英语人>词典>汉英 : 希腊式的 的英文翻译,例句
希腊式的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与希腊式的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Architects often tacked majestic facade s with Grecian columns onto existing buildings; banks and institutions became imitation Doric temples


Architects often tack ed majestic facades with Grecian columns onto existing buildings; banks and institutions became imitation Doric temples


Architects often tacked majestic facades with Grecian columns onto existing buildings; banks and institutions became imitation Doric temple s


Architects often tacked majestic facades with Grecian columns onto existing buildings; banks and institutions became imitation Doric temples


The bearded man had on a fez, the other's head was bare, and the snow had lodged in his hair.


From Diognetus, not to busy myself about trifling things, and not to give credit to what was said by miracle-workers and jugglers about incantations and the driving away of daemons and such things; and not to breed quails for fighting, nor to give myself up passionately to such things; and to endure freedom of speech; and to have become intimate with philosophy; and to have been a hearer, first of Bacchius, then of Tandasis and Marcianus; and to have written dialogues in my


From Diognetus, not to busy myself about trifling things, and not to give credit to what was said by miracle-workers and jugglers about incantations and the driving away of daemons and such things; and not to breed quails for fighting, nor to give myself up passionately to such things; and to endure freedom of speech; and to have become intimate with philosophy; and to have been a hearer, first of Bacchius, then of Tandasis and Marcianus; and to have written dialogues in my


From Diognetus, not to busy myself about trifling things, and not to give credit to what was said by miracle-workers and jugglers about incantations and the driving away of daemons and such things; and not to breed quails for fighting, nor to give myself up passionately to such things; and to endure freedom of speech; and to have become intimate with philosophy; and to have been a hearer, first of Bacchius, then of Tandasis and Marcianus; and to have written dialogues in my youth; and to have desired a plank bed and skin, and whatever else of the kind belongs to the Grecian discipline.


Consorting with the mercurial fae, the Fellowship of Pan indulges in rites of sex, drinking, and Muse-inspired poetry and debate.

与墨丘利神般的仙灵混血的the Fellowship of Pan在典礼上纵酒、乱交、问缪斯要作诗的灵感、进行希腊式的辩论。

As a side dish, serve tzatziki, made with 2 cups of strained Greek yogurt, several cloves of diced garlic, 12 cup of peeled, diced, or shredded cucumber, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, and chopped mint to taste.


更多网络解释与希腊式的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在西方文化中,"民主"(democracy)的观念,也是源於希腊. 这个字,是由两个希腊字合成的:demos是"人民",kratos是"治理". 不过希腊式的民主,跟现代民主制度并不是一回事. 希腊的小城邦民主,通常不超过一万人,而他们的实施方式,

discus throwing:擲鐵餅

赛跑和掷铁饼(discus throwing)是为了纪念宙斯. 比赛胜利者可以获得一个橄榄树叶编成的桂冠,并成为全希腊的名人. 随着商贸和殖民地的发展,希腊式的生活方式风靡整个地中海沿岸,包括南欧和北非. 普通希腊人的家围着一个中心庭院建造,


GreaterManchester 大曼彻斯特 | Grecian 希腊式的 | Grecian 希腊学家


Grecian /希腊的/希腊式的/希腊学家/ | Grecism /希腊风格的/希腊思潮/ | Grecize /使希腊化/使希腊语调/译成希腊语/

Greek cross:希腊式十字架

Greek 希腊的; 希腊语的; 希腊人的 (形) | Greek cross 希腊式十字架 | Green Bay Packers 绿湾包装, 领头美国职业足球队


Roksanda Ilincic软缎礼服 | Marchesa希腊式褶皱礼服 | Stella McCartney带有梦幻感的礼服


她使用的摄影术使舞蹈和活人静态的舞台造型(tableaux)之间难分彼此:人们不清楚,到底是图像记录了舞蹈表演,还是图像本身就具有某种表演的功能. 她制作了一本精美豪华的书,按照叙事的次序排列她雕像般的裸体,经典希腊式的造型,


aligrab | 艾利型抓岩机 | aligreek | 希腊式的格子花或回纹形装饰 | alike | 相同的, 相似的 以同样的方式, 类似于


alignment tower 定位塔 | aligreek 希腊式的格子花 | aline 支承力影响曲线

Pale Greek Revival House:希腊式住宅

※ 1、Classic Greek Revival House ~ 高级希腊住宅 | ※ 2、Pale Greek Revival House ~ 希腊式住宅 | ※ 3、Bright Greek Revival House ~ 明亮的希腊住宅