英语人>词典>汉英 : 巨指的 的英文翻译,例句
巨指的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Heiner's syndrome consists of pulmonary hemosiderosis associated with allergic reactions after ingesting cow's milk. Pulmonary hemosiderosis is characterized by the accumulation of iron within the pulmonary macrophages as hemosiderin combined with iron-deficiency anemia.


Lulong trench to grape known as Bao Zi, standing surrounded by a grape trellis green corridor, the Everywhere you looked, the rise of a string of grapes could taste that there was a rose incense, longan, Jufeng, mare's milk, and many other beauties that varieties, like arriving in a sea grape.


Objective To put forward the proper classification and management of macrodactyly.

目的 提出先天性巨指症的合适分型与治疗方案。

Five patients with macrodactyly of the foot treated by the author from 1980 to 1990 are presented.


Chinese man Lui Hua suffers from a rare condition known as macrodactyly.


Abnormalities in width, such as macrodactyly, are known to be associated with conditions such as Proteus syndrome and are difficult to detect using fetal ultrasound scan.


Catastrophe risk refers to the probability of sudden and severe accidents or disasters.


Somatic science is the science of man in cosmic environment;in the languege of systems science,the human body is considered to be an open complex giant system embeded in the supergiant system of comic sorld;here "open"is referred to the human body environment,"giant"means the number of the constituting members of the system runs to billions and billons,"complex"means the kinds of the constituting members are also numerous and the interactions among the members are of great variety,Somatic science thus departs in basic viewpoint from the classical reductionist physiology.


It is said that in western Hunan, a 3000 stone clutching his wet all the sweet, and the two sides from where they stand proud of giant bamboo shoot refers to the sky, lofty done, and done magnificent!


In cross section it takes one of several shapes-circular,multicurve,horseshoe,cathedral arch,zrched,or flatroofed,and with clear spans lf from a few feet to more than 50 ft and,in cavern form ,much wider.

In 十字架区段中只有存在,和由于清楚的指距 lf 从一些脚到超过 50 ft 和,以巨穴形式,很多的 wider。

更多网络解释与巨指的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

big enchilada:最重要的人物

big deal 1. (常用作反语)至关重要的大事,了不起的事情 2.要人,名人 | big enchilada 最重要的人物 | big fish 大鱼(指要人、巨头等)


(二)巨脑畸形 巨脑畸形(Megalencephaon)又称脑大畸形或巨头畸形(Macrocephaly),指任何原因引起的脑实质增大,包括脑体积过大和质量过重. 1. 病因病理和临床表现 巨脑畸形的病因尚不明确,但许多报告本病呈家族性发病,


落网的3名主脑被指利用"蝴蝶 (Mariposa)程序",通过微软公司IE浏览器的漏洞、受感染的USB终端或MSN发出连结,散播电脑病毒,秘密控制受感染的电脑,组成"殭尸网络 ",盗取电脑用户的信用卡、银行等个人资料获取巨利.


人的正常红血球(normocyto)的大小,直径为6-9微米,在此以上的为大红血球(macroc-yte),以下的为小红血球(microcyte),小红血球正常人偶见. 大红血球多见于溶血性贫血及巨幼细胞贫血. 红血球大小不均(anisocytosis)是指在同一张血片上红血球之间直径相差一倍以上而言.


大吞噬细胞指巨噬细胞(microphage),小吞噬细胞指中性粒细胞(neutrophilic granulocyte),又称多形核白细胞(polymorphonuclearleucocyte,PMN). 12.炎症(infiammatory) 机体受到有害刺激时所表现的全身性防御应答,其作用为清除有害异物,

mucoid degeneration:粘液变性

12.粘液变性(mucoid degeneration)是指组织间质内出现粘多糖(透明质酸等)和蛋白质的蓄积. 13.含铁血黄素(hemosiderin)是逸出血管的红细胞被巨噬细胞吞噬,来自红细胞血红蛋白的Fe3+与蛋白质结合成铁蛋白微粒,聚集成光镜下可见的棕褐色、较粗大的折光颗粒.


10.吞噬细胞(phagocyte) 具有吞噬病原微生物、衰老细胞等各种异物颗粒并能将其消化降解的细胞称为吞噬细胞,又分为大、小吞噬细胞两类. 大吞噬细胞指巨噬细胞(microphage),小吞噬细胞指中性粒细胞(neutrophilic granulocyte),


(4)阿兰(Alain)人,生活于高加索地区东部靠近里海一带的突厥支族. 摇指着如黑色游龙般迅捷的船队和象高昂的龙头般挺立船头的巨影,身为统军三猛将之一的塔孩(TQAY)说道. 出身于速勒都思(S ld s)一族的他在之前的别纳客忒攻城战中尽展其勇武,


\\"巨指(趾)畸形,巨指(趾)\\",\\"dactylornegaly\\" | \\"有指的,指状的\\",\\"dactylose,dactylous\\" | \\"指(趾)痉挛\\",\\"dactylospasm\\"

