英语人>词典>汉英 : 希伯来语的 的英文翻译,例句
希伯来语的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Hebraic  ·  Hebrew

更多网络例句与希伯来语的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I want to know some history about Hebrew.


Of or relating to the language of the Hebrews .


Again, the Hebrew of the newly found fragments, although classical, is yet one of a distinctly late type, and it supplies considerable material for lexicographic research.


In the course of this article, we shall follow the Hebrew numeration and bracket that of the Septuagint and Vulgate.


Out of the ashes will rise two new religions: rabbinical Judaism and Christianity.


Similarly, the rudimentary Testament which the Rabbinical Jewish law provides for, has been attributed to contact with the Romans.


In many passages the Septuagint shows interpolations based on the Masorah, so that it presents duplicate versions, while in others the original independent Greek has been replaced by the translated Hebrew of the Masoretic text.

在许多段落的七十显示插值的基础上Masorah ,因此,它提出了重复的版本,而在另一些原来独立希腊已取代翻译希伯来语的马所拉文本。

The same can be said for any so called Greek words that were borrowed from the Greek or transliterated. It is a matter of what bias you approach this particular subject.


Students of Hebrew study the linguistics and literature of biblical Hebrew as well as modern Hebrew.


Paraphrase: My grandfather had written many books: a translation of the Book of Splendour into modern Hebrew, some twenty years work, and lots of thin volumes of speeches, Hasidic tales, and rabbinical biographies.


更多网络解释与希伯来语的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aleph' 'al' Aleph:字母 (希伯来语) 的 ASCII 代码

'aleph' 'al' Aleph 字母 (希伯来语) 的 ASCII 代码 | 'allowrevins' 'ari' 允许插入和命令行模式的 CTRL-_ | 'altkeymap' 'akm' 缺省的第二语言 (波斯语/希伯来语)


Hebei /北洋/冀/ | Hebraic /希伯来人的/希伯来语的/希伯来文化的/ | Hebraist /希伯来语学者/希伯来思想的人/犹太教信徒/

Hebraic:希伯来人的, 希伯来语的, 希伯来文化的 (形)

hebetude 迟钝; 愚钝 (名) | Hebraic 希伯来人的, 希伯来语的, 希伯来文化的 (形) | Hebraism 希伯来语法; 希伯来思想 (名)


Hebraicgranite 文象花岗岩 | Hebraism 希伯来语的语言现象 | Hebraist 希伯来语言学家


HebraicHebrew 希伯来语的 | Hebraist 希伯来思想的人 | Hebraist 希伯来语学者

Ismail Ishmael:希伯来语 上帝在听;他被认为是阿拉伯人的祖先

18.Ishmael 希伯来语 上帝在听 | 19.Ismail Ishmael 希伯来语 上帝在听;他被认为是阿拉伯人的祖先 | 20.Israel 希伯来语 愿上帝统治一切

Ismail:希伯来语 上帝在听;他被认为是阿拉伯人的祖先

18.Ishmael 希伯来语 上帝在听 | 19.Ismail 希伯来语 上帝在听;他被认为是阿拉伯人的祖先 | 20.Israel 希伯来语 愿上帝统治一切


Dual 两部分的 二重的 | Rabbinical 希伯来语的 | Compensate 补偿 报酬

Yom Huledet Sameach:希伯来语的生日快乐

夏威夷语的生日快乐:Hau'olilahanau | 希伯来语的生日快乐:Yom Huledet Sameach | 匈牙利语的生日快乐:Isteneltessen

Zane:希伯来语 上帝仁慈的礼物

3.Zalman 希伯来语 和平而安静的 | 4.Zane 希伯来语 上帝仁慈的礼物 | 5.Zion 希伯来语 极好的