英语人>词典>汉英 : 山羊 的英文翻译,例句
山羊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
goat  ·  goats

更多网络例句与山羊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the conservation of miRNAs sequence, we compared the known miRNAs among five mam-mals, i.e., human, mouse, cattle, pig and dog with the sequence of sheep genome that is highly homologous to goat genome, published on the NCBI, and 11 candidate miRNAs were eventually obtained. RT-PCR analysis showed the expression of the 11 miRNAs in brain and 5 in liver, indicating that they might be novel miRNAs. The methodology provides an alternative approach to the exploration of new miRNAs in goat.


The three types of reconstructed embryos(reconstructed embryo of goat-rabbit, goat-bovine and goat-goat) were produced respectively by nuclear transfer using goat ear firbroblast cells as donors and rabbit, bovine and goat ooctyes as recipients, and the factors of cytoplast environments influencing cloned embryo development in vitro, cytoplast effect in nuclear transfer, the methods of transferring cloned embryo and the effects of pregnancy factor on implantation of cloned embryo were studied in this experiment, in order to supply basis for solving the difficulty of implantation of inter-species cloned embryo in recipient and improving the efficiency of cloning.


Intravoneous injection of 0.5mg/kgBW jingsongling cause the 60 minutesrelaxation of goat gastric motor.The effects of jingsongling on the gastric motor ofgoat is major of effects of α2 -adrenoceptor agonist,as well as that of α1 -adrenoceptor agonist,the effects of α1 -adrenoceptor agonist concentrate at thecardic and pylorus;the function of α2 -adrenoceptor exit widely at cardic,pylorus,rumen,reticulum,omasum and abomasum,the function at different part is not the same.The lowestdose of jingsonglinginhibiting the amplitude and frequency of the gastricmyoelectric is 0.01mg/kgBW;the influence of jingsonglingto the gastricmotility of goat is dose-dependent,and the amplitude regain after the frequency ofgastric myoelectriv wave.When the goat revived,the gastric motor function is notreach the level of the normal;the major reason ofjingsongling cause the goat gastricrelaxation is the amplitude renew slowly.The intravoneous injection ofjingsonglingfirst,after 5 minutes,intravoneous injection the antagonist,the effect of prazosin and idazoxan mixed is best,which can fast reversal of theinhibition of jingsongling on the gastric motor of goat,the effects of idazoxan isgood,and the prazosin block the effection of jingsongling is better than that ofxylazine,especially at cardia and pylorus.When intravoneous injection of0.5mg/kgBW idazoxan and/or prazosin only,the amplitude of gastric myoelectric ingoat increases at a certain degree,but the frequency is not changed.


Result Under the same feeding and management conditions, the birth weight and the body weight of F1 germination hybrid goat on the 2nd, 4th , 8th and 12th month were obviously higher than that of Yichang white goat with extremely significant difference (P.01). body length of Fl germination hybrid goat on the 2nd, 4th, 8th and 12th month were increased by 32.46%, 30.00%, 32.05% and 26.57% resp. than that of Yichang white goat, and chest circumference were increased by 26.41 %, 23.68%, 29.39% and 19.73% resp. The average carcass weight of Fl germination hybrid goat on the 12th month was 7.52 kg higher than Yichang white goat and its slaughter rate (47.26%) was 6.67% higher than Yichang white goat. Both the fresh peltry weight and skin area in F1 germination hybrid goat were significantly increased than that of Yichang white goat.

结果]在相同的饲养管理条件下,F1杂种山羊初生重,2、4、8、12月龄体重均明显高于宜昌白山羊,差异极显著(P.01)。F1代杂种山羊2、4、8、12月龄体长分别比宜昌白山羊提高32.46%、30.00%、32.05%和26.57%,胸围分别提高26.41%、23.68%、29.39%和19.73%。12月龄F1代杂种山羊的平均胴体重比宜昌白山羊高7.52 kg,屠宰率(47.26%)比宜昌白山羊高6.67个百分点。F1代杂种山羊鲜皮重、板皮面积均比宜昌白山羊显著提高。

After the disease, he can order for themselves to live down on this desert island, they wanted to further understanding of the island, so he started the adventure on the island, he found that can not eat the sour grape, and he wanted them to into raisins, found birds,He thought of raising them, he found野山羊, it immediately thought of the trap can be done to seize them.


