- 更多网络例句与屋外的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Then he heard a noise next door.
Still, it has no running water and one outdoor latrine.
Last winter Grandmother left her spider plant outdoors and forgot about it.
Running to the window, the priest saw a horse tied to the post by the house.
The next minute I knew it was coming from the mimosa tree outside.
And outside I peep over the snow and see a stream of ruddy light from a crack in the window- shutter, and I nod out here alone in the dark, thinking how beautiful it is.
Wind outside the house broke the quiet, as if it was raining, oh!
But then he did keep me waiting in the car outside our house while he harvested his raspberries.
But then he did keep me waiting in the car outside our house while he harvested his raspberries.
But then he did keep me waiting in the car outside our house whellole he harvested hellos raspberries.
- 更多网络解释与屋外的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
在你站著的地方放置一個保險箱 ( 只限 Co-owner ):I wish to place a strongbox
I wish to place a trash barrel 在你站著的地方放置一個垃圾桶 | I wish to place a strongbox 在你站著的地方放置一個保險箱 ( 只限 Co-owner ) | Remove thyself 將指定的生物移出屋外
"她一提到我,就听到我在屋外叫她的名字,"伊莎贝尔(Isabelle),我回来了". 撒旦(Satan)收起他伪装的笑容,整理着他的衣领,冷酷地说道,"不管怎么样,伊莎贝尔(Isabelle),这是命运的安排,你不能抗拒,也无力抗拒. 想想吧,你的父母亲是怎么死的,
over and over:再三
与此浓烈不舍情绪完全对比的是捷克艺术家卡特琳娜.谢达(Kateina Šedá)的装置作品>(Over and over),一个看似荒谬的屋子却没有真正的出入口,观众必须透过现场不同的对象爬入屋内或钻出屋外,
do nothing but listen pitter-patter:躺在床上听屋外的雨声
7.听到收音机播放最喜欢的歌 enjoy your favorite songs | 8.躺在床上听屋外的雨声 do nothing but listen pitter-patter | 9.发现心仪的毛衣半价出售 your favorite things price reduction
冷媒 (Refrigerant) 是一种容易挥发的气体,在冷冻系统管路中循环,好比人体血管中的血液一样,在蒸发器中扮演吸热作用,冷凝器中扮演放热作用,所以冷冻系统实际不是制冷的机械,而是热量之搬运机械,将冷房或冷冻中的热量搬运到屋外或库外而已.
rift valley:裂谷
遭帮派占据的地点,也包括肯亚裂谷(Rift Valley)艾多瑞特(Eldoret)周边的跑步核心地带,跑者常常选择的练习道路. 包括拉加特与凯西欧在内许多肯亚最有天份的跑者都在此地居住及训练. 拉加特及妻子还有3岁的儿子睡在屋外、依偎在灌木丛下,
廿二岁的塞巴斯提安(Sebastian)站在自己位於东圣地牙哥(Santiago)的屋外说:「这是我一生中最糟的经验. 」附近居民在当地时间三时卅四分(格林威治时间六时卅四分)地震发生后,惊恐逃离家园. 美国籍的联合国人口学专家希梅内斯(MarenAndreaJimenez)住在圣地牙哥将近三年.
from the streetlight out of his apartment:能看到屋外街灯的灯光
Of the glare...|福了... | ...from the streetlight out of his apartment.|能看到屋外街灯的灯光 | You know, so he's closed the drapes there...|所以他把窗帘拉上
As if to summon up my leaving:好象召唤我离开
Outside the birds begin to call屋外的鸟在歌唱 | As if to summon up my leaving好象召唤我离开 | It's been a lifetime since I found someone这是一生的时光
Remove thyself:將指定的生物移出屋外
I wish to place a strongbox 在你站著的地方放置一個保險箱 ( 只限 Co-owner ) | Remove thyself 將指定的生物移出屋外 | I ban thee 將指定的生物移出屋外,且不能進入房屋範圍