英语人>词典>汉英 : 小笑话 的英文翻译,例句
小笑话 的英文翻译、例句


laugh line
更多网络例句与小笑话相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If that were true, thought Third Fairy, she 'd never even be able to joke with Young Blacky again.


The company all laughed with delight, but Kelmeril Brin checked with the slave trader from whom he had bought Dob, and found that the story was true.


As we raised dust on the sealed road across the empty plain my Argentinian companion (her English-born mother named her Joanne) enjoyed a joke of her own composing.


Small WAV file manipulation routines, to try to resolve, please do not joke, if there are good suggestions please rumors.

详细说明: WAV文件操作小例程,初试牛刀,请不要笑话,如果有好的建议请流言。

Distinct curative effect9 see joke : Season of change garments according to the season , the son small rat of the son kitten of feline mom and rat mom suffers from went up grippe .


ABSTRACT :This design aims at its organization characteristics in analyzing a MMD double-roll crusher toothed falling in pieces the foundation of mechanism, making use of a trapezoid method to deduce a calculation should grow the crusher basic parameter to estimate formula.


Spring Festival Gala Cartoon Evening has chosen "Humor, Joy and Harmony" as the topic and "making the atmosphere of festival" as aim, we select originative cartoon, including all sorts such as crosstalk, short plays, songs and MTV, song and dance, amuse acrobatic, festival game, festival drama and so on. It will broadcast on Feb.


I always share some smallish jokes with my daughter.


In the course of my work, I once heard this little joke: A woman swathed in furs was pushing her teen-age son in a wheelchair.


I have me my summer vacation in a town last year.since whose are there.some of my relations,there have a good view for the mountain and river,I think it's a great place be to rest,one day when i ride my bike on the small path,this river catch my eye for very clearly but like very deeply,becauese i can't see the end of the water,then.some chap shouting make me look at,they catch a a short boy and thow he in the water with a heavily,waiting for a moment yet the boy not up the water,i'm very worry and jumping in the river,i want float out but some watergrass be enteine my leg and the body is deeper at every movey,i don't know past how long time,i feeling one small hand help me break up the watergrass and push me to the surface of the rive,after that i just kown they are hvae a playing who can sit in the swim and make a long time in deep water,but i want cry for the joking,becauese i couldn't swim but i have a forget.


更多网络解释与小笑话相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

watch bugs:观察小虫子

6. tell jokes 讲笑话 | 7. watch bugs 观察小虫子 | 8. week days 工作日

The cat goes fishing:小猫钓鱼

01 A joke from the forest 森林里的大笑话 | 02 The cat goes fishing 小猫钓鱼 | 03 The brave kiddies 勇敢的小羊们

laugh line:小笑话

小仙子们/good people | 小笑话/laugh line | 小心谨慎/kid gloves


遗孀退税,国税局竟问死期於亡者,赫然provide在焉,是由亡者供给(provide)死讯也. 小马哥别以为此系纯笑话,美国以价值7亿5千2百万美元的长程预警检测雷达给凯子是,以台湾海峡纵深太短,得知导弹来时,导弹已在台湾头顶上了,抢救不及,


遗孀退税,国税局竟问死期於亡者,赫然provide在焉,是由亡者供给(provide)死讯也. 小马哥别以为此系纯笑话,美国以价值7亿5千2百万美元的长程预警检测雷达给凯子是,以台湾海峡纵深太短,得知导弹来时,导弹已在台湾头顶上了,抢救不及,

Pussy Cat:小猫咪

酒足饭饱,跑到了"woodbine那个大beach"(我的笑点已经降低到这个水平-_-|),更不用说小猫咪(pussy cat)、bustard(鸨)和公共事务(public affair)这些一点都不A的A笑话了.


之后打开那个最差窗户一看,在玻璃和窗框(sash)之间本应装上橡胶垫起支持和缓冲作用,原来根本没有装. 简直是笑话!此等产品怎么能通过CSA认证呢,当时难以理解. 小师傅费全力在我帮了一把的情况下硬给塞入三块橡胶垫. 情况有所改善.


之后打开那个最差窗户一看,在玻璃和窗框(sash)之间本应装上橡胶垫起支持和缓冲作用,原来根本没有装. 简直是笑话!此等产品怎么能通过CSA认证呢,当时难以理解. 小师傅费全力在我帮了一把的情况下硬给塞入三块橡胶垫. 情况有所改善.


2.战斗中不要尽量不要伤jan太多,更不要砍倒jan抢他的东西,要不然,任务很容易就卡bug了,即便你放笑话(joke)魔法也是无效,他就是完全不理你. . . 我就是卡着呢. 小红宝石(small ruby)+5金块=20hp,3力量(str)戒指当然应该跟我力量(strength)低,剑术(sword)低有关系.

and dreamt she heard them bleating:和梦想,她听到了他们的哭诉

little bo-peep fell fast asleep, 小bo-peep睡着了, | and dreamt she heard them bleating; 和梦想,她听到了他们的哭诉; | but when she awoke, she found it a joke, 但是当她醒来时,她发现这是一个笑话,