英语人>词典>汉英 : 布丁的一种 的英文翻译,例句
布丁的一种 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Yorkshire pudding, made from flour, eggs and milk, is a sort of batter baked in the oven and usually moistened with gravy.


One accompaniment to roast beef, which actually began life as a meal on its own, is Yorkshire pudding a kind of soft pastry that is used to soak up the rich gravy on the beef.


Surpassed (with the best steaks coming from the Scotch Angus cattle) and is accompanied by roast potatoes, or potatoes done in their jackets; a second vegetable , and Yorkshire pudding (baked batter, a mixture of flour, egg, milk and salt).


Macanese Milk Pudding, favorite Macanese food found in Portuguese restaurants of Macao.


Bread pudding is one of the most popular kinds of this cake pudding.


Joconde is baked in thin layers on baking sheets. Joconde is used to make linings for the outsides of charlottes, a traditional French raspberry mousse cake, and other Bavarian mousse cakes.


Mint in puddings and ice cream is a treat.


A stiff flour pudding boiled in a cloth bag or steamed.


Duff:a stiff flour pudding boiled in a cloth bag or steamed .


When combined with acidic fruit juice such as lemon juice, sweetened condensed milk thickens to form velvety pie fillings, puddings and other desserts.


更多网络解释与布丁的一种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

apple green:苹果绿(一种明亮的嫩绿色)

apple dumplings | 苹果布丁 | apple green | 苹果绿(一种明亮的嫩绿色) | apple head | 笨人, (玩具小狗的)圆脑袋

Hot Dog:热豿

风靡全球的小面包棍夹香肠被称为"热豿"(hot dog). 一种啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒,他们戏谑地称它为"豿鼻子"(dog nose). 那些葡萄卷饼或卷布丁之类又被形象地说成"毯子裹豿"(a dog in a blanket). 在英国军队里,

double boiler:双层蒸锅

利用双层蒸锅(double boiler),以牛奶、砂糖、玉米粉和增香剂等配料就可轻易制作出简单的玉米粉布丁. 玉米粉也在中国菜和法国菜里被用作增稠剂. 玉米面和玉米粉不同. 玉米面是用玉米粉经高温高压工艺制成的面条,是玉米粉改良食品中较好的一种,


传统的餐后甜点例如奶油杏仁糖(Nougat)和外沾糖霜之土耳其橡皮糖(Turkish Delight)中,阿月浑子果仁都是主要的成分. 在圣经时代,阿月浑子果仁碎被加到水果蜜饯、布丁上. 阿月浑子现在是一种常见的美国小食品,


Portuguese tart----葡式蛋塔 | pudding----布丁蛋糕 | apple turnover----一种外面是脆皮,里面是cream和苹果丁的点心

rice pudding:米布丁

现在,在瑞典,据说往圣诞节的饭后甜点米布丁(rice pudding)里放入一粒巴旦杏,吃到的人便会幸福. 圣诞甜酒是往白酒和朗姆酒、白兰地中加入几种香料后煮成的饮料,而这个国家的特色是加入巴旦杏. 在这里,人们用小匙舀着吃融入香料以及白酒香味的巴旦杏.

roast beef:烧烤牛肉

其实 约克夏布丁( Yorkshire pudding ) 它可不是甜的口味喔, 它是奶味 带酥的一种面包或是点心 有人说吃起来的口感像油条 , 正确的吃法是 , 沾上 烧烤牛肉( roast beef) 的酱汁 ...

Yorkshire pudding:约克郡布丁

礼拜天的正餐一般在中午,称为Sunday lunch, 一般是一片烤肉(roast meat)----可以是牛羊肉,也可以是鸡肉或猪肉,约克郡布丁(yorkshire pudding),另外再加上两种蔬菜(如图所示),但口味需要自己调,因为除了烤肉是加盐的,另外还有一些高汤(gravy)以外,

apple turnover:一种外面是脆皮,里面是cream和苹果丁的点心

pudding----布丁蛋糕 | apple turnover----一种外面是脆皮,里面是cream和苹果丁的点心 | Scotch short bread----苏格兰小甜饼

Chocolate-Covered Grasshoppers:一种加巧克力的鸡尾酒

114 Chocolate Pudding 巧克力布丁 | 115 Chocolate-Covered Grasshoppers 一种加巧克力的鸡尾酒 | 116 Cinder Blocks 煤渣