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- 小飞机场
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- 由飞机投下的一种小钢矛
- 更多网络例句与小飞机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
B: This is my little airplane!
I'm a little airplane, flying in the sky
I'm a little airplane, flying in the sky.
Small airplane lands on a very small, very dry airstrip with nothing but an Airstream trailer.
With the carbon wind strapping to his back, Rossy had leapt out of a small plane at an altitude of 2500 metre over the French coast before jetting off at speeds of morethan 200 kilometre per hour .
The "taxi" is a small Swiss aeroplane called a"Pilatus Porter".
Hours in the small plane, it really hurt because the plane is so small, we could not move around.
My blue train ;My red plane ;My green ball;My pink car ;My yellow star .
The "taxi" is a small Swiss aeroplane called a"Pilatus Porter".
The "taxi" is a small Swiss aeroplane called a"Pilatus Porter".
- 更多网络解释与小飞机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
By Airplane or by Bird:坐飞机还是坐小乌
8.For an Excuse找借口 | 9.By Airplane or by Bird坐飞机还是坐小乌 | 10.A Difficult Problem难题
飞机(Planes) Andromada 仙女座大型运输机 仿的是美国的C-17环球霸王战略运输机. 体积很大,比AT-400稍小,有四个喷气式引擎. SA中有一个任务中(Stowaway)间谍开的飞机就是它,你必须骑摩托车追上飞机,并冲进机舱内.
Remote sensor boosters:遥控传感增强器 (提升目标船只的锁敌范围,可控制自己的小飞机)
┗Passive Targeting systems (被动锁定系统,在锁定对方后,对方那边无任何系统警... | ┗Remote sensor boosters遥控传感增强器 (提升目标船只的锁敌范围,可控制自己的小飞机) | ┗Sensor booster 传感增强器 (大幅提高你...
Small aircraft have such a poor safety record:小飞机事故率一直挺高
That's being handled. He's on vacation.|我们处理好了... | Small aircraft have such a poor safety record.|小飞机事故率一直挺高 | But what about the whole cover story that it's a bodyguard?|你不觉得这事编...
6510应该是翼梢小翼(winglet)受损,而不是副翼(aileron). 还没有听说过飞机拆了副翼还能飞的. 6510应该是翼梢小翼(winglet)受损,而不是副翼(aileron). 还没有听说过飞机拆了副翼还能飞的.
combat drones:(战斗雄蜂,作战攻击小飞机)
┡Drones 雄蜂 (电子雄蜂) | ┡combat drones (战斗雄蜂,作战攻击小飞机) | ┡mining drones (挖矿雄峰,适合老矿工用,需要花费时间学技能,效果提升比较明显)
combat drones:(战斗雄蜂,作战进犯小飞机)
┡Drones 雄蜂 (电子雄蜂) | ┡combat drones (战斗雄蜂,作战进犯小飞机) | ┡mining drones (挖矿雄峰,合适老矿工用,需要花消耗时间间学技术,成效提升比较较着)
Ships, Small Craft, Pontoons, and Floating Docks:船, 小飞机,浮动船坞
1860 Space survival eq 太空生存设备 | 19 - Ships, Small Craft, Pontoons, and Floating Docks船, 小飞机,浮动船坞 | 1901 Aircraft carriers 航空母舰
Ships, Small Craft, Pontoons, and Floating Docks:船, 小飞机、浮动船坞
1860 Space survival eq 太空生存设备 | 19 - Ships, Small Craft, Pontoons, and Floating Docks船, 小飞机、浮动船坞 | 1901 Aircraft carriers 航空母舰
scheduled services;nonscheduled.,or charter services;and air taxi services:定期客运服务;不定期客运或包机服务;出租飞机(短途小飞机)服务
Majorca 马霍卡岛(西班牙) | scheduled services;nonscheduled.,or charter services;and air taxi services 定期客运服务;不定期客运或包机服务;出租飞机(短途小飞机)服务 | Air France 法国航空公司