英语人>词典>汉英 : 山狐 的英文翻译,例句
山狐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
colpeo  ·  culpeo

更多网络例句与山狐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first hall is JinGangDian, which enriches and worships the door gods in the tradition of four guardians history, which are 1 Oriental Snake Heavenly King: dressed in white, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with knife in left hand and sheath in right hand; 2 southern Sword Heavenly King: dressed in green, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with sword in hand; 3 western Lute Heavenly King: dressed in red, wearing armor piercings and helmets, with sheath in left hand and cable in right hand; 4 northern Umbrella Heavenly King: dressed in gold, wearing golden armor piercings, with tower in left hand and three-fork Qian in right hand and three-night fork ghosts under the feet.

进入本院入口山门即有一尊高大的观音立像,丛远处即可看到,观音像处于一个广场之中,广场的中央是一个放生池,本着人性本善的佛学思想,人们可以将鱼龟等生物在池中放生,即符合禅宗的思想,又达到动物保护的的目的,经过放生池才是寺院的正式入口,里面是按照传统寺院布置的三大殿,均为硬山式砖木结构,第一殿为金刚殿,里面供奉的四大金刚使传统中的门神,四大天王为: 1)东方持国天王:身白色,穿甲戴胄,左手把刀,右手执鞘;2)南方增长天王:身青色,穿甲戴胄,持宝剑: 3)西方广目天王:身红色,穿甲戴胄,左手执鞘,右手把赤索; 4)北方多闻天王:身金色,金甲胄,左手执宝塔,右手执三叉乾,脚踏三夜叉鬼,佛教的四大天王汉化便形成中国罗汉堂中的"四大金刚",成为"风调雨顺"的化身: 1)持国天王魔礼寿:穿紫金龙花狐貂,职顺。

Suffer be a burden on of American big city, the share price of Sohu was experienced " switchback ", fall from the more than 70 dollars at the beginning of September the 44.73 dollars when closing quotation of consummate Zhou Wu.


Only two scattered populations of the trees exist—the Rocky Mountain bristlecone grows in Colorado and Utah, and the Great Basin bristlecone is found primarily in the White and Panamint mountains of southeastern California.


Only two scattered populations of the trees exist—the Rocky Mountain bristlecone grows in Colorado and Utah, and the Great Basin bristlecone is found primarily in the Whiteand Panamint mountains of southeastern California.

这种树木目前只分布着两个种群:科罗拉多和犹他的洛基山狐尾松和加州东南部的白山和 Panamint 山地的大盆地狐尾松。

Billy Dodson, huntsman for the Thornton Hill Hounds near Virginia, keeps a pack of 90 mostly Penn-Marydel foxhounds in an old cattle barn and fenced yard in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where the hounds sleep rough in unpainted wooden barracks and live on a spartan diet.


更多网络解释与山狐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lucid Lynx:清醒的山貓

2009.10 Karmic Koala 命運無尾熊 | 2010.04 Lucid Lynx 清醒的山貓 | 2010.10 Maverick Meerkat 獨行的狐獴

maverick meerkat:獨行的狐獴

2009.10 Karmic Koala 命運無尾熊 | 2010.04 Lucid Lynx 清醒的山貓 | 2010.10 Maverick Meerkat 獨行的狐獴

Pseudalopex griseus en:Argentine Gray Fox, Chilla:阿根廷狐

山狐(厄瓜多尔胡狼)Pseudalopex culpaeus en:Culpeo | 阿根廷狐 Pseudalopex griseus en:Argentine Gray Fox, Chilla | 河狐(巴拉圭胡狼)Pseudalopex gymnocercus Pampas Fox, Azara's Dog


coloury | 色泽良好的, 品质优良的 | colpeo | 山狐 | colpitis | 阴道炎

Myriophyllum ussuriense:小二仙草科 乌苏里狐尾藻

禾本科 中华结缕草 Zoysia sinica 2 | 小二仙草科 乌苏里狐尾藻 Myriophyllum ussuriense 2 | 金缕梅科 山铜材 Chunia bucklandioides 2

Phasianidae Catreus wallichii:彩雉

Lemuridae 所有种 狐猴 | Phasianidae Catreus wallichii 彩雉 | Colinus virginianus ridgwayi 山齿鹑 氏亚种

Polyborus plancus carancho or crested caracara:中南美洲禿鷹

Felis iaguarondi jaguarundi 美洲山貓 | Polyborus plancus carancho or crested caracara 中南美洲禿鷹 | Dusicyon griseus Argengine grey fox 阿根廷灰狐


一株名为"老人"(The Old Man)的狐尾松现在已经4676岁,可谓真正意义上的高龄. 狐尾松全年只能获取到非常少量的水和食物. 怀特山的年平均降雨量不到30厘米,导致狐尾松缺水;其脚下的白云灰岩是一种石灰岩,只含有非常少量的营养物质,