英语人>词典>汉英 : 帕金森病 的英文翻译,例句
帕金森病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与帕金森病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Both ablative surgery and STN-DBS appears to be safe and efficacious for the management of advanced PD.


At present there is no effective therapeutics to treat PD except the allopathy. The discovery of neural stem cells in the adult mammalian brain provides a new chance to effect a radical cure on PD. But how to make the limited neural stem cells proliferating enough and differentiating into the dopaminergic neurons which can repair the nigrostriatal pathway and help to eliminate the PD symptoms becomes an urgent problem.


The administration of the drug dopa can improve lips dysfunction of parkinsonian.


Results The GRK5 protein level in Parkinson's disease α-synuclein transgenic mice was increased to different degrees compared with that in non-transgenic littermate control mice, and the protein and mRNA expressions of GRK5 in 9-month old A53T mutant mice were higher than those in NLC mice, but there were no significant changes in the 3 month and 6 month old A53T mutant mice.

结果 各组帕金森病α-synuclein转基因小鼠与阴性对照小鼠相比,GRK5蛋白表达水平均有不同程度的增加,并且随着转入的h-α-syn蛋白表达水平的高低而有所变化。3月龄和6月龄帕金森病转基因模型小鼠与同月龄阴性对照组小鼠相比,GRK5的mRNA和蛋白水平没有变化;而9月龄帕金森病转基因模型小鼠与同月龄阴性对照组小鼠相比,GRK5的mRNA和蛋白水平都有所增加。

Significant association between cerebrovascular lesions and neuritic Braak stage was seen in PDD but not in PD subjects without dementia.


A retrospective clinico-pathologic study of 100 patients with autopsy proven PD (including 44 cases with dementia/PDD) and 20 cases of dementia with Lewy bodies confirmed essential clinical (duration of illness, Mini-Mental State Examination/MMSE, age at death) and morphologic differences between these groups; Lewy body Braak scores and Alzheimer pathologies (neuritic Braak stage, cortical Aβ plaque load, and generalized cerebral amyloid angiopathy or CAA) were significantly higher/more severe in DLB and PDD than in PD without dementia.


The clinical manifestation of parkinsonism, Diagnosis and treatment


The invention also provides use of the antiparkinsonian animal model obtained in filtering gene targets for curing parkinsonism.


Objective: To investigate the distribution of vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT2) in PD model of C57BL mice brain and their relationships with Parkinson disease.


The study included patients aged 30 and older who had a diagnosis of idiopathic PD of less than or equal to 5 years in duration, a baseline UPDRS Motor Function examination score of at least 10, a Hoehn and Yahr stage score less than or equal to 3, and 2 or more cardinal signs of PD, including bradykinesia, resting tremor, rigidity, or postural instability.

该实验患者为30岁及30岁以上诊断为突发性帕金森病患病5年或5年以下者,其UPDRS运动评分至少为10,按帕金森病hoehn - Yahr 分级标准至少3期,有2项或2项以上帕金森病主要症状,包括行动迟缓、静止性震颤、肌僵直、或姿势不稳定。

更多网络解释与帕金森病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Parkinson's disease:帕金森氏症

某些神经退行性疾病如阿尔茨海默病( Alzheimer ' s disease , AD )、帕金森氏症( Parkinson ' s disease )等是由于中枢神经发生了病理性的程序性死亡.

Parkinson's disease:帕金森氏病

几个月前,他曾经来信说,他近来身体欠佳,患了"帕金森氏病"(Parkinson's disease)即震颤性麻痹,而且已经说不出话了. 从他签名可以看出写得比过去吃力,将有的字母堆写在一起. 剑桥传来的消息也说,李约瑟在世的日子恐怕不多了. 虽然大家事先已有了思想准备,

Parkinson's Disease Clinic:帕金森病门诊

59 痴呆门诊 Dementia Clinic | 60 帕金森病门诊 Parkinson's Disease Clinic | 61 脱髓鞘疾病门诊 Demyelinating Diseases Clinic


[[震颤麻痹]](Paralysis agitans)又称[[帕金森]](Parkinson)病,是发生于中年以上的黑质和黑质纹状体通路的变性疾病. 国内帕金森病和帕金森综合征患病率为44.3/10万人口,其中帕金森病患病率34.8/10万人口.


PAVM:肺动静脉畸形 | Parkinson病(PD):帕金森氏病 | PDA:动脉导管未闭

parkinson disease:帕金森病

帕金森病(Parkinson disease)又称震颤麻痹. 临床主要症状为进行性运动徐缓、肌强直及震颤,此外尚有知觉、识别及记忆障碍等症状. 目前药物治疗并不能完全治愈该病,但若正确使用可显著改善患者的生活质量. 根据药理作用机制,将抗PD药分为拟DA药和抗胆碱药两类,

parkinson disease:帕金森病,又称"震颤麻痹

parinaud syndrome:帕里诺综合征 | parkinson disease:帕金森病,又称"震颤麻痹" | partial seizure:部分发作


体格检查:内科检查注意不同体位的血压、角膜、甲状腺、心、肝、肾等. 神经系统检查除了针对运动障碍以统一帕金森病症状评分量表(UPDRS )为基础外,还需注意非帕金森病能解释的表现. 诊断:首先是症状诊断(运动或非运动),考虑是否符合帕金森症(Parkinsonism)及其可能的原因,然后考虑是否符合帕金森病及其严重度.

neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism:精神安定药诱导的帕金森病

11.neointimal proliferation 新生内膜增生 | 12.neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism 精神安定药诱导的帕金森病 | 13.nitroiodophenyl 硝基碘苯基


神经退行性疾病主要包括阿尔茨海默病(AD)、帕金森氏病(PD)和脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS)等,是当今老龄化社会中的一组严重影响人口生存质量的神经疾病群. 细胞治疗学是生命科学的前沿学科,细胞治疗在神经退行性疾病的基础和临床研究是生命科学的研究热点之一.