英语人>词典>汉英 : 岛周的 的英文翻译,例句
岛周的 的英文翻译、例句


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Jade Wang said that this year's "11" Hainan has three Golden Week better than in previous years, the first tourism infrastructure this year than in previous years has made substantial progress, star hotel has strengthened internal management, the number of hotel increase in good reception conditions than in the past; Second Haikou to combat the "black car","Black Guide" to create a good tourism environment, which will enable tourists to enjoy the real scenery in Hainan has been genuine leisure, so this year's Golden Week is expected to complaint rate of travel will also be lower than in previous years; Third Island Tourism Festival in November and soon going to host beauty pageant are golden week will play a role in promoting tourism.

翡翠王学贤说,今年的" 11 "海南有三个黄金周较往年一样,第一次旅游基础设施,今年比前几年有了长足的进步,星级酒店已加强内部管理,一些酒店增加了良好的接待条件比过去;第二海口打击"黑车","黑导游",以创造一个良好的旅游环境,使游客享受到真正的风景在海南已真正的休闲,因此今年的黄金周,预计旅游投诉率也将低于往年;第三岛旅游节即将在11月要举办选美大赛的黄金周将发挥作用,促进旅游。

In addition, fresh fish around the islands week, as early as the Song Dynasty, Chant Chug State in the show,"Fu Qinghai County," wrote :"perch crisp, soft-shelled fertilizers, Lo-chin, delete columns, oysters, shrimp Quebec, and hopes Chaos, Zhang Jug, sturgeon with cream and umbilical corporations, partners and condensate oil Cypriot belly ..."Thus, here the seafood high scores.


Spend a few weeks vacationing on the beaches of Kauai with your partner.


Central Pacific seismic belt which is the world's longest seismic zone, the West Bank from the Americas north, along the Aleutian Islands, the Kuril Islands south, as Japan, China to the South Pacific islands, the Pacific surround week, the release of energy accounted for 80 percent.


However, though my little Periagua was finish'd; yet the Size of it was not at all answerable to the Design which I had in View, when I made the first; I mean, Of venturing over to the Terra Firma, where it was above forty Miles broad; accordingly, the Smallness of my Boat assisted to put an End to that Design, and now I thought no more of it: But as I had a Boat, my next Design was to make a Tour round the Island; for as I had been on the other Side, in one Place, crossing as I have already describ'd it, over the Land; so the Discoveries I made in that little Journey, made me very eager to see other Parts of the Coast; and now I had a Boat, I thought of nothing but sailing round the Island.


E.g. Combine the excitement of a week in Bangkok with a week on the unspoilt beaches of Phuket.


Meerkats are native to a desert region in southern Africa.


Chinstrap penguins ride out high surf on blue-ice icebergs near Candlemas Island in the South Sandwich Islands.


Photo Gallery: Extreme Earth Chinstrap penguins ride out high surf on blue-ice icebergs near Candlemas Island in the South Sandwich Islands.


Yachting in Cowes is worth something approaching $ 60 million a year to the Isle of Wight economy and Cowes Week itself is probably something approaching $ 25 to $30 million that it brings into the island economy.


更多网络解释与岛周的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


LP不是第一次出国,她在读PhD期间,作为实习生去过韩国Samsung公司一个月;因发表文章而去希腊科斯岛(Kos Island)参加国际会议一周. 所以,确认好了Check-In的地点后,我和她又来到海关申报处,为价格超过了¥5000的笔记本电脑填写一张申报单.


当海军上将周满的舰队进入太平洋时,在顺时针向北美海岸航行之前,黑潮(Kuroshio)或日本洋流也带动他们向北航行. 事实上,周满只是扬帆离开莱特岛,风和洋流可将他带至现在加拿大的太平洋海岸. 加利福尼亚洋流接替它,


裸眉鸫科(philepittidae)是小型鸟类,喙或短而宽,或长而下弯,仅分布于马达加斯加岛,包括4个鲜为人知的物种. 分布于马达加斯加岛东部的低地森林中,眼周有鲜艳的裸皮,尾短腿长,雌雄羽色不同,习性类似八色鸫,活跃于森林的下层.

Bora Bora Island:波拉波拉島

自费岸上观光8:00AM抵达5:00PM起航; 在全世界岛屿中,恐怕没有一处能像大溪地[波拉波拉岛](Bora Bora Island)那样令人赞叹惊艳. 富比士2005年将之评选为最性感的小岛之一,更非浪得虚名. 波拉波拉岛只有10公里长、4公里宽,环岛1周32公里.


今年圣诞期间我们一行六人,从德国的开姆尼茨市(Chemnitz)出发,开始了我们为期一周的奥地利穷游. 27.12 前往美泉宫(Sch nbrunn), 参观美泉宫宫殿-----洛可可风格的夏宫(西西公主就住这里啊), 参观西西公主博物馆,前往多瑙河岛,