英语人>词典>汉英 : 小麦田 的英文翻译,例句
小麦田 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Littleseed canary grass is a major weed in wheat field particularly in the rice-wheat cropping system.


The convention included former President Bill Clinton and what the organizers called the world's largest indoor cornfield.


Weekly observation in a wheat field might give the following observations on stem rust during the course of an epidemic .


In 1995-1996, field trials with herbicides to control weeds in rice stubble wheat field were carried out.


Rice stubble wheat field ; herbicide ; weed ; control.


The results showed that Sigma Broad had a good control of Veronica didyma, Avena fatra, Vicia sativa, Galium aparine.and Rorippa indica., more significant in term of fresh weight control and the inhibition rate of weed height despite less weed control in term of plant number,which maintained a certain number of weeds,due to delayed use.


After fleeing this crazy school, he has not gone home, but loafs in the society, dispirited liquor Pakistan, is indifferent the person audiences, incur the prostitute for the youth electricity ladder work wool Reese, greedy, the miserly dissolute prostitute, on the one hand the vanity girlfriend and on the other hand his appointment is enticing other boy, the morbid state homosexuality, all has contacted the human and the society are like this degenerations, abominable, but is not that red hunter hat screen eyes can be able to resist, his heart is confused, puzzled, his ideal, his faith all collapses him is wanted to commit suicide, wants to flee, isHis sister's lovable younger sister Philippines compared to, this lovable warm little girl is angry when will use the pillow to cover the forehead, will also be angry in sidewalk's another end while actually uses the eye to care about the human secretly, when she knew when elder brother wants to fly from one's home, she took up the cloth wrapper to bravely accompany elder brother to leave together touches him to look forward to that the happy courage, let the leading character yearn for the plain wheat field, made a wheat field the towerman, static waited for all happy things.


The field of wheat rippled in the breeze.


To the west of the building is a chicken house and to the east is a garage.


The rolling hills were filled with wheat and orchards and dotted with small family farmhouses.


更多网络解释与小麦田相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cornetite /蓝磷铜矿/ | cornettist /小铜喇吹奏者/ | cornfield /麦田/稻田/玉蜀黍田/

corneum:角质层 (名)

cornetist 小铜喇叭吹奏者 (名) | corneum 角质层 (名) | cornfield 麦田, 玉蜀黍田, 稻田 (名)

cornfield meet:列车的正面相撞

cornfed | 看来营养健康而带土气的 | cornfield meet | 列车的正面相撞 | cornfield | 玉米田, 小麦田

A Duo:阿朵

吴彦祖广邀圈中好友杨千嬅、冯德伦、二十...锦合之和比 ...阿朵(a duo)露小蛮腰 近日,太合麦田旗下艺人黄征和雹朵拍摄了一组以"南非激情夏日足球"为主题的宣传照片.


关于"驯养"(tame)的理论,是残酷的,当狐狸平静的给小王子讲这一套理论的时候. 需要爱,需要被驯养,那几乎是哀求的语气. 金黄的麦田不再一样,是因为像小王子金色的发. 这是爱情的本质吗?互相驯养?

prairie: a wide treeless grassy plain:(名)大草原

He pinched the fruit to see if it was soft.他捏着水果看是否它是软的. | 8.prairie: a wide treeless grassy plain(名)大草原 | The prairie was ideal for growing wheat.大草原是理想的小麦田.

wheat mosaic virus:小麦簇生病

wheat mildew ==> 小麦霉 | wheat mosaic virus ==> 小麦簇生病 | wheat paddock ==> 小麦田

Catcher in the Rye:麦田守望者

结果发现男性和女性读者对于小说的看法存在着巨大差别:对男性来说意义重大的小说往往都此次接受调查的男性中有许多人的职业与文学有关,他们提得最多的小说是阿尔伯特.加缪的<<局外人>>(The Outsider),其次则是塞林格的<<麦田守望者>>(Catcher in the Rye)以及库尔特.冯内果(Kurt Vonnegut,