英语人>词典>汉英 : 局域效应 的英文翻译,例句
局域效应 的英文翻译、例句


local effect
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Under the condition of large accelerating parameter,the system can showthe effect of delocalization.


Based on SEM observations of eroded surface as well as simulative measurements of plough-cutting resistant capacity W and localized surface layer elasticity h for the tested alloys, an attempt has been made to discuss the failure mechanism and factors characterizing the resistance.


In the second part of the work,quantum interference induced weak-localizationeffects as well aselectron-electroninteraction effects were investigated through magnetotransport measurementsfor highly doped n-ZnSe∶Clat metallic side of metal-insulator transition(MITgrown by MBE,withmagnetic fieldfrom 0 to 1T and temperaturefrom 0.3K to 30K.


So in this work, we focused no the following aspects: 1 The ecological effect of ephemeral resource on the rodent community; 2 The ecological isolation and coexistence mechanism for the sympatric species; 3 The effect of ecological process in a regional scale on the specie richness to investigate the community Patterns and limitation Mechanism of the desert rodents in this region, the main results and conclusions were as follows


Both the Allee effect and the Allee-like effect are important for ecology and conservation.


It has been shown that there are Allee-like effects at metapopulation level, which is similar to that of Allee effects at the local population level.

已有的研究表明,在集合种群水平上,也存在类似于局域种群Allee效应的似Allee效应(Allee-like effect)。

Although there have been a great many papers on the Allee effect, they have mainly referred to only local populations and have not dealt with the relationship between the two and their impacts on the stability of ecological systems.


In this paper, I have constructed models for local population and metapopulation dynamics. Then by mathematical analysis and numerical simulation, I focus my studies on the relation between the Allee-like effects at the metapopulation level and the Allee effects at the local population level and their impacts on the stability of ecological systems.


To make a comprehensive view of metapopulation researches, we folly analyze and summarize the present concepts, theories and models of metapopulation in this paper, which primarily includes the dynamical models and simulation approaches of single and competitive metapopulations. Based on the Levin's patch occupant model, the center framework of metapopulation researches, primary principles and mechanisms are discussed. First, Levins rule: the fraction of empty patch will remain constant with habitat destruction as long as metapopulation survives. This rule implies that empty patches have determinant effects on persistence and conservation. Second. Allee effect of metapopulation is incurred by establishing difficulties and dispersal costs, which is important to the studies of reserve area and the minimum available metapopulation size. Third, we analyze the rescue effect that immigrants can reduce the extinction risk of the presented local population. Rescue effect can leads to the improvement of metapopulation sustainability and the decrease of fraction of empty patches. Fourth, the coexistence mechanism of two competing metapopulation is discussed, which suggests that competition-colonization trade off may be prevalent in competing systems. Finally, extinction debt ob tamed from coexistence mechanism is given, which depicts the lost of species richness in the future for the current habitat destruction. After theoretical discussion, we present two popular simulated approaches in metapopulations: probability transition model and stochastic process model.


In spatial domain, this irregular flow is characterized by a propagating band structure of strain localization. According to the discoverers, this phenomenon is named as Portevin-Le Chatelier effect.

这一现象在时域上表现为应力的锯齿形和局部应变的阶梯形发展,同时伴随着空间上可传播的变形局域化,被称为Portevin-Le Chatelier效应。