英语人>词典>汉英 : 山峦 的英文翻译,例句
山峦 的英文翻译、例句


chain of mountains · multipeaked mountain
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Aiguille du Midi - Experience an exciting excursion to the Aiguille du Midi on Europe's highest cable car, enjoying outstanding mountain scenery along the way.


It was late afternoon when I walked out on the foot trail toward the crest of Water Rock Knob, up in the Balsam Range of the southern Appalachians.


Because in these mountains, the azure waves of beauty, I can go there experience a wonderful feeling.


Such images made Inman happy, as did the following pages wherein Bartram, ecstatic, journeyed on to the Vale of Cowee deep in the mountains, breathlessly describing a world of scarp and crag, ridge after ridge fading off blue into the distance, chanting at length as he went the names of all the plants that came under his gaze as if reciting the ingredients of a powerful potion.


We can see blue sky, green mountains and clear rivers.


At last they saw a beautiful strip of land with blue mountains.


The mountains , blue -green glaciers, and other dramatic sights are attracting more and more touristseach year .


I am yearning for the blue ridges of the mountains in my hometown.


Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountaias that lay below.


More mountains; bluish beauties never attainable, or ever turning into inhabited hill after hill; south-eastern ranges, altitudinal failures as alps go; heart and sky-piercing snow-veined gray colossi of stone, relentless peaks appearing from nowhere at a turn of the highway; timbered enormities, with a system of neatly overlapping dark firs, interrupted in places by pale puffs of aspen; pink and lilac formations, Pharaonic, phallic,"too prehistoric for words"; buttes of black lava; early spring mountains with young-elephant lanugo along their spines; end-of-the-summer mountains, all hunched up, their heavy Egyptian limbs folded under folds of tawny moth-eaten plush; oatmeal hills, flecked with green round oaks; a last rufous mountain with a rich rug of lucerne at its foot.


更多网络解释与山峦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Craigie Hill:克雷吉山峦

big big world-大大世界 | Craigie Hill-克雷吉山峦 | Hotel California-加州旅馆 我最喜欢

sweet Craigie Hills:我可爱的克雷吉山峦

Then fare you well,所以永别了吧, | sweet Craigie Hills,我可爱的克雷吉山峦, | where often times I've roved, 我曾漫游数次的地方


And we will all the pleasures prove 在这里我们将使我们快乐无边: | That valleys, groves, or hills, or field, 这里有峻峭秀丽的山峦, | Or woods and steepy mountains yield; 还有风光明媚的山谷田园.


What was the terrain like?|当时的地势是怎么样的? | Mountainous.|山峦重叠 | Vast plains to the west.|西部是广阔的平原

green rolling hills:绿绿起伏的山峦

hang up his boots (字面意思是把靴子挂起来)退休 | green rolling hills 绿绿起伏的山峦 | cosy pubs 舒适的酒吧

SUMMER: No rolling hills covered in daffodils:(夏天) 起伏的山峦没有水仙花

AUTUMN: The apples and pumpkins will never grow.|(秋天) 苹... | SUMMER: No rolling hills covered in daffodils?|(夏天) 起伏的山峦没有水仙花 | SPRING And it took months to harvest all those seeds!|(春天) ...

The mountains loomed blue-green over the valley:影影绰绰的苍翠山峦俯视着山谷

8. loom v. appear in an indistinct and often threatening way; appear im... | The mountains loomed blue-green over the valley. 影影绰绰的苍翠山峦俯视着山谷. | The prospect of war loomed large in everyo...

through the mountains and swamps:穿过山峦和沼泽

i see a future only u and me 我看见一个只有你和我的未来 | through the mountains and swamps 穿过山峦和沼泽 | our heaven awaits 我们的天堂在等着我们

Ye hills and dales and flowery vales:山峦,溪谷,长满鲜花的山上

and it will be here forever come one day 而且会永远存在 | Ye hills and dales and flowery vales 山峦,溪谷,长满鲜花的山上 | that lie near the Moorlough Shore 在摩尔拉夫海岸旁

And mountains running like water, wave on wave:山峦如水般波浪起伏

Itself a cloud, although of misted rock 云本身,尽管薄雾遮盖了... | And mountains running like water, wave on wave, 山峦如水般波浪起伏 | Through waves of light. It is of cloud transformed 透过光波. 在云...