英语人>词典>汉英 : 小麦 的英文翻译,例句
小麦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
wheat  ·  wheats  ·  frumentum

triticum aestivum · fructus tritici
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Discussions are given of the fate of Ms2 during translocation in the hexoploid triticale, the exchange of the names for 4A and 4B chromosomes in common wheat and the possible expoitation of the new locus Ms2 (4BS), and the following speculations are made: In geneic genes of allopolyploid organisms the donor chromosomes tend to be intergenomically translocated to their phylogically and evolutionarily close chromosomes with the same order number and the same arm; it is cofirmed that the 7th International Conference of Wheat Genetics was right to exchange the names between chromosomes 4A and 4B of common wheat in 1988; and as a new genetic marker and a breeding tool for all the chromosome B-carrying species in the tribe of Tritceae, Ms2 (4BS) may have wide application in building and expanding the gene pool of germplasm resources of various species of wheat.

对 Ms2基因在六倍体小黑麦与原太谷核不育小麦远缘杂交中易位时的走向,普通小麦4A与4B染色体的互换更名以及 Ms2(4BS)新位点的开发利用进行了讨论:认为异源多倍体生物核基因的组间易位倾向于从供体染色体向进化亲缘关系较密切,且染色体序数与染色体臂相同的部分同源染色体易位;1988年第7届国际小麦遗传学会对普通小麦4A与4B染色体的互换更名是正确的; Ms2(4BS)作为一个新型的遗传标记,作为小麦族内所有携带B染色体组的物种的育种工具和在拓建各类小麦种质资源的基因库等方面均有广泛的用途。

Tibetanum were more abundant, which can be used to broaden the genetic basis of common wheat. Cluster analysis exhibited that wild emmer had a closer consanguine relationship to hexaploid wheat, as compared to Aegilops tauschi. In addition, it was found that there was a closer genetic relationship in chloroplast genome of common wheat and T. petropavlavskyi, which indicated that T. petropavlavskyi probably derived from the backcross between common wheat and Polish wheat.


The behavior of resistance of the most common Italian durum and bread wheat (80 and 73 cultivars, respectively) to wheat powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici) tested in the fields from 1992 to 1996, was reported. The experiments of adult resistance of these cultivars were conducted annually in about 13 different cereal growing areas.


Reaction of 24 Einkorn accessions to mixed inoculum of powdery mildew and stripe rust,and two T.urartu accessions UR204,UR206 and a T.monococcum accession MO205 were used for reaction to a set of 15 differential Blumeria graminis tritici isolates and 21 differential Puccinia striiformis isolates,respectively.Among them,UR206 was resistant to all 15 isolates,UR204 was resistant to 14 isolates except E11,and MO205 showed different resistant types.The results indicated that most likely UR206 and UR204 carried new powdery mildew resistance genes that were different from 18 known Pm genes and MO205 carried new stripe rust gene that were different from 24 known Yr genes.


The genetic variation of chloroplast genome in spelt and T. tibetanum was more abundant than that in common wheat and there were closer genetic relationships between common wheat and T. petropavlavskyi and between hexaploid wheat and emmer.


To improve the yield and quality of wheat is an important project to breeder with genetic method. Wild emmer (Triticum. Dicoccoides Kom), as a close species to common wheat, has many good characteristics which can be used to improve common wheat (. T. aestivum L) and is precious material in wheat evalution.

野生二粒小麦(Triticum.dicoccoides Kom)作为与普通小麦(T.aestivum L)亲缘关系较近的一个种,具有许多优良的特性,在小麦的遗传改良中占据着重要的位置,同时,野生二粒小麦是也是研究普通小麦遗传进化的珍贵材料本研究运用SSR分子标记方法对野生二粒小麦与普通小麦的A、B染色体组的同源性进行研究;同时,为了探讨野生二粒小麦的耐盐性能否应用在普通小麦的遗传改良中,采用水培法对从以色列引进的93份野生二粒小麦的耐盐性进行了初步探讨,为普通小麦的遗传改良提供实验依据。

In order to find out completely the soil-wheat contaiminated by heavy metals in Tianjin sewage farm, we collect samples on the dry land and examinate contents of heavy metals in soil-wheat system. Firstly, the anthor evaluates that soil irrigated by sewage that has been contaminated slightly, the main polluting factors are Cd and Zn, and then the anthor evaluates soil according to different regions, soil types and irrigating water. Secondly, the anthor analyzes content and enrichment ability of heavy metals in different part of wheat, evaluates wheat is contaiminated by Cd widespreadly, only few samples polluted by Zn.Finally the anthor put up correlative analysis about heavy metal contents in the soil-wheat system, as well as plant enrichment coefficient and some physico-chemical properties of soil, and establishes a prognostic model about heavy metal content among wheat spike, soil, soil types, PH, organic matter and salinity with the quantifying theory.The prognostic accuracy of primarily contaminative factors is the best with compound correlative coefficient examining, the model can be founded.With improvement of living level, people need cleaner food.


3During 15 to 30 days after anthesis,the CHL content of the wheat flagleaf decrease promptly,and there are significant differences between CTW and WTW.Thedecreasing rates of the CHL of CTW are lower than that of WTW.Similar results are foundin the WSP content of flag leaf.The MDA content of the wheat flag leaf increase exponen-tially along with the DAA.


