英语人>词典>汉英 : 巨足 的英文翻译,例句
巨足 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
macropodia  ·  sciapody  ·  sciopody  ·  podomegaly

更多网络例句与巨足相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using the model of CTX mice,on"Dazhui","Shenshu"and"Zusanli"by crude herb moxibustion with cantharis anhydro preparation,examine the effect on the number of karyocyte of bone marrow and WBC and spleen index and the production ability of GM CSF by abdominal cavity macrophage.

天灸"大椎"、"肾俞"、"足三里"穴,对化疗骨髓抑制有明显的改善作用,可以显著增加骨髓有核细胞和白细胞计数,增加脾指数;对腹腔巨噬细胞产生GM CSF的能力有显著的增强作用。

Methods Animal inflammatory models were established by injection of dimethylbenzene for mice ear swelling, carrageenin for rat footpad, cotton pellet wool for rat granuloma respectively. The content of prostaglandin E2(PGE2) and leukotriene B4(LTB4) from peritoneal macrophages were measured by RIA and RP-HPLC respectively.


When MPa was given to the rats and mice model by the method of ip and ig,MPa was found with antiinflammatory action at different extent in the delayed footpad reaction with formaldehyde in rats and in the reaction of pinnae tumefaction with xylene in mice.


In the more highly differentiated Phaeophyta brown algae , such as wracks and kelps , the stalk between the holdfast and the blade .


In the more highly differentiated Phaeophyta brown algae , uch as wracks and kelps , the stalk between the holdfast and the blade .


From the corrupt bribe case that in recent years each district court hears midleg can see,"Gigantic corrupt may not resides young officer of exalted "," to already became a kind of new corrupt into big corrupt "


Polyarthritis model was induced by Freund's complete adjuvant in rats. The edema degree of the inflamed paws general affection T lymphocyte proliferation function, IL-1 activity secreted by celiac macrophage, peroxide lipid and SOD-1 in serum were detected.

用弗氏完全佐剂造成大鼠多发性关节炎,观察足跖肿胀程度、全身病变、脾脏T淋巴细胞增殖功能、腹腔巨噬细胞白介素 1(IL-1)分泌活性、血清脂质过氧化和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD-1)活性。

Medicinal vesiculation or moxibustion of wheat grain form on "Dazhui","Shenshu" and "Zusanli" has significant effect on bone marrow inh...


As a result of many factors taken into account, their wedding plans simple, but too big, gold gifts, parents-in-lawto tea etiquette, and so on will be done, the wedding is expected to open 4-5 seats for invited guests only Leo Ku, HackenLee, Gude Zhao, Cheung Tat-ming, and other friends attended the circle.


The two kinds of polysaccharose had been compared their immune pharmacolog -ical effect by a series of tests to the mice which were immunological organ weight test, celiac mononuclear cacrophage test, erythrocyte rosette formation test, EAC rosette formation test, metatarsal swelling thickness test, and lymphocyte transformation test.


更多网络解释与巨足相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Heteropoda Venatoria:狩獵巨蟹蛛

巨蟹蛛科 Sparassidae | 異足蛛屬 Olios | 狩獵巨蟹蛛 Heteropoda venatoria


macroplasia 过度发育 | macropodia 巨足 | macropolycyte 大多核白细胞

macropodia:巨足 巨足

macroplus 宏功能加 | macropodia 巨足 巨足 | macropody 巨足 巨足


冢雉科 MEGAPODIIDAE | 巨足科 MEGAPODIIDAE | 大翅鲸 Megaptera novaengliae


podogram 足印 | podolite 碳酸磷灰石 | podomegaly 巨足 巨足

Varanus bengalensis:孟加拉国巨蜥

巨蜥科 Varanidae | 127 孟加拉国巨蜥 Varanus bengalensis | 双足蜥科 Dibamidae


巨蟹蛛科 Sparassidae | 異足蛛屬 Olios | 狩獵巨蟹蛛 Heteropoda venatoria

Megapodes, scrubfowl:塚雉(巨足)科

Pipile pipile 鳴冠雉(鳴官鳥) | Megapodiidae 塚雉(巨足)科 Megapodes, scrubfowl | Macrocephalon maleo 蘇拉威西塚雉(西里伯斯大頭雞、營塚鳥)

Megapodes, scrubfowl:巨足科

Pipile pipile 鸣官鸟 I I | Megapodiidae 巨足科 Megapodes, scrubfowl | Macrocephalon maleo 西里伯斯大头鸡(营冢鸟) I I

Giant Red Mantis:(巨爪蟹足螳螂

66 Red Mantis A(利爪蟹足螳螂) | 67 Giant Red Mantis(巨爪蟹足螳螂lvl.31) | 552 Small Jack the Hammer(小铁锤杰克)