英语人>词典>汉英 : 属间杂种 的英文翻译,例句
属间杂种 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

genus hybrid
更多网络例句与属间杂种相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When C.farreri×P.yessoensiswere tested by using6pairs of microsatellite primers which could be applied to boththe two kinds of scallops,the specific bands could be amplified fromeachone of the 6 pairs,among which,the specific bands fromboth agnate and maternal colony could be distinguished obviouslyinthe amplified products of P13F449 and KMY134,and accordinglythe hybrid identity of hybrid generations could be affirmed.


Napus and R. sativus and that the crossability was governed by the interaction of nucleus a...


Several groups of aneuploids were characterized in pentaploid progenies of B. napus and O. violaceus.


The self-fertile trigeneric hybrids between Triticum aestivum L.(2n=6x=42;AABBDD) and Agropyron michnoi Roshev.(2n=4x=28;PPPP) F1 hybrid (CM,2n=5x=35,ABDPP)with two rye (Secale cereale L.,2n=2x=14;RR)cultivars, Wugong 774 and AR132 were produced.

普通小麦(Triticum aetivum L。,2n=6x=42;AABBDD)和根茎冰草(Agrop yronmichnoi Reshev。,2n=4x=28;PPPP)间的F1杂种(2n=5x=35;ABDPP)与两个黑麦(Secale cereale L。, 2n=2x=14;RR)品种杂交,产生了自交可育的三属杂种。

Based on the Liriodendron interspecies hybridization study by professor Ye Peizhong,according to the satisfying and exact mating system and field design,the reciprocal cross with extensive genetic background of Liriodendron tulipifera Linn., the backcross and F 1 crossing which had never been made, and the genetic analysis of heterosis of the hybrid tulip tree were carried out.

在叶培忠先生的鹅掌楸属种间杂交育种研究基础上按遗传设计与环境设计开展了扩大北美鹅掌楸遗传基础条件下的正反交以及前人从未做过的回交和F1 间杂交,并进行了杂种马褂木杂种优势的遗传分析。

Orientale additional and substitutional lines. chromosome number of 96 BC2 F3 individuals were accounted. Fifteen plants with 2n= 43 and eight plants with 2n= 44 were checked out. GISH results of the individuals with 43 chromosomes showed that they blonged to three different monosomic additions. Two disomic additions, ine double-monosomic addition, one trible- monosomic addition and one monosomic addition were found in the 2n = 44 individuals. One double-monosomic substitution and one monosomic sustitution were obtained.


Basing on our early stage research work about collection and description of sugarcane germplasm and the aided project of Yunnan Natural Science Fund (2001 C0015Q), the wild species Erianthus fulvus, which has good characters, cold-resistant, drought-resistant, higher Brix and less chromosome number, was utilized for the first time through intergeneric hybridization with sugarcane cultivar. Its F_1 hybrids were appraised with some new techniques and methods for germplasm enhancement.


Genomic in situ hybridization was applied to study the meiosis of F1 plants from intergenetic hypbrids between radish( Raphanus sativus,2n=18,RR) and cabbage(Brassica oleracea , 2n=18, CC).

用基因组原位杂交方法(Genomic in situ hybridization,简称GISH)研究了萝卜( Raphanus sativus,2n=18,RR)和甘蓝(Brassica oleracea , 2n=18, CC)属间杂种F1减数分裂过程。

Aimed at the arising problems such as the cross-incompatibility and hybrid's sterility during distant hybridization of fruit trees, effects of different treatments on cross-compatibility of distant hybridization in stone fruits were studied based on the former studies, then physiological and biochemical changes during hybridization between plum and apricot were primarily discussed, and rescue and culture system of hybrids' embryos were also conducted, further the genetic variation and principle between the hybrids and their parents were analyzed and methods of identification of hybrids were established.


The seed set frequencies ranged from 0.001% to 0.184%.The chromosome number of F2 plant root tip varied from 39 to 56.4 In the Fa progeny of wheat *AR7l, Some plants showed higher alien translocation frenquencies.


更多网络解释与属间杂种相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bigemptyopen 廓 | bigener 属间杂种 | bigfoot 大脚

bigeneric hybrid; bigener:属间杂种

"属间杂交","bigeneric cross" | "属间杂种","bigeneric hybrid; bigener" | "胆汁","bile"

genus hybrid:属间杂种

genus 属 | genus hybrid 属间杂种 | geobotany 地植物学

interlinear hybrid:属间杂交,单交杂种

interline freight 铁路联运货物 | interlinear hybrid 属间杂交,单交杂种 | interlining material 衬料

interspecific hybridization:种间杂交

杂交种(hybrid)又称杂种或混种,在生物学上主要有两种意义:第一种意义是指两个分类单元(taxon)之间相互交配产生的后代,例如同属内的不同物种之间的种间杂交(interspecific hybridization);或是同一物种之内不同亚种的种内杂交(intra-specific hybri


bifurcate cyme 二歧聚伞花序 | bigeminate 重对的 | bigener 属间杂种

bigeneric cross:属间杂交

big tree 巨杉 | bigeneric cross 属间杂交 | bigeneric hybrid 属间杂种

bigeneric hybrid:属间杂种

bigeneric cross 属间杂交 | bigeneric hybrid 属间杂种 | biglandular 二腺体的

bigeneric hybridization:属间杂种

bigeminy coupled rhythm 二联律 | bigeneric hybridization 属间杂种 | Bighead tractylodes Powder for Life Saving 全生白术散

trigeneric hybrid:三属间杂种

三叶草属;车轴草属(豆科) Trifolium;clover | 三属间杂种 trigeneric hybrid | 三基因的 trigenic