英语人>词典>汉英 : 尽兴 的英文翻译,例句
尽兴 的英文翻译、例句


enjoy oneself to the full
更多网络例句与尽兴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Besides, we also provide services of autobus rent, train and air ticket booking, travel in Beijing, and buying Olympic souvenirs on you behalf, etc., in order to make you enjoy yourself in Beijing and provide you convenience at the most extent.


For a brief moment in your life you have a captive audience that avidly encourages you to talk about yourself.


I had so much fun with Ayesha on this trip to Honolulu, if you want to read the English blog, please scroll to the bottom of this blog.

这次去檀香山会老友 Ayesha 玩的很尽兴!下面是详细全程记录跟你们分享。

For full course, we gonna bulldoze this entire arm of the Milky Way.


You have little greed for careerism and feel contented as long as you could enjoy walking on this plain road for a moment.


Where is the conjunction that joins the two sentences? You have little greed for careerism and feel contented as long as you could enjoy walking on this plain roadfor a moment.


The people is very happy in christmastide.


Perhaps it was because we were having such a good time and on deck as much as possible playing shuffle board, deck tennis or swimming.


Of course, I didn't enjoy any of that because Joanna's such a dull dud!


One can't enjoy oneself if one is too tired.


更多网络解释与尽兴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The kid is constipated:孩子便秘

Parents have the smear kit.|父母有涂片样本 | The kid is constipated.|孩子便秘 | Do what you want.|你尽兴

dirty work at the crossed roads:不可告人的勾当 严重的困难 尽兴玩乐

at work 在工作 活动着; 运转着; 在起作用 从事于(某项工作) | dirty work at the crossed roads 不可告人的勾当 严重的困难 尽兴玩乐 | do its work 发生效力, 起作用

go to town:非常积极/以极大的精力或热情去做

capital 首都 | go to town 非常积极/以极大的精力或热情去做 | paint the town red 玩的尽兴/狂欢/痛饮作乐

Go to town, man! Go to town:玩得尽兴点,玩得尽兴

Then you kill him! Do your thing!|Skin the fucking bastard!|然后你就杀了他,随你便,... | Go to town, man! Go to town!|玩得尽兴点,玩得尽兴! | - No...|- In the meantime, and as usual,|- 不行...|- 同时,与以...

Mardi Gras:同志嘉年华会

极具标志性意义的悉尼同志嘉年华会(Mardi Gras)大游行今年又如期举行,吸引众多游客从世界各地赶来共襄盛举,但可能有很多年轻人并不知道让他们狂欢尽兴的这个嘉年华会,目前迈入了30周年,尽管1978年第一次的Mardi Gras是作为一场同志抗议游行活动而发起的,

If not now, then when:喝酒尽兴要趁早啊

The Jap navy is right over the horizon, Phillips.|日本海军就在海平线附近 菲利... | If not now, then when?|喝酒尽兴要趁早啊 | If you can't fight 'em drunk, don't fight 'em at all.|会打仗会喝酒 这才是纯爷...

Party Girl:好交际不学习之学生

party down 喝个尽兴 | party girl 好交际不学习之学生 | Parasite Singles 寄生虫单身族

to play it by ear:玩的尽兴点

she gives me the cold shoulder 她不理睬我 | 11)to play it by ear 玩的尽兴点 | 12)break a leg 祝你好运

Rackety Ride:尽兴今宵

03. Magic Holiday 奇妙的假期 | 04. Rackety Ride 尽兴今宵 | 05. Melaine's Melody 美兰妮的旋律

All enjoyed themselves:每个人都玩得很尽兴

81. I've known that all along.自始至终,那件事我都知道. | 82. All enjoyed themselves.每个人都玩得很尽兴. | 83. You are not allowed to smoke here.这里不许吸烟.