英语人>词典>汉英 : 嵌套循环 的英文翻译,例句
嵌套循环 的英文翻译、例句


nested loop · nest loop
更多网络例句与嵌套循环相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The paper summerizes several general pratical new techniques, such as the analyzers of program profiles, maximum potential parallelism, array privatizability, loop parallelism; the visualizers of the statement data dependence graph, procedural callgraph, loop iteration space graph and interactive tools of array privatization and unimodular transformation; the automatic techniques of array privatization combined data dependence and coverage, the computation of parallelizing unimodular transforming matrix for mult-nested loops, enhanced unimodular transformation with array reduction recognition, non-loop level parallelism revealing technique, dynamic dataflow analysis and optimization of cross-loop local cache reuses, etc.


I use a simple nested loop to create the rows in the list-view control and set the column data.


This method consists of two nested loops: the first loop iterate through all the registered types.


This should be performed by a two-level nested loop going though each index value for each segment.


Your code should never have multiple nested loops (a loop inside a loop inside a loop).


Database experiments, a simple database, open storage, delete, equivalent to establish nested loop join function.


A program with a single loop and a nested loop (presumably loops that execute N times each) is O( N 2 ), even though there is also a O loop present.

程序的单回路和一个嵌套循环(大概循环每执行 N 次)为O ( N 2 ),即使有也是一个为O环本。

Notice how this avoids the nested loop structure you wind up coding with os.walk and the callback functions you implement for os.path.walk, making it seem conceptually simpler.


According to the spatial query technique and the topological predicates supported by ArcSDE,three methods are proposed for implementing topological join with ArcSDE,including Spatial Constraints Query Topological Join,Predicates Nested Loop Topological Join,and Filter-Refining 2 Phases Topological Join(FR2PTJ).


For the thrashing due to true sharing of data, we thoroughly study the relationship between array element accesses and loop indices of a nested loop, present a complete set of ideas, theories, and methods with which the staggering relation and the compacting relation between the threads of the nested loop (either with a single linear function or with multiple linear functions) can be determined at compile-time, and accordingly the nested loop (either perfectly nested or imperfectly nested) can be restructured to avoid the thrashing problem.


更多网络解释与嵌套循环相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Nested loops:嵌套循环

功能说明用来中断循环中的进行,以进行循环外的程序. 通常与循环(for、for...in、do...while或while)一起搭配使用,尤其象使用嵌套循环(Nested Loops)的时侯,可以减少不必要的运算. 语法 break

Nested loops:嵌套循环连接

1:嵌套循环连接(Nested loopS) 在嵌套连接中.Oracle从第一个行源中读取第一行.然后跟第二个行源进行对比. 匹配的数据放在结果集中.按这种方法.直到第一行源里所有数据都处理完. 在习惯上.第一行源被称为驱动表.嵌套连结的特点是可以快速的反回第一笔 符合条件的数据.

nested macro call:嵌套宏调用

nested loop mode 嵌套循环方式 | nested macro call 嵌套宏调用 | nested macro definition 嵌套宏定义

nested loop:嵌套循环

DB2 可以采用三类连接方法:嵌套循环(nested loop)、归并扫描(merge scan)和散列连接(hash join). 每种连接方法的运行方式各不相同,但可得出相同的结果. 然而,连接方法的选用会极大地影响到连接性能. DB2 根据这样的方式来采用每种连接方法:基于一组统计,

nested loop method:嵌套循环法

聚簇索引 clustered index | 嵌套循环法 nested loop method | 归并扫描法 merged scanning method

nested loop mode:嵌套循环方式

nested loop 嵌套循环 | nested loop mode 嵌套循环方式 | nested macro call 嵌套宏调用

nested macros:嵌套宏命令

nested loop 嵌套循环 | nested macros 嵌套宏命令 | nested structure 嵌套结构

nesting level:嵌套层,嵌套级

nesting 无交错突出的,成套,构成嵌套,(嵌置)套用 | nesting level 嵌套层,嵌套级 | nesting loop 嵌进回路,嵌套循环

nested D O:嵌套循环

nested critical section ==> 嵌套临界区 | nested D O ==> 嵌套循环 | nested design of experiment ==> 因子套设计