英语人>词典>汉英 : 崎岖不平的 的英文翻译,例句
崎岖不平的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bumpy  ·  rude  ·  bumpier

更多网络例句与崎岖不平的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One of the main benefits of a jogging stroller is that it has large air-filled tires, which will give you a smooth ride over bumpy surfaces.


On the bumpy road to love....


There is such a girl Friendship at a very bumpy road.


The cart bumped along the rough road .


Whenever casualties have to be carried over uneven ground or debris, they should be lashed to the stretcher using clove hitches. A clove hitch on the stretcher handle starts the lashing.


E.g: A car rumbled over the bumpy dirt road, leaving behind a whirl of dust.


The flatness of the road make the rest of their trip more comfortable.


A steeply projecting mass of rock forming part of a rugged cliff or headland.


The old bus jogged up and down on the rough road.


We drove on a zigzag road and we couldn't make good time.


更多网络解释与崎岖不平的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bumpy road:崎岖不平的路

162.高速路:speedway | 163.崎岖不平的路:bumpy road | 164.急弯:hairpin bend

bumpy road:崎岖不平的道路

change:找钱 | bumpy road:崎岖不平的道路 | parking place:停车场


rugged 崎岖不平的 | pre-arranged 事先安排的 | unchallenged 无可匹敌的

secluded inlets:僻静的入口

13.breathtaking scenery 令人惊叹的风景 | 14.secluded inlets 僻静的入口 | 15.rugged 崎岖不平的,粗俗的,艰苦的,恶劣的

She was a harsh mother and imposed severe discipline on her children:她是位严厉的母亲,用严格的纪律管束自己的孩子

He is a harsh man, at once pompous and of... | She was a harsh mother and imposed severe discipline on her children. 她是位严厉的母亲,用严格的纪律管束自己的孩子. | 荒芜的; 崎岖不平的 physically uncomf...

Surefooted Boots:庄重之靴 在崎岖不平的地形上移动时,不格外消耗活动力

Sandwalker Sandals 沙漠草鞋 在沙漠地形上移动时,不格外消耗活动... | Surefooted Boots 庄重之靴 在崎岖不平的地形上移动时,不格外消耗活动力 | Cloak of Distraction 分神斗篷 使野外生物队伍不足主动进攻英豪场所...

Lakeland Terrier:湖畔梗

湖畔梗 (Lakeland Terrier) 湖畔梗 是在英国北部培育出来的,重要用来在崎岖不平的岩石山上捕猎害虫. 他是一种小巧的、精致的狗,身体结构结实、呈正方形. 他的身躯深而且较窄,使他能顺利地钻进石洞,完成工作. 他有足够长的腿,使他能适应各种崎岖的地形. 他的颈部长


rough 崎岖不平的,表面粗糙的 | treasonable 叛国的,叛逆的 | verify 核实,查证

accidented ground:高低不平的地面

accidentally killed 意外死亡 | accidented ground 高低不平的地面 | accidented ground 崎岖地


定向越野(orienteering)起源于欧洲北部斯堪的那维亚广阔而崎岖不平的土地上,那里地形复杂,布满森林和湖泊,中间穿插着蜿蜒崎岖的林间小路. 定向越野活动要求参赛人员借助..