英语人>词典>汉英 : 尽人皆知 的英文翻译,例句
尽人皆知 的英文翻译、例句


upon the table · be known to all · be common knowledge · be well-known
更多网络例句与尽人皆知相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yet his name is a household word across the civilized world.


Dyke's enthusiasm had made of his little girl a celebrity throughout Bonneville.


I certainly don't want to tell his success story in a cliche version.


I mean, there's health and safety and there's just plain old commonsense,' he said.


Her cupidity is well known.


I mean, there's health and safety and there's just plain oldcommonsense,' he said.


He is known for his hesitancy in such matters and his hesitation at that time cost him the championship.


The power struggle between Alex Vandervoort and Roscoe Heyward was already well known.


My premise is that the past is knowable; the future is not.


She says if Marjorie Ferrar is not taken by the short hairs, she'll but it across everybody.


更多网络解释与尽人皆知相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be common knowledge:尽人皆知

5. adjectiv [努力完成] complete | 尽人皆知 : be common knowledge | 尽收眼底 : have a grandstand view

an open book:尽人皆知的事物

an open account 未结算的帐目 | an open book 尽人皆知的事物 | an open mind 虚心

an open book:一目了然的事, 尽人皆知的事;毫无秘密(或隐瞒)的事

a closed book完全不懂的学科, 谜, 未揭开的秘密,高深莫测的事物 | an open book一目了然的事, 尽人皆知的事;毫无秘密(或隐瞒)的事 | cook the books伪造或窜改财务报表,造假账

an open book:尽人皆知的事实, 人人可理解的事物 容易理解的人

a sealed book 天书 高深莫测的事 | an open book 尽人皆知的事实, 人人可理解的事物 容易理解的人 | audio -visual book (附有录相带、录音带、幻灯片等的)视听图书

Twice-Told Tales:尽人皆知的故事

9.Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔.霍桑1804-1864 | Twice-told Tales尽人皆知的故事; | Mosses from an Old Manse古屋青苔;

a twice-told tale:尽人皆知的故事

a true blue 忠实成员 | a twice-told tale 尽人皆知的故事 | a twist in one's tongue 口齿不清

a twice-told tale:尽人皆知的事

548a tungsten blues[机] 钨蓝 | 549a twice-told tale尽人皆知的事 | 550a twist in one's tongue口齿不清

to a proverb:尽人皆知

to a point 在每一点上 | to a proverb 尽人皆知 | to a tee 恰好地

upon the table:尽人皆知

upon the look 在寻找中 | upon the table 尽人皆知 | upon 在

upon the table:尽人皆知的, 已成为公开讨论的

under the table 秘密地, 私下里 [口]酩酊大醉; 醉倒 | upon the table 尽人皆知的, 已成为公开讨论的 | on the table 尽人皆知的, 已成为公开讨论的