英语人>词典>汉英 : 小陪审团 的英文翻译,例句
小陪审团 的英文翻译、例句


petit jury · petty jury · traverse jury
更多网络例句与小陪审团相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It differs from the trail or petit jury in that it does not decide questions of guilt or innocence.


A grand jury is bigger than a petit jury.


The powers and functions of the federal grand jury differ from those of the federal trial jury, which is called the petit jury.


The second type of jury is the grand jury ,It differs form the trial or petit jury in that it does not decide questions of guilt or innocence .


It exists in England in criminal cases , but in only a few types of civil cases . IN civil –law countries it is not used in civil cases at all .although in some civil-law countries a petit jury is occasionally used in criminal cases


The jury trial finds expression in the American legal system in three places: the grand jury, the criminal petit jury, and civil petit jury.


The jury trial finds expression_r in the American legal system in three places: the grand jury, the criminal petit jury, and civil petit jury.


Historically, jury of Anglo-Britain is the source of modern jury system, which comprises two branches: grand jury and petit jury, or presentment jury and trial jury.


No person engaged in the work of, or connected with, or employed by any newspaper or any press association for the purpose of gathering, procuring, compiling, editing, disseminating, or publishing news shall be required to disclose the source of any information procured or obtained by such person in the course of his employment, in any legal proceeding, trial, or investigation before any court, grand jury, petit jury, or any officer thereof, before the presiding officer of any tribunal, or his agent, or before any commission, department, division, or bureau of this state, or before any county or municipal body, officer or committee thereof.


The two types of juries are petit and grand.


更多网络解释与小陪审团相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

petty larceny:小窃盗罪

petty jury 小陪审团 | petty larceny 小窃盗罪 | petty officer 士官

petit jury:小陪审团

后来在13世纪还设立了12人组成的小陪审团(petit jury),参加案件的审议和审判,也称审判陪审团. 每年王室法官判定的案件都记录在案,作为以后判定类似案件的依据,这样王 室的法律就替代了封建法律,以判例为基础的王室法律就被称为"普通法",

petty jury:小陪审团

其后,发展出审判陪审的制度,亦即小陪审团(petty jury). 惟告发者兼审判者,其审判之客观性不免遭受质疑,於西元1352年规定告发者不得成爲审判者. 此时,陪审员已从原先的证人身份转化而成爲审判者之角色,真正奠下现今陪审制度的基本型态.

Trial Balloon:测验风速或气流的气球; 试探舆论的行动或声明等

trial balance 试算表 | trial balloon 测验风速或气流的气球; 试探舆论的行动或声明等 | trial jury 小陪审团

trial jury:小陪审团

大陪审团(GrandJury)的任务是初审,小陪审团(Trial Jury)的任务是终审. 检察官先把案子呈送给大陪审团,如果陪审团认为此案值得过堂,就转给小陪审团,否则就把案子打回给检察官(检察官可以就此放弃,也可以加强证据后再来).

Petit bourgeois:小资产阶级女子

petiole 叶柄; 柄部 (名) | petit bourgeois 小资产阶级女子 | petit jury 小陪审团

bill of indictment:刑事起诉书,控告状

petit jury 小陪审团 | bill of indictment 刑事起诉书,控告状 | patent 专利