英语人>词典>汉英 : 巢内的 的英文翻译,例句
巢内的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与巢内的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A Barn Swallow nest occupied by House Swift. Three House Swift chicks in the nest.


After a good drive past a nest of three bunkers on the inside of this dogleg right, the player debates whether to go for the green in two.


It does not live on fruit or flowers, but on frankincense and odoriferous gums. When it has lived five hundred years, it builds itself a nest in the branches of an oak, on the top of a palm tree. In this it collects cinnamon and spikenard, and myrrh, and of these materials builds a pile on which it deposits itself, and dying, breathes out its last breath amidst odors.


A respective internal output coil is coaxially nested inside each energy-magnifying coil, and the energy-magnifying coils are arranged so as to capture substantially all the inductive photons radiating from the sending coil.


Other types of the Red Imported Fire Ant nests are monogynous and polygynous. A polygynous nest is a large colony with many queens


In contrast, melanomas had markedly decreased elastic fibers in the stroma and within the nests of melanocytes.


Colonial breeding provides birds several advantages, such as mobbing, information- centre, and enhancing feeding efficiency. However, it might also bring some disadvantages, such as increasing chances of attracting predators, intra-specific parasite, nest-parasite and infectious diseases.


At first the parent is extra careful to keep the nest spotless - removing poops as soon as they are deposited by the young ones. It's so cool how quickly the babies learn to point their little butts out at the edge of the nest so as not to sit back down on the turds.


So apparently the scenery or some event inside the nest enables them to reset their compasses and odometers.


In late winter, while his mate stays on the nest with their clutch of two or three eggs, the male heads off to find food for both of them, carrying rats, mice, and squirrels back to the nest.


更多网络解释与巢内的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这些工蚁的排泄才是最终的真正的排泄物,但还不是废弃物,他们被用来生产纸板(carton),这些纸板便是白蚁巢内建筑养茵架的最基本原料. 所以白蚁巢没有真正可以浪费的废弃物,有些白蚁尸体更充当培养基产生子实体,


蜂巢(bee-hive)是蜂群生活和繁殖后代的处所,它是由蜂蜡板造成的,数张板状物从蜂箱上部垂到下面,其两面排列着整齐的六角形蜂房,称之为巢脾(comb). 各巢脾在蜂巢内的空间相互平行悬挂,并与地面垂直,巢脾间距为7~10毫米,称为蜂路.

and so she'll come in, sit in his nest, and sometimes they'll copulate:雌性会进入并坐在雄性的巢内 有时它们会交配

in order to get close to a male, who's maybe adve... | and so she'll come in, sit in his nest, and sometimes they'll copulate:|雌性会进入并坐在雄性的巢内 有时它们会交配 | But, really, her idea is to ge...


这一特异且迅速的过程称为HSC"归巢"(homing),一般在移植后12-36小时内完成. 只有归巢并定居于骨髓微环境中合适"龛位"(niche)的HSC才能进一步增殖、分化和重建造血[2]. 有研究发现移植后3小时仅有(5.6±0.7)%的供体细胞到达骨髓腔[3].



nested class:巢状类别

即使 TableAdapter 是使用 [DataSet 设计工具] 建立并编辑的,但 TableAdapter 实际上并不是资料集内的巢状类别 (Nested Class). TableAdapter 会位於某个命名空间 (Namespace) 内,而此命名空间是根据与 TableAdapter 关联的资料集名称所识别.


一.初识蜂胶(蜂胶食品) 蜂胶(Propolis)是由两个希腊字母组成的:Pro(前),polis(城市),意思是说:"在城市前方保卫城市. " 古人发现,蜜蜂用蜂胶缩小蜂巢的巢门,并在巢内涂满蜂胶,数万只蜜蜂都要靠蜂胶来保护,因此是用Propolis来命名. 蜂胶是工蜂从杨树、桦树、松树等树


2、响蜜鴷科(Indicatoridae)小型攀禽. 喙短钝似雀,雄鸟的眉、头顶及颊黄色,腰背部为鲜亮的金黄色及三级飞羽具白色条纹为识别特征. 寄生性繁殖,产卵于翠鸟、食蜂鸟等的洞巢内. 分布于非洲及南亚热带森林内. 我国只有黄腰响蜜鴷(Indicator xanthonotus)(附图6-103),


鸟巢菌目(Nidulariales)产生的担子果无柄,成熟后开裂成杯状,内含造胞组织1至多个,成熟后每个造胞组织形成一个坚硬的蛋状小包. 马勃目(Lycoperdales)的担子果近球形,如马勃、地星等. 地星的担子果有两层包被,内包被中央有一孔口,不开裂,

home range:巢域

对于动物而言,领域主要有三个层次,即巢域(home range)、领域(core area)和核域(territory). 巢域指动物正常活动所达到的范围,核域指在巢域内动物更加有规律和更经常活动的那部分地域,领域则是指动物对其加以保卫的区域. 对于零售商业而言,