英语人>词典>汉英 : 工人委员会 的英文翻译,例句
工人委员会 的英文翻译、例句


grievance committee
更多网络例句与工人委员会相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When: The ITC conducts an investigation under section 201 upon receipt of a petition from a trade association, firm, certified or recognized union, or group of workers which is representative of a domestic industry; upon receipt of a request from the President or the USTR; upon receipt of a resolution of the House Committee on Ways and Means or Senate Committee on Finance; or upon its own motion.


However, the employees believe that the work committee is a defunct process.


They set up an influential committee to advise workers on how to economise in food.


Gosplan drafted workers into grim factories even if their talents would have been better suited elsewhere.


The second was the formation of a twelve-person National Executive Board that, in contrast to the UAW's Executive Board (all officers are full-time), limited the number of full-timers to only three: the President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Quebec Director.


At this point, master of the Central Committee of the City of Paris, an armed uprising to overthrow the regime in Thiers, and achieved great success. March 28, was the Paris Commune elections, a large number of workers, socialists and internationalists took part in the Paris Commune leadership, a new proletarian state power was born. Paris Commune


The decreeing of Workers' Councils by the Chávez government is not the same as the building of committees of struggle by the working class.


Despite growing workers protests and unrests in Iran, it has been accepting and legitimizing puppets of regime made organs such as Workers' House and Islamic Councils as "Iranian workers organizations".


CWWN also laid on a special course for 30 members of the factory's worker committee, and helped establish a hotline service for workers to report problems in confidence.

CWWN 还为该厂由30名员工组成的工人委员会提供特殊课程,帮助他们建立热线服务自信地反映问题。

A special committee, established on the orders of Ben-Gurion, was charged with 'inquiring into the possibilities and ways of implementing the hiring of workers in public works and housing construction.


更多网络解释与工人委员会相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


freeman自由民 | committeeman 委员,委员会成员 | garageman 汽车库工人

Ovambo Workers' Strike Committee:奥万博工人罢工委员会

Ovambo;奥万博语(文);; | Ovambo Workers' Strike Committee;奥万博工人罢工委员会;; | Ovambokavango Lutheran Church;奥万博卡万戈路德教会;;


注释: [15]小委员会(Subcommittee)是为了制定国际工人协会的纲领性文件由临时中央委员会选出的一个委员会;上述工作完成后,委员会继续存在,通常每周开会一次,成了总委员会的执行机关;从1865年夏天起也称做常务委员会(Standing Committee).

Trade Union Council:工人委员会

Trade Union Congress 工人大会 | Trade Union Council 工人委员会 | trade union 工会

windfall profits:意外利润

Win-praise Motivation 赞誉动机1157 | Windfall Profits 意外利润1109 | Workers' Council 工人委员会228

works council:劳资联合委员会

西德的工业民主运动可能因为缺乏雄心壮志而失败,但是战后的共同决定制度给予西德一个全世界最广泛的、正规的雇员代表体系,这个共同决定制度确保在企业的监视会以及工厂和企业层次上的劳资联合委员会(works council)中有工人代表(Weid

NAG National Association of Gardeners:全国园林工人协会[美]

NAFC North-American Forestry Commission (ofFAO) 北美洲林业委员会(属联合国粮农组织) | NAG National Association of Gardeners 全国园林工人协会(美) | NAI National Agricultural Institute 全国农业学会(美)

International Committee of Workers' Cooperative Productive and Artisanal Society:国际工人合作生产业和手工业协会委员会

International Committee of Work Study and La... | International Committee of Workers' Cooperative Productive and Artisanal Society,国际工人合作生产业和手工业协会委员会,, | International Committee on Ae...

arab states commission on human rights:阿拉伯国家人权委员会

arab federation of workers in metal , mechanical and electrical industries||阿拉伯金属、机械和电力工业工人联合会 | arab states commission on human rights||阿拉伯国家人权委员会 | aradas||阿拉达斯

Interstate Commerce Commission ICC:(美国)州际商务委员会

1733 International Transport Worker Federation ITF国际运输工人联盟 | 1734 Interstate Commerce Commission ICC(美国)州际商务委员会 | 1735 Invalid policy无效之保险单