英语人>词典>汉英 : 差数 的英文翻译,例句
差数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
margin  ·  margins  ·  margining

更多网络例句与差数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The model selection and parameters optimization for analog channel were discussed. The Laplace model and the Gauss model in common used in the video frequency were researched.


This paper deals with the aberrations of optical systems consisting of cylindrical components with their axes, parallal and having a common axis of symmetry.


A discussion is made of the continuously sufficient and necessary conditions of the bounded variation fon the closed interval in the paper.

讨论了有界变差数 f在闭区间上连续的充要条件以及函数 f在闭区间上有有界变差的充要条件。

The inconsistency ofchanging trend of the breakdown potential with NDE implied that NDE of aluminum was probably caused by low valence Al+ chemical reaction in solution.


According to the committee's press release, The margin of dumping is the difference between 'normal value' and 'export price.' Because China is a non-market economy country, normal value is not based on either what producers in China charge customers in China or on what it costs them to make furniture in China.


Mean difference data were applied to reported standard oral esophagoscopy landmark measurements to conert to standard landmark measurements from the nares.


The problem is that almost all forecasters work within the parameters of the Gaussian bell curve, which ignores large deviations and thus fails to take account of "Black Swans".


The relationship between the effect of friction on the motion and the parameters, including driving velocity, the kinetic friction coefficient, the friction drop number between the static and kinetic friction coefficient, and the joint equivalent spring stiffness, is investigated quantificationally.


Numerical experiments were conducted on real AVIRIS data to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The detection results were compared with those detected by the classical RX algorithm and KRS which did not suppress the backguound information. The results show that the proposed algorithm has better detection performance, lower false alarm probability and lower computational complexity than other detection algorithms.


The difference between that sum and the six hundred and thirty thousand francs withdrawn from Laffitte represented his expenditure in ten years, from 1823 to 1833. The five years of his stay in the convent had cost only five thousand francs.


更多网络解释与差数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cost of living adjustment:生活费调整(数)

Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations;联合国特权和豁免公约;; | cost-of-living adjustment;生活费调整(数);; | cost-of-living adjustment/differential;生活费调整/差数;;

descending difference:降差数

descending development method 下行展开法 | descending difference 降差数 | descending face 下降割面

difference schema:差分格式

difference quotient 均差 | difference schema 差分格式 | difference sequence 差数序列

difference sequence:差数序列

difference schema 差分格式 | difference sequence 差数序列 | difference set 差集

F test:检定

当总体(或母体)(population)指标t 分布(或t 分配)(t distribution)的概率密度函数的图形是对称(或子样)(sample)平均数和总体平均数的差数用标准误的倍数来表示,f 检验(或f 检定)(f test)是以数据的方差(变异数)分析为基础,

F test:测验

t 测验 t test | F 测验 F test | 最小显著差数 least significant difference

Under handicap:差点计分

Under clubbing 使用小号球棒 | Under handicap 差点计分 | Under handicap 差数加让分数的计分法

Under handicap:差数加让分数的计分法

Under handicap 差点计分 | Under handicap 差数加让分数的计分法 | Under one 总杆数比标准杆少一杆 ,其余类推

normal geopotential number:正常重力位差数

normal geodesic line 正规测地线 | normal geopotential number 正常重力位差数 | normal girth 标准干围

difference sequent:差数序列

差分格式 difference scheme | 差数序列 difference sequent | 差集 difference set