英语人>词典>汉英 : 屈光检查 的英文翻译,例句
屈光检查 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与屈光检查相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective: To study the correlation between ocular accommodation and ametropia by analyzing the effect of accommodation on refractive components in children.


Objective To investigate the difference between the actual figure and theoretic figure of aniseikonia in anisometropic amblyopia patients; examine the stereoacuity of anisometropic amblyopia patients and ametropic amblyopia patients, and analysis the related factors, to give guideline for the treatment of anisometropic amblyopia patients.

目的 研究屈光参差性弱视患者的不等像值与理论值(0.25D的屈光参差引起0.5%的不等像)之间的差异及其规律;检查屈光参差性弱视及屈光不正性弱视患者的立体视锐度,分析其影响因素,为矫正屈光参差、治疗屈光参差性弱视提供依据。

After cycloplegia, NIDEK handhold automated refractor optometry results are consistent with retinoscopy optometry and phoropter subjective optometry, thus, it is a kind of valuable, convenient and reliable check tool for children refractive error.


Methods Retinoscopy and autorefractian were performed in 152 cycloplegic children eyes (76 people).


There were differences between optometry results and reinspection results(P.05).CONCLUSION: Compound tropicamide eye drops is an efective cycloplegic agent in juvenile myope refractive examinations.But it should be combined with other adjustment methods to get the ultimate eyeglasses prescription because of its limited regulating and paralysis ability.


Methods One hunderd amd ten human subjects (one hunderd and seventy-four eyes) were included in this research. Retinoscopy was made to measure refractive errors, corneal topographer was measured by corneal topography system, Tonometry was used to measure IOP, Ultrasonagraphy was applied to measure anterior chamber length, len thickness and vitreous length respectively, Laser interference biometer was used to measure axial length, Optical coherence tomography was used to measure retina thickness of fovea area. Based on spherical equivalent subjects were divided into four groups: emmetropia group (SE0.50D), low-myopia group (-0.50D≤SE3.00D), moderate myopia group (-3.00D≤SE6.00D) and high myopia group (SE≥-6.00D).

对近视患者及正视者110例(174只眼),主觉加检影验光行屈光检查,采用Humphrey测量角膜平均曲率,非接触式眼内压测量仪测量眼内压;A与B型超声诊断仪测量前房深度、晶状体厚度、玻璃体腔长度及眼轴长度;角膜测厚仪测量中央角膜厚度(CCT,centercornealthickness);光学相干生物测量仪测量眼轴长度;光学相干断层扫描仪测量黄斑中心视网膜厚度;按等效球镜度数(SE, sphericalequivalent)不同分正视组(SE0.05D)、轻度近视组(-0.50D≤SE3.00D)、中度近视组(-3.00D≤SE<-6.00D)、高度近视组SE≥-6.00D)。

Methods:For the 423 eyes of the juvenile(10 14 years)with the naked eye vision of 1 0 We make routine vision examination and apply cydopleyics before retinoscopy.

采用常规视力检查、阿托品散瞳检影和屈光检查的方法对 42 3眼视力为 1.0的 10~ 14岁少年进行视力检查、散瞳检影及配镜。

The importance of ametropic correction for rehabilitation of children with low vision should be recognized.


This suggested that various hypermetropic refractive errors in infants may become "a risk" for the development of esotropia and should be corrected early with appropriate lenses, together with close observation of visual acuity and alteration eye position...


Methods Sixty students(120 eyes)with myopia(within-2.50D)were selected.visival acuity,cycloplegic refraction,keratometer,ocular axis,stereoscopic vision,and phoria strabismus were observed before and after 1~1.5 years wearing Anti-myopia Glasses.


更多网络解释与屈光检查相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chromatic dispersion:色散<现象>

介质的折射率随光色的不同而有不同数值的这种现象,称为光的色散现象(chromatic dispersion). 在眼科屈光检查中的两色法实验或色像差实验(chromatic test)就是应用这一现象及原理而设计的. (1) 三棱镜的构成 三棱镜(prism)是由透明物质(如玻璃)构成的一个三棱柱体(图1-21).


dioptometer 屈光度计 | dioptometry 屈光测量 | dioptoscopy 检眼镜屈光检查

parallax method of ophthalmoscopy:视差移动法检眼镜检查术

视网膜动脉压力测定法 ophthalmodynamometry | 视差移动法检眼镜检查术 parallax method of ophthalmoscopy | 屈光 refraction

refractive error:屈光不正

否则,焦点落在视网膜之前或视网膜之后,统称为非正视眼(ametropia)或屈光不正(refractive error). 高度近视的前房较深,瞳孔较大,眼球因前后轴长而显得稍有突出. 眼底检查常因视网膜色素上皮层色素减少,脉络膜萎缩,其小血管网消失,


refractivity 折射性,折射率差 | refractometer 折射计,屈光计 | refractometry 屈光计检查


refractometer 折射计,屈光计 | refractometry 屈光计检查 | refractoscope 聚音听诊器


dioptometry 屈光测量 | dioptoscopy 检眼镜屈光检查 | dioptric apparatus 屈光器


dioptrometer 折光度计 屈光计 视度计 | dioptrometry 屈光测量 | dioptroscopy 检眼镜屈光检查


dioptroscope 屈光度测量镜,屈光镜 | dioptroscopy 检眼镜,屈光度检查 | dioptry 屈光度


dioptrometry 屈光测量 | dioptroscopy 检眼镜屈光检查 | dioptry 屈光度