Three kinds of embryos' chromosome, including goat fertilization embryo, goat-goat cloned embryo and goat-rabbit cloned embryo were analyzed, The results showed that all of them have 60 chromosomes with same character, all were telocentric chromosome, besides the X-chromosome is the second larger telocentric chromosome.


Whether the failure of males to induce sexual activity in goats during seasonal anestrus is due to unresponsiveness of females to male stimulus or insufficient stimulation from males.


The ejaculates of three to four


ALb and Ams of Angora and Tibetan foat had only one phenotype,they did not present polymorphism.The Tf of Angora goat had not polymorphism,but that of Tibetan goat had its polymorphism,The Akp,LDH and Es in goats of both breeds had polymorphisms,eapecially the phenotype of Es was more complex.

安哥拉山羊和藏山羊 Hb、Alb 和 Amy 均只有一种表型,未表现出多态性,安哥拉山羊 Tf 也无多态性,藏山羊则有多态性;而两个品种山羊的 AKP、LDH 和 Es 均表现出多态性,尤其是 Es 的表型更为复杂。

The follicle-stimulating hormone beta-subunit gene was studied as a candidate gene for the prolificacy in Jining Grey goats. According to the sequence of ovine FSHβ gene, nine pairs of primers were designed to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms of 5' regulatory region, exon 1 and exon 2 of FSHβ gene in both high fecundity breed and low fecundity breeds (Liaoning Cashmere goat, Boer goat and Angora goat) by PCR-SSCP.

采用PCR-SSCP技术检测促卵泡素β亚基(follicle-stimulating hormone β, FSHβ)基因5'调控区、外显子1和外显子2在高繁殖力山羊品种和低繁殖力山羊品种(辽宁绒山羊、波尔山羊、安哥拉山羊)中的单核苷酸多态性,同时研究该基因对济宁青山羊高繁殖力的影响。

更多网络解释与山羊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

billy goat:雄山羊,公山羊

gets 是联系动词,后跟动词的过去分词,表示壮态. | 9.billy goat 雄山羊,公山羊 | 10. goat n. 山羊


goat 山羊 | billy 雄山羊 | nanny 雌山羊



Boer goat:海门山羊

徐淮山羊:Haimen goat | 海门山羊:Boer goat | 山羊乳腺:goat mammary gland

Boer goat:布尔山羊

成年山羊:adult goat | 布尔山羊:Boer Goat | 黄淮山羊:Huanghuai goat


属性:羊是偶蹄目、牛科(Bovidae)、山羊属(Capra)的反刍哺乳动物,与绵羊近缘,体较轻,角空心,呈镰刀状,向后弯曲,雌雄皆有角. 公山羊通常有须. 山羊可能是最早驯化的家畜. 从来没有一种家畜要背负象山羊那么重的负担.

Capra ibex:北山羊

2005年10-12月对新疆托木尔峰国家级自然保护区北山羊(Capra ibex)的种群密度与栖息地利用进行调查. 种群密度调查显示该地区北山羊平均群大小为8.43只,种群密度为269.76只/100km^2;栖息地选择调查结果显示北山羊广泛活动在海拔2500-3000m的区域范围内,

Cashmere goat:罽宾山羊;喀什米尔山羊

"罽宾毛;喀什米尔(羊毛)","cashmere" | "罽宾山羊;喀什米尔山羊","Cashmere goat" | "肠衣","casing"


hiran /高精度肖兰导航系统/ | hircine /山羊的/山羊般的/山羊般气味的/ | hircismus /腋臭/

Galega L:山羊豆属

东方山羊豆(Galega Orientalis L)为豆科山羊豆属(Galega L),多年生豆科草本植物,有较好的饲用价值. 东方山羊豆生于海拔为305~1820米的高加索山的森林草地带,由野生种选育而成的. 1920年开始作为饲用植物研究,1932年全苏饲料研究所开始引种试验. 因为东方山羊豆比紫花苜蓿利用