希内尔(忘了拼不起来英文名字)钻石是东印度公司赠送给维多利亚女王的,传说它会给男人带来厄运,因此只能用在女人的王冠上.

He likes to put on the dog:摆架子

Is he a Jonah?--带来厄运的人 | He likes to put on the dog.--摆架子 | The black dog is over Jim now.--意志消沉

Please give me a bottle of Adam' s ale:给我一杯水

Is he a Jonah 他是带来厄运的人吗 | please give me a bottle of Adam's ale 给我一杯水 | they are Darby and Joan 他们是恩爱夫妻