英语人>词典>汉英 : 州立公园 的英文翻译,例句
州立公园 的英文翻译、例句


State park
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The largest of the 25,000 diamonds found at the park since it became a state park in 1972 is the 16.37-carat Amarillo Starlight.


In Utah State of the trip, I visited the Anasazi State Park Museum, this is in order from 1050 to 1200 exists in the state's Byrd region, an Indian village for the archaeological base address to build covered.


In contrast, the State Parks Division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources has a much more extensive working file, including measured architectural drawings and site plans.


Hundreds of national and state parks offer the backpacker a chance to see, hear and feel the natural world.


A concertgoer rolled around in the mud during the All Points West music festival at Liberty State Park in Jersey City, N.J., Sunday.

泥打滚:上周日,在美国新泽西州自由州立公园内举行的All Points West音乐节上,一名音乐迷在泥浆中打滚。

We went to the Fremont Peak State Park.


12Th World Jamboree, Farragut State Park, Idaho, U.S.A. 12,011 participants.

第十二届世界童军大露营在美国爱达荷州的 Farragut 州立公园举行,有 12011 人参与。

And they can join organized rides to nearby places like the Black Hills, Custer State Park, Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Monument.


That is the essence of Redwood National and State Parks.


Hikers in Denali State Park, just east of the national park, take in awe-inspiring views of the Alaska Range.


更多网络解释与州立公园相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cartoon Art Museum:(卡通艺术馆)

Carmel (卡梅尔)* | Cartoon Art Museum (卡通艺术馆)* | Castle Roc State Par (城堡石州立公园)*


布拉克山的游览胜地,除戴德伍德(Deadwood)这一古老的矿山城镇和拉什莫尔山国家保护区(Mount Rushmore National Monument)外,还有朱厄尔洞穴国家保护区(Jewel Cave National Monument)、温德岩洞国家公园(Wind Cave National Park)和卡斯特州立公园,


广场上的永恒之火(Eternal Flame)则是悼念为国捐躯而客死异乡的亡魂. 先锋女性的铜像纪念女性当年所受的苦难,并且获得投票权. 矗立于公园一隅的西澳州立战争纪念碑的后方,就是远眺柏斯市区的最佳角度,在此可以望见柏斯清楚的天际线,

Boca Grande:博卡格兰德

4.美国佛罗里达,博卡格兰德(Boca Grande) 博卡格兰德坐落在墨西哥湾,离麦尔斯60英里(9.6km),充满着田园的气息. 从这里你可以看到古佛罗里达的影子,古怪的街道名称,出现在明信片上的灯塔注视着盖斯波瑞拉岛州立公园,安静的海滩随着涛声蔓延开来.

Sonoma State University:森诺玛州立大学

美丽的森诺玛州立大学 (Sonoma State University) 的位于气氛平和的郊区:柔讷公园(Rohnert Park). 旁边就是闻名世界的酿酒山庄森诺玛山谷. 综合优美风景和迷人的地中海气候,森诺玛距离很多景点只是十几分钟路程. 包括太平洋海岸、森诺玛湖畔、俄罗斯河与奇妙的红木森林.

Marigolds in Bloom in a Swamp Martin Dies Jr State Park Texas:美国:德州州立公园

Russell Falls Mount Field National Park Tasmania 塔斯马尼亚岛:费尔德山... | Marigolds in Bloom in a Swamp Martin Dies Jr State Park Texas 美国:德州州立公园 | Middle Falls Silver Creek Falls Oregon 俄勒冈...

state park and forest area:州立公园和森林保护区

31 outdoor activity 户外运动 | 32.state park and forest area 州立公园和森林保护区 | 33.wild land 野外地区

Streetscapes,Squares and Plazas:街景与广场

18.State Parks 州立公园 | 19.Streetscapes,Squares and Plazas 街景与广场 | 20.Urban Parks 城市公园


该州其他值得一游的地方还有:位于库柏镇(Cooperstown)的棒球名人堂(Baseball Hall of Fame)、迪孔德洛佳堡、赛瑞托加之役国家历史公园、以及位于亚柏尼的舒勒园州立历史区.