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小骨的 的英文翻译、例句


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The results also indicate that, for murine femora, the scan setup can impact densitometry measurements for both cortical and trabecular bone and morphologic measurements of trabecular bone.


Histological observation: Four weeks after implantation, porcine cancellous bone scaffold/bone marrow stromal cells complex appeared new bone formation and scaffold's degradation, which significantly increased in 8 weeks; In 12 weeks, new bone continued to increase and changed gradually to mature bone, a small amount of the Havers system was seen, the trabecular bone was not typical, capillary proliferated obviously, few residual scaffolds were seen, and no inflammatory cells were observed.


Three small bones in the middle ear: malleus, incus, and stapes.


The SSD of ossicles showed the malleus, incus, stapes, malleoincudial joint, and incuostapedial joint clearly.

结果 高分辨率CT清晰地显示了耳部微小病灶,明确了病变范围与周围结构的关系,听小骨的SSD对锤骨、砧骨、橙骨、锤砧关节、砧镫关节的显示有着极高的逼真性,颞骨矢状斜位极好地显示了面神经的破坏部位,为临床制定手术方案提供了有力的影像学依据。

Results HRCT findings of 45 cases of chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma included abnormal soft-tissue mass shadows in tympanic cavity of middle ear,sclerotic mastoid were observed in most cases, and bone changes including enlargment of the tympanic cavity with sclerotic border, the dislocation and destruction of the ossicles.The sigmoid sinus plate,tympanic tegmen, semicircular canal and facial nerve canal were destroyed in severe cases.

结果 胆脂瘤型慢性中耳炎患者HRCT表现:①45例均见中耳腔内团块状软组织影;②40例为硬化型乳突(88.9%);③骨质改变包括中耳腔扩大和周缘骨质硬化、听小骨的移位、破坏、乳突骨质的破坏,严重者可伴有乙状窦壁、鼓室盖、面神经管及半规管的破坏。

The trabecularism is important necrosis diagnosis. Medical specialists are interested in the improvement of minutia detection by image enhancement method of high-pass. The new fast high-pass filter can enhance the trabecularism in clinical applications. Its fast characteristic is helpful in clinic, and it performs better than Butterworth filter method does for image enhancement in clinical applications.


We successfully managed two patients with I-S joint separation resulting from head injury through exploratory tympanotomy with ossiculoplasty within the recent 2 years. Both were young females who had sustained head injury resulting from traffic accident with the sequelae of persistent hearing impairment. They both gained significant hearing improvement postoperatively.


Methods 21 cases with suspicioned avulsion fracture of articular portion of tubular bone were reviewed. The cortical continuity of separate small bone and contiguous bone portion was investigated. The swell of soft tissue around these small bones was observed simultaneously.


Pertaining to the ossicles in the middle ear .


Objective:To observe the morphology of eroded auditory ossicles obtained in middle ear surgery for cholesteatoma and to investigate the mechanism of bone erosion in cholesteatoma.


更多网络解释与小骨的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


capitellate | 小头的, 具小头的 | capitellum | (骨的)小头 | capitiform | 头形


中耳的锤骨(hammer bone)、砧骨(anvil bone ) 和镫骨(stirrup bone)总称为听小骨(ossicle),它们排列成一个听骨链杠杆系统. 从较大的耳膜到小得多的镫骨,都能产生振动能量. 振动能量与听骨链杠杆系统的杠杆能力相结合,


bone tissue 骨组织 | bonelet 小骨 | bony 骨的

capitellate:小头的, 具小头的

capitation | 人头税, 按人收费 | capitellate | 小头的, 具小头的 | capitellum | (骨的)小头


microscler 长形的 | microsclere 小骨片 | microsclerotium 小菌核

Panner's disease Panner:病:肱骨小头的骨软骨病

Otto's disease Otto病:髓臼骨关节突出或关节内陷 | Panner's disease Panner病:肱骨小头的骨软骨病 | parenchymatous disease 实质病:侵犯器官实质的疾病


tarsal /踝眼骨的/跗骨的/眼睑软骨的/ | tarsale /跗小骨/ | tarsectopia /跗骨脱位/


teh-o 不加牛奶的茶 | tikka 将小块的肉或鱼去骨,佐以洋葱 | won ton mee 鸡汤或牛肉汤


最后一种皮内成骨,主要由名为小骨(Ossicles)的小型骨质块所构成,可能散布者身体表面. 数根肋骨上附著者这些小型骨质块. 南极甲龙与结节龙科有数个共同特征,主要在于牙齿与骨板;尾巴似乎有骨槌,这点类似甲龙科. 这些混合的特征,

auditory ossicles:听小骨

1、解剖牛眼示教眼球壁的层次及眼球内容物;观察屈光装置,重点是晶状体、玻璃体、睫状小带(suspensory ligaments)、视神经盘(optic disc)、黄斑(macula lutea)3、示教听小骨(auditory ossicles)的组成和关连.