英语人>词典>汉英 : 小野兔 的英文翻译,例句
小野兔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与小野兔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among the most inviting is Le Boudin Blanc (5 Trebeck Street, 44-20-7499-3292), a bustling two-story French bistro with a menu heavy on traditional offerings — rabbit terrine, Dover sole, braised lamb shank — along with some unexpected touches, like ravioli stuffed with Devon crab on a bed of wilted spinach.

其中最吸引人的是白蜡肠餐厅(5 Trebeck Street, 44-20-7499-3292),。一个很热闹的法餐小酒馆,菜单非常传统——包括野兔砂锅,都花舌鳎。炖羊胫——有很多意想不到的烹调方法,比如水煮菠菜垫底的德文郡蟹肉馄饨。

He see a litter hare in the trap .


The little trembling hare had confined all the day to her lurking-place.


One by one, the small rabbits struggled out of the smoke-filled hole.


Small Australian wallaby that resembles a hare and has persistent teeth.


Any of several small,tailless,furry mammals of the genus Ochotona of the mountains of North America and Eurasia,resembling guinea pigs but belonging to the order of lagomorphs that includes the hare s and rabbits.


Any of several small,tailless, furry mammals of the genus Ochotona of the mountains of North America and Eurasia,resembling guinea pigs but belonging to the order of lagomorphs that includes the hares and rabbits.


Any of several small,tailless, furry mammals of the genus Ochotona of the mountains of North America and Eurasia,resembling guinea pigs but belonging to the order of lagomorphs that includes the hares and rabbits.


When a Bedlington gallops it is a truly wonderful sight to behold ...


I never knew what they did with Rob Roy,but it was all for one little hare.


更多网络解释与小野兔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


民窟-沙塔斯城小鹿(Fawn) 艾尔文森林青蛙(Frog) 玛拉顿 | 奴隶围栏 | 蒸汽地窖瞪羚(Gazelle) 贫瘠之地野兔(Hare) 杜隆塔尔鹦鹉(Parrot) 安戈洛环形山草原土拨鼠(Prairie Dog) 贫瘠之地 | 纳格兰 | 莫高雷 | 阿拉希高地 | 西部荒野兔子(Rabbit) 西泉要塞,



Harley:哈利, 英国, 到处是野兔的草原或小树林

Harlan 哈伦 条顿 来自寒冷的国度. | Harley 哈利 英国 到处是野兔的草原或小树林. | Harold 哈罗德 英国 领导者;作战勇猛.

Harley:英国 到处是野兔的草原或小树林

Harlan 条顿 来自寒冷的国度 | Harley 英国 到处是野兔的草原或小树林 | Harold 英国 领导者;作战勇猛


我们把野兔带回家(home),关在小笼子里. 这只野兔十分可爱. 可是,它在笼子里不吃也不喝,一点也不活泼. 我去问爸爸(father). 爸爸说:"野兔喜欢(like)自由自在的生活,你还是把它放了吧!"听了爸爸的话,我把野兔放了.


38. till: (商店)铁柜, 放钱的抽屉, 备用现金, 冰渍 | 48. leveret: (尤指未满周岁的)小野兔 | 49. flail: 连枷

leveret:小野兔 (名)

leverage 杠杆作用, 杠杆率, 杠杆装置 (名) | leveret 小野兔 (名) | Levi 李维 (名)


荷巴特动物种类不少,常见有[[小袋鼠]](Wallaby)、[[负鼠]](Possum)及[[野兔]],多数在傍晚和夜间在山间活动. 荷巴特夏季节庆是耶诞节后开始,直至一月中旬完结的饮食节目. 在[[撒拉曼卡]](Salamanca)举行的[[塔州之味]]是其主要节目之一,

Little Brown Bear:(小棕熊)

I Caught d Hare Alive(我抓到-只活蹦乱跳的野兔) | Little Brown Bear(小棕熊) | The Eensy Beensy Spider(小蜘蛛)

The Little Dog:小狗

鞋匠改行当医生/The Cobbler Turned Doctor | 小狗/The Little Dog | 狗和野兔/The Dog and the Hare