英语人>词典>汉英 : 小鳞部 的英文翻译,例句
小鳞部 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The caducous shoots have bud scales at the base, but these are lost soon after the branchlets develop.


Lower jaw with 4-5 large sharp rays. Rear edge of gill cover has two flat sharp spines on each side. Scales round and small. Body brownish yellow, very shiny with irregularly placed coloured spots. Normally black or dark grey stripes from the lips through the eyes above the lateral but along the dorsal line.


Configuration feature: Constant green small tree, gao Keda 8m, bark brown gray, crack, branch is arranged loose, ramose from bottom to top gradually short, establish body tower look, big branch up or bend downward slightly, rod is long and straight, up extend, 4 arris form, close top shows a circle, it is scale leaf completely, scale leaf hands in each other opposite on rod, clingy rod, see 3 impeller are unripe occasionally, scale leaf grows 1.5-3.5mm, pointed or tip acute is blunt, small incurvate, without candle pink, have gland system, gland body is elliptic, be located in a leaf back radical ministry, individual plant of different of male and female, rare with individual plant.

科 属:柏科。圆柏属。形态特征:常绿小乔木,高可达8m,树皮褐灰色,条裂,枝条排列疏松,分枝自下而上渐短,树体塔形,大枝向上或略向下弯曲,小枝长而直,向上伸展,四棱形,近顶端呈圆形,全为鳞叶,鳞叶在小枝上交互对生,紧贴小枝,偶见三叶轮生,鳞叶长1.5-3.5mm,先端锐尖或钝,微内曲,无蜡粉,有腺体,腺体椭圆形,位于叶背基部,雌雄异株,稀同株。

Inflorescences aggregations of sessile florets in spikelets or pseudospikelets, branching absent to compound, bracteate or ebracteate; spikelets prophyllate or not, glumes often poorly distinguished from basal bracts and lemmas, not subtending viable buds or branches, or in pseudospikelets subtending axillary buds capable of partial or extensive spikelet ramification; lodicules absent to very many, usually 3, usually ciliate, veined, posterior lodicule usually narrower than anterior pair.


Seed cones 5-10(-12) cm, often a few basal cones persistent; umbo slightly projecting, ending in a straight, minute prickle; needles (2 or)3(-5) per bundle

球果5-10(-12)厘米,通常一些基部孢子叶球宿存;凸出的鳞脐稍,结束在一直,小皮刺;针叶(2或)每包3(-5) 16 Pinus caribaea 加勒比松

Bud scales at base of branchlets appressed; 1st-year branchlets glabrous.

小枝的芽鳞在基部贴伏;第1 年的小枝无毛。

Glumes (1–)3(–5), transitional with basal, sterile lemmas; lemma 7- to many veined, abaxially commonly puberulent and with distinct tessellation, adaxially slightly scabrous with minute setulae, apex acuminate with an awnlike point; palea conspicuously smaller than lemma or equaling in length but much narrower in upper florets, abaxially minutely setulate, 2-keeled, 2–4-veined between and beside keels, apex obtuse or emarginate; lodicules 3, membranous with thickened lower portion, 5–7-veined, margins ciliate, anterior pair of lodicules usually asymmetrical.


Leaves ascending on upper side of branchlets, pectinately arranged in 2 lateral sets on lower side, dark green and bright adaxially, oblanceolate-linear, flattened, 1-2.3 cm × 2-2.5 mm, stomatal lines in 2 white bands abaxially, resin canals 2, median, apex obtuse or emarginate. Seed cones dark purple or blue-black, oblong or cylindric-ovoid, ca. 7 × 3.5-4 cm. Seed scales flabellate-trapeziform, 1.6-2 × 1.6-2.2 cm, base stalked.

在小枝的上面边上上升的叶,侧在2安排的pectinately 确定在下部边,正面深绿色和鲜艳,倒披针形线形,扁平,1-2.3厘米×2-2.5毫米,球果深紫色或蓝色黑色,长圆形或者卵形体,约 7 * 3.5-4 厘米种鳞扇形梯形, 1.6-2 * 1.6-2.2 厘米,基部柄。

Plants with scaly buds at the base; spikelets 4–13 mm, 6–24-flowered

在基部的植株具有鳞的芽;小穗4-13毫米,6-24花 32

更多网络解释与小鳞部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




scutellarin /野黄芩甙/ | scutellate /有小盾板的/盾形的/小盆状的/ | scutellum /小盾板/角质鳞片/小鳞部/


scutellum 小鳞部 | scutellum 角质鳞片 | scutescutum 鳞甲


scutellum /小盾板/角质鳞片/小鳞部/ | scutter /疾走/赶路/骤雨/ | scuttlebutt /引水的容器/清水桶/闲话/

basal spikelet:基部小穗

basal slip 底面滑移 | basal spikelet 基部小穗 | basal squamous acanthoma 基底鳞状细胞棘皮瘤

basal squamous acanthoma:基底鳞状细胞棘皮瘤

basal spikelet 基部小穗 | basal squamous acanthoma 基底鳞状细胞棘皮瘤 | basal stem rot 基腐病


1.杉木属(Cunninghamia)常绿乔木. 叶条状披针形,边缘有锯齿,螺旋状着生,叶的上、下两面均有气孔线. 苞鳞与珠鳞的下部合生,螺旋状排列,苞鳞大,边缘有不规则细锯齿,珠鳞小,先端3裂,腹面基部生3枚胚珠. 球果近球形或卵圆形,种子两侧具窄翅.

tendinous part of epicranius muscle:颅顶肌腱部,帽状腱膜:同

tabular part of occipital bone 枕骨板部,枕鳞:同squ... | tendinous part of epicranius muscle 颅顶肌腱部,帽状腱膜:同galea aponeurotica | third part of quadriceps femoris muscle 股四头肌第三部,小收肌:同mu...




(1)形态 松科(Pinaceae)云杉属(Picea)常绿乔木(彩图1),别名白松;高可达35m,胸径80em.树冠尖塔形,树形优美. 大枝轮生,斜伸或平展:小枝上有明显的木针状叶枕;1年生枝挟红褐色,无毛或有较密的短柔毛;小枝基部宿存芽鳞,先端反卷.