英语人>词典>汉英 : 山蚕 的英文翻译,例句
山蚕 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This paper further determinated the content of quercetin and Kaempferol.


The results showed that the compound antiseptic-antibiotics which were composed with sorbic acid, BCM and doxycycline, not only improved the antiseptic ability of the artificial diet, but treated the septicaemia and muscardine very well with the effect of more than 90 percent.

作者以小蚕生长发育及人工饲料保质期为指标,对多种防腐剂、防霉剂及抗菌素在人工饲料中添加效果进行了比较,筛选出由山梨酸、BCM 及强力霉素组成的复合型防腐抗菌剂,不仅明显提高了人工饲料的防腐能力,而且对蚕的败血症和僵病的治疗效果均达到90%以上,具有防腐和防病的双重作用。

更多网络解释与山蚕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bombyx mori:中国种家蚕

中国种桑蚕 bombyx fortunatus | 中国种家蚕 bombyx mori | 日本种山蚕 bombyx yamamai

bombyx yamamai:日本山蚕

bombyx textor 中国桑蚕 | bombyx yamamai 日本山蚕 | bometolol 波美洛尔

bombyx yamamai:日本种山蚕

中国种家蚕 bombyx mori | 日本种山蚕 bombyx yamamai | 结合,链接 bond

bombyx textor:中国桑蚕

bombyx mori 中国桑蚕 | bombyx textor 中国桑蚕 | bombyx yamamai 日本山蚕


山东海叶虫 Hesionra shandongensis Zhao et Wu | 浮蚕科 TOMOPTERIDAE | 秀丽浮蚕 Tomopteris ekegans Chun


"牲牛毛","yak hair" | "亚加韧皮纤维(斐济产)","yaka" | "山蚕(日本种)","yamamai"


"亚加韧皮纤维(斐济产)","yaka" | "山蚕(日本种)","yamamai" | "山蚕丝","yamamai silk"