英语人>词典>汉英 : 小锯齿状的 的英文翻译,例句
小锯齿状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与小锯齿状的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Leaves 3 split or 3 deep crack length 8 to 12 cm, width 7 to 10 cm, serrated edges, flowers single, born in axilla, small bracts linear, at base of calyx Hopson.


Often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves.


Highly variable often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves.


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Finally, many tiny flakes were removed from the curved edge of the knife in order to give it a serrated edge.


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Leaf blade (1.5-)3.5-17 cm wide, margin crenate, crenulate, dentate, denticulate, or serrate, often repand, seldom subentire to entire.


Stipules green, falcate, rarely ovate or ovate-lanceolate, herbaceous, margin sharply serrate or lobed, rarely entire, apex acute or acuminate; petiole sparsely pilose or pubescent; leaf blade interrupted imparipinnate with (2 or)3 or 4 pairs of leaflets, reduced to 3 leaflets on upper leaves; leaflets sessile or shortly petiolulate, obovate, obovate-elliptic, or obovate-lanceolate, 1.5–5 × 1–2.5 cm, abaxially appressed pilose on veins, or densely pubescent or tomentose-pubescent between veins, rarely glabrescent, markedly or sparsely glandular punctate, adaxially pilose, or hirsute or hirtellous on veins, rarely glabrescent, base cuneate to broadly so, margin acutely to obtusely serrate, apex rounded to acute, rarely acuminate. Inflorescence terminal, spicate-racemose, branched or not; rachis pilose.

绿色,镰刀形的托叶,卵形或卵状披针形的很少,草本,边缘锐切成锯齿状或者有叶,很少全缘,先端锐尖或渐尖;叶柄疏生柔毛或短柔毛;叶片间断奇数羽状具(2或)3或4小叶,退化至3小叶在上部叶片上;短的小叶无柄或具小叶柄,倒卵形,倒卵状椭圆形,披针形或倒卵形, 1.5-5 * 1-2.5 厘米,背面的贴伏的具柔毛的在脉上,在脉之间的或密被短柔毛的或被绒毛的短柔毛,很少脱落无毛显著具点,正面具柔毛的或疏生腺体,或具粗毛或在脉上,很少脱落无毛,基部楔形到宽楔形,花序顶生,穗状总状,与否的分枝;轴具柔毛。

The result showed that the imbricative cuticle scales arranged irregularly with different distance and irregular orientation. There were overlapping of cuticle cells, smoothing of the zigzag appearance of their edges, local denudation and attached debris.


Leaf blade both surfaces puberulent, pubescent, and/or pilose, margin repand to crenate or denticulate, rarely dentate or serrate; bracts 0.6-4 X 0.4-2.7 cm.

两面叶片被微柔毛,短柔毛,和/或具柔毛,残波状的边缘对来说或具小齿,很少具牙齿或有锯齿;苞片0.6-4 X 0.4-2.7 厘米 90

更多网络解释与小锯齿状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


牙齿状(dentate) 叶缘缺刻明显,齿尖尖锐、两边基本相等,齿尖直向外方,如桑. 重锯齿状(double serrate) 锯齿的边缘又具更小锯齿,如华北珍珠梅[Sorbaria kirilowii (Regel.) Maxim.]. 纤毛状(ciliiform) 边缘有纤细睫毛状物外伸,

picture box:图片方块

1024 ×768. 在萤幕上画一条斜线,若萤幕的解析度较低时,萤幕上会出现锯齿状的线段;若解析度较高时,由於两点间距变小斜线会较平滑而无锯齿状. 1. 此属性只能应用於表单(Form)、图片方块(Picture Box)与印表机物件(Printer object) .

retina:[視]網膜= 視網膜

6.视网膜 视网膜(retina)通常指能感光的视部而言,它与盲部交界处呈锯齿状,称锯齿缘(ora serrata). 视网膜分为色素上皮层和神经部. 视杆细胞(rod cell):视杆细胞的胞体位于外核层的内侧份,细胞核较小,染色较深. 视杆分内节与外节两段,

retina:网膜 视网膜

6.视网膜 视网膜(retina)通常指能感光的视部而言,它与盲部交界处呈锯齿状,称锯齿缘(ora serrata). 视网膜分为色素上皮层和神经部. 视杆细胞(rod cell):视杆细胞的胞体位于外核层的内侧份,细胞核较小,染色较深. 视杆分内节与外节两段,


runcinate 锯齿状的 | rundle 梯级 | rundlet 小桶

serrated pliers:锯齿钳

serrated 锯齿状的 | serrated pliers 锯齿钳 | serrefine 小弹簧镊


serrodyne /线性调频转发器/ | serrulate /小锯齿状的/ | serrulated /小锯齿状的/


serrulate /小锯齿状的/ | serrulated /小锯齿状的/ | serum /血清/浆/

Caryota ochlandra:鱼尾葵

[摘要]鱼尾葵(Caryota ochlandra)为棕榈科鱼尾葵属常绿丛生小乔木. 茎杆竹节状具环状叶痕,叶片为二回羽状复叶,叶大粗壮,因其小叶先端呈不规则的锯齿状,形状极似"鱼尾"而得名. 鱼尾葵叶形奇特,叶色浓绿并富有光泽,羽片雅致,给人民端庄、文雅、清秀之美感.


"laciniate","laciniatus","浅裂的","lobed" | "laciniated",,"锯齿状的","dentate" | "lacinulate","lacinulatus","具小裂片&am