- 更多网络例句与展开定理相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
To make our approach to be practical, we also discuss the asymptotic expansion of the operator in chapter 6 which is based on the non-abelian Stokes theorem.
If the power series ∑anxn an ∑anxn and ∑bnxn satisfy the condition r =∑bn xn, we obtain the twin combinatorial identity theorem between the sequences {an} and bn}.We also obtain some specific twin combinatorial identities by using the expansion on the binomial expression formula, including two expansions of combinatorial number(rsn and ...
如果幂级数∑anxn与∑bnxn满足条件r=∑bnxn 时,获得数列{an}与{bn}之间孪生组合恒等式的定理,应用在二项式定理等展开式上得出具体的多组孪生组合恒等式,其中包含组合数的两种展开法,Bernoulli数直接表达式的新证等结果。
For example, 2-order Taylor central finite difference is adopted in Yee format and 4-order in Fang format.
Since the multiple scattering should be considered, the scattering problem of many-cylinders is more complicated than single cylinder. By using scattering matrix method to solve the scattering problem of many-cylinders, first we have to express the incident fieldand scattered field by special function(for example, Bessel function and Hankel function)under cylindrical coordinate, then use the addition theorem of special function to get a linear system of equations to relate the incident field coefficients and scattered field coefficients. The incident and scattered field coefficients for every cylinder can be solved from the linear equations by matching electromagnetic boundary condition pointwisely.
First, this paper, in the field of intrinsic geometry, studies the geometric problems on garment design, as well as applies the frame and semi-geodesic coordinates to prove the fundamental theorem of being a developable surface.
In view of the third purpose, time series method is applied, by means of Sylvester Expansion Theorem, this paper improves an algorithm of constructional analysis of l...
By means of the expansion theorem, the displacement is expressed as the summation of the first several exact modal vectors.
The method includes a "Theorem of General Expansion" for a complicated network and a "Theorem of Minimizing Expansion" for a logical expression.
With proving the isomorph between the function matrix algebra systems and the Boolean algebra s disjunction-conjunction systems,a method of extending the function matrix is proposed,and the expanding theorem of the extended function matrix is proven.
It introduces partial fractions of meromorphic functions, product developments of entire functions, Hadamard's theorem, Riemann Zeta functions, Poisson-Jensen's formula; elliptic functions, including simply periodic functions and doubly periodic functions; algebraic functions and algebroid functions, Riemann surface, Nevanlinna theory, including characteristic functions, the first and second fundamental theorems, growth orders, etc; complex differential equations and complex functional equations, etc.
具体为:亚纯函数的部分分式、整函数的无穷乘积展开、Hadamard定理、Riemann Zeta函数、Poisson-Jensen公式;椭圆函数,包括单周期函数、双周期函数;代数函数和代数体函数、Riemann曲面简介;Nevanlinna理论简介,包括特征函数、第一和第二基本定理、增长级等;复微分方程和复函数方程,等等。在教学内容上充分体现基础性、新颖性。
- 更多网络解释与展开定理相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
binomial expansion:二项式展开
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binomial expansion theorem:二项式展开定理
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expansion of a determinant:行列式的展开
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expansion theorem:展开定理
expansion of a determinant 行列式的展开 | expansion theorem 展开定理 | expectation 期望值
laplace expansion theorem:拉普拉斯展开定理
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Hilbert-Schmidt expansion theorem:希尔伯特-施密特展开定理
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Laplace expansion:拉普拉斯展开
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multinomial expansion theorem:多项式展开定理
"多项式系数","multinomial coefficient" | "多项式展开定理","multinomial expansion theorem" | "对象","object"