英语人>词典>汉英 : 川流不息 的英文翻译,例句
川流不息 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flow  ·  flows  ·  flowed

The stream never stops flowing. · a continuous flow · come and go in an endless flow · coming and going all the time
更多网络例句与川流不息相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Allegretto third movement with an endless stream of sixteenth note rhythms, showing a dynamic and imaginative spiritual realm.


Streams of cars were belting along the superhighway.


She finally obtained a plane ticket, but at the last minute it was avoided when a large party of boisterously laughing German army officers, obviously full of lunch and wine, streamed through the gate, leaving twenty excluded passengers looking at each other.


In hanz , creation is developed boundlessly , giving visitors flows of space and products creation , workmanship innovation and application design .


In a curious juncture, a wrinkled span of desert dunes pours into the Columbia River Gorge in The Dalles, Oregon.


The street also has a steady stream of people and vehicles, each playing a variety of discount store brands.


Journalists then visited a number of florists, flower shops to buy flowers people are doing.


"We've had a steady stream every day, but the last 24 hours has about triple the number of cases," Dr. Erik Fosse told CNN.

Erik Fosse 医生对 CNN 媒体说,医院每天都有川流不息的病人,在过去的24小时里,我们接到的病例是平日里的三倍。

She ran her fingers across overlapping streams of hieroglyphics struggling to read.


By what became a steady stream of transports landing on the strip and air drops elsewhere the Air Force drove its deliveries up to a 100 tons a day.


更多网络解释与川流不息相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其本来意思是:尼罗河,从其源远流长、连续不断、川流不息等含意中又可引伸出这样的意思,即"线索"(cord)或"链条"、"系列"(chain). 贝克莱在这里借用此词,其用意有两个方面. (2)关于物体的学说. 在说明包括人的身体在内的自然事物的本质、构成、运动变化的规律的时候,



do justice to:公平对待, 适当处理

replication capacity 复制能力 | do justice to 公平对待, 适当处理 | pour in (使)川流不息地涌入[出]

Paul Hogan:保罗霍根

悉尼海港大桥是全球最大的拱形钢桥,澳洲喜剧演员保罗 霍根(paul hogan)成名前曾是这里的装配工人. 攀爬海港大桥耗时3个小时,这不愧是一场惊险刺激之旅,俯视蚂蚁大小的行人与汽车在脚下川流不息,远眺悉尼海港的迷人之景. 攀爬者可以在网站预约,


nto (使)川流不息地涌入[出] | We need someone to pour. 我们需要人斟茶倒水 | pour oil on the fire 火上加油

pour in:(使)川流不息地涌入[出]

do justice to 公平对待, 适当处理 | pour in (使)川流不息地涌入[出] | neuromata neuroma的复数

Kawa No Nagare No Yoni:川流不息

04. Alfonsina y el mar 艾汎西與海 | 05. Kawa no nagare no yoni 川流不息 | 06. Vurria 我願

Kawa No Nagare No Yoni:川流不息 (第五站:日本)

04. Alfonsina y el mar 艾汎西與海 (第四站:阿根廷) | 05. Kawa no nagare no yoni 川流不息 (第五站:日本) | 06. Vurria 我願 (第六站:義大利)

zsix lan sie heng, njo zsyung cji zjengh. chjyen liu pyot sik, quen dring chyox qiengh:似蘭斯馨 如松之盛 川流不息 淵澄取映

孝当竭力 忠则尽命 临深履薄 夙兴温凊... | 似兰斯馨 如松之盛 川流不息 渊澄取映 zsix lan sie heng, njo zsyung cji zjengh. chjyen liu pyot sik, quen dring chyox qiengh. | 容止若思 言辞安定 笃初诚美 慎终宜令...

And in the endless tempus fugit:在川流不息的时光中

你的笑容依然如晚霞般 In this very twinkling of my eye | 在川流不息的时光中 And in the endless tempus fugit | 神采飞扬 Forever young