英语人>词典>汉英 : 工作能力 的英文翻译,例句
工作能力 的英文翻译、例句


operation capacity
更多网络例句与工作能力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main points of this paper are as follows:(1) The actuality and the deficiency of the current workflow technology is analyzed according to the expatiating on the workflow technology.(2) A workflow model supporting the dynamic modifying and its implementation arithmetic and an implementation method using the OO technology is proposed according to the Directed Graph theory.(3) The strategy of dynamic modifying of workflow model is researched, a improved conversion strategy is proposed, and the detailed process of dynamic modifying is discussed.(4) Having researched on the construction scheme of digital campus based on URP and the workflow of office business, an OA system model based on dynamic workflow technology was proposed according to the workflow management system model and several typical functions of OA workflow management system were realized, which is of high value on improving the autoimmunization of business operation and the cooperating work ability.


Knowledge of the distribution of white-collar workers must be the work of partners in the world, often to keep in touch to communicate, so English proficiency is a must, but also to history as the Hollywood director Steven Porter Bibb, like to write the script will produce, possess a high number of working capacity.


Some diseases may be cured by western medicine, but they may cause disability in work or life or transfer into other malignant diseases or permanent disability; some may have short-term effect with potential serious hurt. For example, it is a quick effect using glucocorticoids chemical medicines to cure rheumatism, relieve pain, diminish inflammation, once stopping the medicine, it is apt to recur. And it may cause corpulence, osteoporosis, disability in work or life, even paralysis and unquenchable rheumatism by long-term use.


By using the method of documentation, this paper summarizes the research achievement of college students\' aerobic capacity and expounds the normal value and measuring method of important index of aerobic capacity-Maximal Oxygen Uptake and discusses the influential factors of college students\' Maximal Oxygen Uptake, in order to provide the theoretioal references for improving the aerobic capacity of college students.


The paper analyses the degressive law of asphalt concrete paver s working capability in WesternArea, and puts forward the modificatory coefficient in different altitude.


Meanwhile, contrasting with the advanced principles and goals, the paper sets up the annual and quarter performance appraisal model and promotation and selection model, builds up a whole middle-rank cadres"performance appraisal system which concludes 21 items about working feats, 5 items about working attitude, 4 items about working behavior and 7 items about working ability, bring in the method of management by objective, 360o appraisal method, paired comparison method and factor comparison method, explicates the basic procedure of appraisal, builds up a healthy performance feedback and communicating system, widens the practice approach of the appraisal result, and fulfills the advancing design of the assessment of the middle-rank cadres"performance of Lanzhou Power Supply Company.


"Battlefield communications interoperability is essential in today's warfighting environment where coalition communication is vital," said Ken Peterman, president, ITT Communications Systems.

TT通信系统部总裁Ken Peterman说:"战场通信协同工作能力在当今的战场环境下是至关重要的,此次我们两个国家间无线电系统协同工作能力演示的成功,是军队在战场上朝更强通信、更高任务能力、更高安全性前进的一大步。"

My working content: Enterprise every administration approves procedure spread out; Companys every internal rule system decide and implement; Companys every external contact and reception are corresponding as moving about; Companys important contract and document classify management; Afforest and ensure safety , insure the clean companys daily outside bales such as dining room and regular bus to serve the management of project; Represent company to carry out trademark propaganda , plan substandard department campaign participate in; Preferential industrial policy and profession information collect; Help to lead daily work; Companys internal and external department operation is environmental to control and supervise; Important statement and the writings such as meeting summary, companys annual notes and propagative handbook produce work; Other administration working hopes can have the opportunity the working post in self expectation goes up raising personal ability, sublimation business level and realization self value, make biggest contribution to discover own uncle music my advantage: Can complete own job remarkablely satisfactorily; Independence spreads out working ability; Can collect effective industrial information for enterprise, and using effective resource fully serve enterprise have opened situation repeatedly in self scope of business for company; Can complete every administration index of company conscientiously efficiently


If I will be the computer programmer I can choose will work in Microsoft becomes in them First Microsoft took global top-quality IT Corporation, I liked Microsoft enterprise culture there gathering the innumerable computers outstanding person to be able to learn very many things in there me, how not only was learns compiles the procedure also to be able to learn the more better renewals computer knowledge, was helpful further sharpens my working ability to me Works in Microsoft may lodge works Yu Le atmosphere, can henceforth center obtain the achievement feeling, and enjoys the work Likes Microsoft the enterprise culture He encourages the innovation in Microsoft subsequently to have the responsibility to the work, the full authorization, may regard as the work own enterprise to manage the management Controls the work but not to let the work control you The free working conditions with the non- bureaucrat's management way, enable me all work with the management social stratum in the mutual cooperation and under the support environment Then is works in Microsoft may see own idol Bill Gates, moreover also can work together with him Finally is high in the Microsoft work treatment, company's famous sound, has the future Later even if will not work in Microsoft I to believe depended on the oneself ability and thing also own which learned in Microsoft also can have an achievement Because time this experience is most important But in view of Microsoft's management, down to overworks dead "facing the long-firing operation pressure facing other individual Microsoft staff's" I also still to want, not only may challenge my limit facing the pressure, is competing together with more outstanding talented people, in the competition I thought I can make good.


Following the establishment of the workability computation module of mechanism, this paper discusses how to quantify the workability of component parts and motion duals,and the calculating example is given, therefore the quantitative analysis of mechanism is made much more clear and definite.


更多网络解释与工作能力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hands on background:实际工作能力

hands-on 动手上机,实际训练,实践经验,交互性工作 | hands-on background 实际工作能力 | hands-on operation 内行操作


(由"基金"(Fund) 指根据第27条设立的肺尘埃沉着病补偿基金;"处长"(Commissioner) 指劳工处处长;"丧失工作能力"(incapacity) 指肺尘埃沉着病或间皮瘤(或两者)引致的丧失工作能力;

permanent incapacity:永久丧失工作能力

permanent establishment 常额编制 | permanent incapacity 永久丧失工作能力 | permanent leave record 永久假期记录表

total incapacity:完全丧失工作能力

(由1982年第76号第3条增补)"同居者"(cohabitee) 就雇员而言,指在有关意外发生时与该雇员共同生活俨如其妻子或丈夫的人; (由2000年第52号第3条增补)"完全丧失工作能力"(total incapacity) 指暂时或永久丧失工作能力,


invalidation 无效 | invalidity 无效力;丧失工作能力 | invalidity 无效力丧失工作能力

Years of irrelevance:工作年限不重要,重要的是工作能力

Resumes are ridiculous: 简历都是忽悠人的,相信你在看简... | Years of irrelevance: 工作年限不重要,重要的是工作能力. | Forget about formal education: 正式的教育不重要,学院派教育出来的人倾向于表现僵化. 扩...

Able to work independently and resourcefully:独立的工作能力,抗压性强

4) Familiar with manufacturing line is preferred. 熟悉制造产线优先. | 5) Able to work independently and resourcefully. 独立的工作能力,抗压性强. | 6) Must be computer literate. 能操作电脑.

Specific Duty:单位产量,单位功率,工作能力

specific discharge 单位排量,比流量 | specific duty 单位产量,单位功率,工作能力 | specific energy 比能,单位能量

curtailed occupation:工作能力削弱

h4.1 间歇性不能工作 intermittently unoccupied | h4.2 工作能力削弱 curtailed occupation | h4.3 调整后能胜任工作 adjusted occupation

pumpage:泵的工作能力, 抽运量

special didactics 各科教学法 | pumpage 泵的工作能力, 抽运量 | lustre sheet 抛光薄板