英语人>词典>汉英 : 工作面 的英文翻译,例句
工作面 的英文翻译、例句


working face · acting surface · working surface
更多网络例句与工作面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The testing proves that it is available to ensure the working faces safety and increase the top-coal recovery that forcing blast top-coal and roof when the faces early working. The forcing blast method of the end top-coal is available, safety and reliable, it has a markedly effect to increase the recovery of the hard coal face.


It was necessary that the frontispiece of face was pre-supported in the especial stratum. Fourthly, by the model analytic value and the FEM numerical simulation, the advance reinforcement parameters were analyzed roundly, and its results explained that the parameters had optimal values. A series of formulations conforming loads born up for pre-reinforcement structure were given, and five rules for its design and choice were put forward.


This mine is in after geological to 21212 working face, 31605 working face, 21604 working face condition and mine situation undertake on-the-spot perambulate, made corresponding exploitation plan a few days ago, strive to be below the case with geological complex condition, reclaim the coal that can pick more as far as possible, the mine that makes good triangle coal and working surface ending work, reclaim with what utmost land increases coal resource rate.


Through the combined reform of the outer spaying of the coal cutter,the spraying of the beare,the spra- ying of the transfer spot and the Water curtain,which induce the dust concentration,the job condition has been im- proved and has reaeched the preceptorial purpose to realize the high efficiency and yielding of the working face.


Dust and aspiratory dust were monitored personally on the full-mechanized mining work face, full-mechanized tunneling work face and gun tunneling work face in the coal mine to investigate the harm of aspiratory dust to the workers underground.


This article take 9309 coal mining face in some mine as an example, through the analysis mine heat source, uses the airflow temperature forecast model, had forecast the distribution of airflow temperature in coal mining face and two cross heading channels, and has carried on the contrast with the measured results.


It was shown that coal seam floor failure depth of working face 2121 was 32.5 to 5 m, approximately three times as deep as that of shallow working face(in genera l,9.15 to 12.0 m). Coal seam floor failure depth increased with mining depth. Potential risk of water inrush through coal seam floor of working face 2121 is much higher for deep mining than for shallow mining.

试验结果表明:该工作面底板破坏深度为32.5~35 m,比300 m采深以内的工作面实测深度(9.15~ 12.0 m)增加2倍以上,说明随着开采深度的增加,煤层底板采动破坏深度呈明显增大的趋势,因此,在水压和破坏深度二者同时增加的条件下,2121工作面深部煤层开采的突水危险性远远大于浅部煤层。

2207 Face of Chensilou Coal Mine,summarize the difficulty and the key point of the safety management of full-mechanized mining face with high inclined compound roof ,adopt countermeasures to guard against the support crooked and guard against the scraper conveyer and mining machine to glide down.


According to the state of the working coal seam where the working-face 706 of Xiaonan Mine exists and the characteristics of present routine technical measures taken to prevent and father the spontaneous combustion, the theory of fuzzy comprehensive appraisal is applied to analyze the plan about fire-protection technique for the working-face 706 of Xiaonan Mine.


On the basis of the analysis, the simulation model of system dynamics for the productive system of the fully-mechanized coalface has been established in order to realize the simulation analysis of the productive system for the fully-mechanized coalface.


更多网络解释与工作面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

roadway head:巷道掘进工作面

heading stope 巷道回采工作面 | roadway head 巷道掘进工作面 | heading chain pillar 巷道矿柱

roadway head:巷道掘进工作面idv中国学习动力网

heading stope 巷道回采工作面idv中国学习动力网 | roadway head 巷道掘进工作面idv中国学习动力网 | heading chain pillar 巷道矿柱idv中国学习动力网

heading stope:巷道回采工作面

gas outburst potential 瓦斯突出 | heading stope 巷道回采工作面 | roadway head 巷道掘进工作面

heading stope:巷道回采工作面idv中国学习动力网

gas outburst potential 瓦斯突出idv中国学习动力网 | heading stope 巷道回采工作面idv中国学习动力网 | roadway head 巷道掘进工作面idv中国学习动力网

longwall undercutter:长壁工作面用截煤机

longwall coalcutter 长工作面用截煤机 | longwall undercutter 长壁工作面用截煤机 | longwall working 长壁采矿法

filled stopes:已填工作面 ; 充填工作面

"filled rill stope","充填测向采掘" | "filled stopes","已填工作面 ; 充填工作面" | "filler","填充料"

construction unfolds:工作面展开

work amount 工作量 | construction unfolds 工作面展开 | open the work 准备工作面

working face:工作面工作平面

working face 工作面 | working face 工作面工作平面 | working fastening 临时固定

coal working face:采煤工作面

综采工作面:fully machinized coal face | 采煤工作面:coal working face | 综采工作面:Full mechanized coal face

The Mechanization working face:综采工作面

综采工作面:The Mechanization working face | 机械化工艺:mechanization construction technology | 综放工作面:comprehensive mechanization caving coalface