Other three alien translocation lines referring to chromosome Lr.14 of L.racemosus were also induced via irradiated pollens.After irradiated by gamma raysof 1KR does,the pollens of T.aestivum-L.racemosus Lr.14 disomic addition lineswere used to pollinate wheat varieties"Yangmai No.5"and"Mianyang No.11".M1plants have pairing between wheat chromosomes and Lr.14 ofL.racemosus at PMCMI stage were self-pollinated,and the M2 seeds used to be Giemsa C-banded andfluorescence in situ hybridized.As the result,three alien translocation lines wereobtained and T12 was observed to have distal translocation chromosomes betweenLr.14S and a wheat chromosome segment(TW-Lr.14S·Lr.14L).T13 wasidentified to contain mostly-alien-translocation chromosome(TLr.14L·Lr.14S-W).T14 was proved to contain a translocation between Lr.14L and 6BS,with approximatebreakpoint at 6BS2.2 region, FL0.22 in the short arm of chromosome T6BL.6BS-Lr.14L.

用普通小麦-大赖草Lr.14二体异附加系经辐射处理过的花粉给扬麦5号和绵阳11号授粉,M1代植株进行PMC MI染色体配对分析和Giemsa C-分带,选出PMCMI小麦和大赖草染色体发生配对的植株进行自交,M2代经RTC M期染色体C-分带和原位杂交,鉴定出3个小麦-大赖草易位系,其中T12为由Lr.14大部分和一个小麦染色体片段组成的易位染色体(TLr.14L·Lr.14S-W);T13含由Lr.14染色体绝大部分与小麦染色体的一个小片段组成的易位染色体(TLr.14L·Lr.14S-W);T14易位系的染色体易位发生在小麦6BS2.2区和大赖草Lr.14L之间,易位断点在T6BL·6BS-Lr.14L易位染色体的FL0.22附近。

The resistance mechanism of wheat to insects includes tolerance, nonpreference and antibiosis. The dissertation investigates the wheat mechanism, indicators and standard of resistance to aphid and analyses the relation between four kinds of second substance and the wheat resistance to aphid and research the effect of wheat varieties on carboxylesterase and glutathione-s-transferase according to the tests of three mechanism, the content of second substance and the activity of relative detoxification enzyme.


更多网络解释与小麦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

durum wheat:硬粒小麦

世界上所生产和出口的小麦约95%是属于普通小麦,另5%为硬粒小麦(Durum Wheat)而普通小麦中的商品小麦(Market Class of Common Wheat )则是以硬度(Hardness)及其所反映出的用途作为分类的依据,分成为两大类,一为硬质小麦,一为软质小麦,

Triticum durum:{硬粒小麦}

贵农22号是利用簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa)、硬粒小麦(Triticum durum)及普通小麦(Triticum.aestuvum)杂交而育成的普通小麦品种,其抗中国目前流行和出现的条锈菌小种,已成为目前重要的抗小麦条锈病抗源.为了明确该品种抗锈遗传规律并进行应用前景评价,


二粒小麦(emmer)定义 小麦属四倍体种,包括野生二粒小麦(Triticum dicoccoides Korn)和栽培二粒小麦Triticum dicoccum Schuebl.. 染色体数2n=4x=28,染色体组型为AABB. 穗扁平,每小穗结实2粒,穗轴易断,籽粒带皮(稃).


triterpenoid 三萜系化合物 | triticale 黑小麦(一种饲用小麦与黑麦的杂交种) | triticin 小麦糖(小麦中的果糖型多糖)

wheat stripe rust:小麦条锈病

小麦条锈病(wheat stripe rust)是小麦生产上的重要真菌病害之一,在世界各麦区均有发生. 中国是世界上最大的小麦条锈病流行区,也是一个相对独立的条锈菌流行区系. 条锈病的流行常给我国小麦生产造成十分重大的损失.

wheat flour:小麦面粉

A: 是,这些面粉都是"小麦面粉"(wheat flour). 不同品种的小麦胚乳中的筋度不同,在美国大致可以分为"高筋度硬小麦"(hard wheat)和"低筋度软小麦"(soft wheat),顾名思义,"高筋度硬小麦"(hard wheat)的胚乳中筋度高,

Triticum pyramidale Khihi;Egyptian cone wheat;T.durum Desf.grex duro-compactum var:金字塔形穗小麦

波兰小麦;长颖小麦 Triticum polonicum L.Poli... | 金字塔形穗小麦 Triticum pyramidale Khihi;Egyptian cone wheat;T.durum Desf.grex duro-compactum var. | 斯卑尔脱小麦 Triticum spelta L.;common spelt wheat;...


triticale 黑小麦(一种饲用小麦与黑麦的杂交种) | triticin 小麦糖(小麦中的果糖型多糖) | tritisporin 三孢素

Triticum spelta L.;common spelt wheat;dinkel wheat:斯卑尔脱小麦

金字塔形穗小麦 Triticum pyramidale Khihi;Egyptian cone wheat;T.durum Desf.gre... | 斯卑尔脱小麦 Triticum spelta L.;common spelt wheat;dinkel wheat | 印度矮小麦;印度小麦 Triticum sphaerocsccum Perc.;Ind...

Triticum aegilopoides Bal.;T.boeoticum Boiss:野生一粒小麦

阿比西尼亚小麦 Triticum abyssinicum Vav. | 野生一粒小麦 Triticum aegilopoides Bal.;T.boeoticum Boiss. | 普通小麦;面包小麦 Triticum aestivum L.;T.vulgare Vill;bread wheat;common wheat