英语人>词典>汉英 : 尖啸 的英文翻译,例句
尖啸 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
scream  ·  screamed  ·  screams

更多网络例句与尖啸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mighty was the uproar as the two forces met; the sea came rolling in towards the ships and tents of the Achaeans, but waves do not thunder on the shore more loudly when driven before the blast of Boreas, nor do the flames of a forest fire roar more fiercely when it is well alight upon the mountains, nor does the wind bellow with ruder music as it tears on through the tops of when it is blowing its hardest, than the terrible shout which the Trojans and Achaeans raised as they sprang upon one another.


Scholars call these tall, lean darkspawn the sharlock, though they are more popularly known as shrieks because of the ear-splitting cries they emit in battle.


This is Howling Fjord, one of two landing zones available for level 70 players to enter Northrend.


A Venetian gondolier's song with a rhythm suggestive of rowing.


The wind began to sing again that same terrible song, keening, wailing in despair, shrieking in anguished torment.


Sharp squealing noise is a kind of high frequency noise generated from the contact between wheel and rail.


NPC Transportation LocationsHorde:Undercity to Vengeance LandingOrgrimmar to Warsong HoldAlliance:Menethil Harbor to ValgardeTheramore Valiance Keep Borean Tundra


Transportation between Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra can be found at the Tuskarr villages in those zones.


When he looked upon the plain of Troy he marvelled at the many watchfires burning in front of Ilius, and at the sound of pipes and flutes and of the hum of men, but when presently he turned towards the ships and hosts of the Achaeans, he tore his hair by handfuls before Jove on high, and groaned aloud for the very disquietness of his soul.


The Queen can also lay a Shrieker, which is a small tower that does what its name implies: goes mental and starts shrieking when there are nearby enemy units.


更多网络解释与尖啸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

banshee alarm:尖啸警报

band clamp 带夹 | banshee alarm 尖啸警报 | bar 铁枝;杆;巴(压力量单位)

Howling Fjord:尖啸海湾

当您钓鱼技能356的时候,你就可以学习大专家级(Grand Master)的技能了 北风苔原(Borean Tundra),龙骨荒原(Dragonblight),灰熊丘陵(Grizzly Hills),尖啸海湾(Howling Fjord) 需要最低技能380.不跑杆的话需要475.

Howling Fjord:尖啸峡湾(美妙的苏格兰风琴)

Garden of life 花园生活 | Howling Fjord 尖啸峡湾(美妙的苏格兰风琴) | The Kalu'ak 卡鲁阿克(海象人声望)

Rockfin Grouper:北风苔原,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾,The Frozen Sea的沿海水域

Nettlefish:肖拉查盆地的内陆水域 | Pygmy Suckerfish:诺森德的所有内陆水域.是种伴生鱼 | Rockfin Grouper:北风苔原,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾,The Frozen Sea的沿海水域

Fangtooth Herring:灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的内陆水域

Dragonfin Angelfish:北风苔原,龙骨荒原的内陆水域 | Fangtooth Herring:灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的内陆水域 | Glacial Salmon:灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的内陆水域

Fangtooth Herring:灰熊丘浙江移动充值卡陵,尖啸海湾的内陆水域

Dragonfin Angelfish:北风苔原,龙骨荒原的内陆水域 | Fangtooth Herring:灰熊丘浙江移动充值卡陵,尖啸海湾的内陆水域 | Glacial Salmon:灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的内陆水域

Fangtooth Herring:灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的内zul bug陆水域

Dragonfin Angelfish:北风苔原,龙骨荒原的内陆水域 | Fangtooth Herring:灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的内zul bug陆水域 | Glacial Salmon:灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的内陆水域

Bonescale Snapper:北风苔原,晶歌森林,达拉然,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的内陆水域

Barrelhead Goby:肖拉查盆地的内陆水域. | Bonescale Snapper:北风苔原,晶歌森林,达拉然,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的内陆水域 | Borean Man O' War:北风苔原,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的沿海水域

Bonescale Snapper:北风苔原,晶歌森林,达拉然,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的传世月光宝盒内陆水域

Barrelhead Goby:肖拉查盆地的内陆水域. | Bonescale Snapper:北风苔原,晶歌森林,达拉然,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的传世月光宝盒内陆水域 | Borean Man O' War:北风苔原,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的沿海水域

Bonescale Snapper:北风苔原,晶歌森林,达拉然,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的wow盗贼之神内陆水域

Barrelhead Goby:肖拉查盆地的内wow战场挂机陆水... | Bonescale Snapper:北风苔原,晶歌森林,达拉然,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的wow盗贼之神内陆水域 | Borean Man O' War:北风苔原,龙骨荒原,灰熊丘陵,尖啸海湾的沿...